Hey guys! This thread is just to discuss your how your play field usually looks and to see if anyone has some sort of unique playstyle! My entire playstyle for my field is wack! I play lefty even though im a righty, my deck is east/west (I know its illegal, and I have no idea why though, but I still play it e/w, judges dont care), I have my prizes always 4-2, my deck is always at the edge of the playmat, and my discard is always higher then the bench, and I always attach energys under and to the right side of the pokemon with tools on top and to the left! I personally think its a weird style, and my friends (iis, roguechomp, yao, emmet, justintam, etc) all think im insane for my style. Let me know some weird things about your's to see if you can top me!