Your Playstyle


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Hey guys! This thread is just to discuss your how your play field usually looks and to see if anyone has some sort of unique playstyle! My entire playstyle for my field is wack! I play lefty even though im a righty, my deck is east/west (I know its illegal, and I have no idea why though, but I still play it e/w, judges dont care), I have my prizes always 4-2, my deck is always at the edge of the playmat, and my discard is always higher then the bench, and I always attach energys under and to the right side of the pokemon with tools on top and to the left! I personally think its a weird style, and my friends (iis, roguechomp, yao, emmet, justintam, etc) all think im insane for my style. Let me know some weird things about your's to see if you can top me!
my playfield is always a mess, my deck is diagonal w/ the top towards my left(that's something i just started doing this year) and i generally play pretty quickly. in game i also play super conservative too.
I play rather slow due to the fact that im CONSTANTLY thinking every outcome of every move from me AND my opponent
I play pretty recklessly and it turns out well most of the time but it occasionally has its downsides. For example when I was playing in Regionals with Darkrai/Hydreigon I discarded all of my Hydreigons in the second turn and I won. My attitude during the game is usually very light and jokey in the beginning and a little more serious closer to the end. I like to joke around with my opponents because all Pokemon is about is having fun so...
Im always joking, and if there is a gamble i need to take, there is usually a 100% chance i take it
Deck at the bottom right
Discard right above that
Lost Zone sometimes above the discard, sometimes above the prizes
Prizes on the left side of the field
Bench usually 4-wide, with the 5th being placed a little below that and staggered

I'm a judge and a bit of a neat freak, so I always try to make my field look as tidy as possible, not only for my own reference, but also out of respect to my opponent. However, for some odd reason, for sleep and paralysis, I will turn the card 45 degrees in the appropriate direction, instead of 90. I'm not sure why.
I don't play slowly but I don't play fast either, and I always think my moves through. If I'm playing really slow, it's usually because I'm stumped on what to do or I'm feeling really panicky about my situation and am trying to find a way how, or if, I can recover.

I will not hesitate to take gambles if I think it will win me the game, but I want to make sure that if I fail I have something to fall back on...unless which case I would lose the game if my gamble doesn't pay off, in which case I will go all out. It's happened before, too - when playing DarMAXitan, I was 1 heads short of knocking out a Darkrai; I needed to KO it to take the game. I didn't, and as a result I lost.
Pretty conservative with resources. Midspeed, leaning quickly. Love mindgames lol.
My discard always stays at my upper right, and my deck is is on the left of the discard pile. I really like this so I can have space for all my 5 benched Pokémon (so I can keep my field very tidy, the energy aligned, the tool on the right place, etc.) and my prizes are at my left, being like 2-2-2 very spaced out so my opponent can see clearly how many prizes I have left.
I don't think I play either conservately or or if I usually take more risks; it depends on the situation, and I have to analyze it very well. Honestly, if I NEED to get something to keep me on the game I'll definitely take the risk. But if it's something like "having a Catcher would be nice, but I don't need it desperately" so I'm probably going to save my Juniper in case I get N'd. If the Pros outweighs the Cons (and I mean really outweigh), I might opt for the risk.
I think that I usually have [kind of] a Poker Face :p I definitely like mind games and I think I'm pretty good with them too :)
I have nothing unusual about my positioning of cards, but my actions can be weird. When I'm confident, I make decisions fast. Too fast. I always ask to take back a move I announce five seconds later, and sometimes that can cost me. When I'm stressed, I get silent. I completely stop talking. I also start to play pretty slowly.
I play very aggro and typically don't think which is something i need to learn how to do. as for my playfield i played gyarados for a while and therefore got used to having my discard in front of my deck.
I bend my cards a lot which several people have noticed. It drove a guy nuts when i asked to have a game where we switched decks.
I looooooove mind games. My favorite is building up my opponent. I'll say stuff like "Cool" or "That was a great choice!" When people make a play and the often ask to tak stuff back. I will also constantly smile and state at my opponent. I've had people yell at me before :p
I've been told I have an amazing poker face. And I know I make no noise regardless of if I'm happy, sad, frusterated or mad.

I use my Darkrai play mat in 99% of my games and keep my cards within the play mat's outlines. (pretty much: Prizes, deck and bench all where they should be) I actually used to play very messy until I met a lady with O.C.D. who had to have everything neat, tidy and straightly lined up.
Deck is middle right, discard right below that. It sometimes causes the bench to be cramped, but I don't mind. I tend to keep my field tidy and compact. My prizes are two horizontal lines of three, which is somewhat odd, but I like how it looks instead of two vertical lines.

During play, I think out my moves very carefully, and sometimes play extremely slow when I have a hard descision to make (just ask Glace lol). I once spent ten minutes deciding a single move after time had been called. Besides for those moments though, I play at a normal pace. I also shuffle my hand almost religiously to try to calm my nervousness. I tend to talk a LOT during games which also helps to calm myself down. I often have full conversations during matches (seriously, I hate when people in Masters just sit, stare at you, and say absolutely nothing.)
This is another question with the answer, "depends". I usually have a "Thinking" or "Mind grinding" look on my face, so I guess that's the same as a pokerface to me. Mind games are great, but it's a bit harder with the old deck I still play. (Reshiboar EX)
I do bluff a tad bit, but really only with situations involving N.
My field is always neat and organized as can be. Like DNA and his neatfreak kind of ways lol. It just helps me think a little better I guess...

I don't think my playstyle is unorthodox at all. I take some time to make up my mind when I have hard decisions to make but yeah.

dmaster out.
My field is usually pretty normal (prizes on the left, deck and discard on the right with the deck on top, etc), but it feels cramped. That might just be the decks I play though. I try to think out every move, but I definitely still make misplays, even if I already know what I want to do. I'm usually constantly looking through both discards, I check for one thing and then go back to look for another. I try to do mind games sometimes, usually it's just looking like I'm frustrated about my hand so they don't N me.
I usually stand up and start shaking, then play two supporters and get a game loss.
But besides that I keep my prizes on my left, three in each column, and I keep my deck on my right and the discard pile below it.
my field used to be cramped alot due to size on my darkrai playmat, now its not because of my worlds 2012 playmat
I think I have a bad habit because when i take my opponent's discard pile I totally forget to ask them for "permission". Do you guys think I should try to remember to ask them or is this ok?
My field is usually messy when I'm excited about the game or I'm trying to make no mistakes because my opponent is ahead of me, or if I'm going to make a devastating move and thus I need to focus a lot and I forget about keeping the field tidy.