BW/BW2 YOUR review of pokemon black and white


Dragon Pokemon Master
I know there's a thread made talking about the designs of the pokemon, but this is about the actual games themselves.

What is your opinion about the new black and white games???

I didn't know what to name this thread and lock if there is one already made/deem an uneccessary thread

I was kinda disappointed about the games at first, but im liking them more and more ken sugimori artwork is released. That and mostly due to the new and almost endless innovation of the games and the understandable need of a restart of the franchise. only downsides for me is thats its not on the Nintendo 3DS, still no news on the combination attacks, the pokemon designs are sort of weird even with some of the artwork (except a few like Wargle and tsutarja, etc.) the super mario world like isshu region, musicals, and the Zelda-like feel of the games.

but the 3D-like graphics, soundtrack, and about everything else that make the games worthwhile to get. i can't wait to see hoenn in Huin Style 3D grapics if they ever do end up making R/S/E remakes.
overall, out of 5 stars, i give this game 4/5
RE: youre review of pokemon black and white

I think they are fun to play and the graphics are awsome, there is also a different feel to the games when you walk around! But Pokemon Ruby and Saphire Versions were my favorite out of all, I hope they will be remade!
RE: youre review of pokemon black and white

There's a flying pikachu and a monkey trio... need i say more! There awesome!
RE: youre review of pokemon black and white

These are my favorite pokemon games yet. the animations are great, Hiun city is awesome, etc... i just can't wait for the next generation of games for the 3ds, with the 3ds's graphics they could be awesome.
RE: youre review of pokemon black and white

I certainly like the gameplay and feel of the game. If they zoomed the camera in a smidge and added 3d, the game would be much too awesome.

Go Denchura!
RE: youre review of pokemon black and white

I always say "could these games get any better?" and they do. Black and White is yet another fun game, evolving once again (no pun intended). Graphics are a step up once again, and all the new pokemon look great. I can see these being huge selling games for along time!
RE: youre review of pokemon black and white

I've had White for a bit more than a month now, and I've barely put it down. The graphics are nice, the scenery awesome, music is great, and most importantly the battle system is as enjoyable as ever if not more so. I'd recommend this game to anyone who is looking for an RPG.
RE: YOUR******************** review of pokemon black and white

Dear god, most epic Pokemon game of all time. Epic graphics, awesome gameplay, and the Pokemon move in battle now! Not only that, but the music doesn't even sound like it's in a Pokemon game (Not a bad thing). Not to mention the character sprites are much clearer, taller, and have legs! Once again, this is the best Pokemon game of all time. Nuff said.
In my opinion, Black and White are great games, the only problem is.... they just don't feel like Pokemon games, it's so.... different from the rest of the franchise that they seem more like a completely different franchise, especially when it does not have Pikachu appearing in it at all, seriously, a Pokemon game.... without Pikachu, when you take away Pikachu, you take everything that makes up Pokemon, no offense, they are great games and all, they only lost the charm that makes Pokemon, well, Pokemon....
Materge77 has a point. I agree. It left me with the thought "as a game, its great. five stars, no doubt. As a POKEMON game, well, i dont know. If you didn't tell me the title it wouldn't be a pokemon game to me" It needs to re-create the old pokemon games feel. The increased diffuculty early on was better
In my honest opinion, Pokemon Black and White are the best games ever for the pokemon franchise. I don't understand why you guys say it doesn't have the feel of a pokemon game but that is our opinion. I liked the types of the gym but I wish the gym leader pokemon levels were higher. It wasn't that big of a problem its just that the gym battles got too easy after the 3rd gym. (It might just be that I train my pokemon like crazy before going to the next city.) But the game is great, the pokemon are awesome, and the story was great to. (eventhough I needed a translator, lol) And I hope they do make Ruby and Sapphire remakes because I still think Hoenn is the best region.
Best games, period. I'm anxious to get my jpn. copy. Archaeos and Ononokusu FTW.

Amazing. I really love the new pokemon designs. Even if they seem similiar to previous pokemon, it feels like a new adventure. In fact, it feels like how I felt when I first got Pokemon Blue. The graphics are awesome and, in my opinion, ground breaking. The animations alone make me just watch the battle screen.

I like the new gym leaders and trainers. Isshu is a amazing region and the idea to make it seperate was genius. It allowed them to reinvent Pokemon. Truly a game to remember and to set the standard of future Pokemon games.
Best games in the franchise. IF Ruby and Sapphire are really going to be remade then for me Generation Five would be the best generation ever. Talking about RS remakes, it does seem plausible that they reuse the Hiun City graphic design style (i.e. the Coastal part where it's a circular area). For example, Lilycove, with a few tweaks, might fit the bill for Hoenn's Hiun if the paths are modified to become more convex relative to the sea. It would be nice.

Back to BW, it is indeed a good game. Other than the usual rants of "OMG they ruined the designs again" (these comments which I think are bullshit and strongly disagree with), it is indeed a big step forward. Compare the BW graphics and the DPPt ones. The are on the same console, but one has surpassed the other greatly in graphics and music. Cmon totally 3D as compared to the minor perspective shift in DPPt.

What's more the rival's involvement in you adventure become more intertwined. Not forgetting how commonly Plasma pops out here and then. And most importantly the Plasma Saga finale. 3D cutscenes of Zekrom and Reshiram. I tell you, that's really uncalled for in a Pokemon game. IT'S EPIC. What's more its only on the DS. People rant that DS graphics suck as compared to the PSP, but well from BW's Hiun, 3D models of Hiun, the Royal Isshu's tour around Isshu (you can sightsee on top of the ship, check it out on Youtube it's amazing) and cutscenes of Reshiram, Zekrom have proved that the DS is still capable of graphical miracles to a certain extent.

To think that Pokemon was once a black and white (lol) monochrome game with primitive graphics on a small screen to become what it has become today.

And yes the thing thay should improve on is the difficulty level of the game and the length of the main plot. Not to say that grinding is good, but it'll play much longer. I just played for 2 days (without hugging it for 24 hours a day) and the epic main story (epic for a Pokemon game) ended. Just like that.

The music's certainly on par with Ruby and Sapphire's, if not better. All of the tracks were just plain nice and pleasing to the ears. Plasma battle theme, Ending theme, POKEMON MAIN THEME (FTW the best rendition IMO), Rival Theme, Wild pokemon theme, legendary themes, hodomoe, raimon, hiun, fukiyose cities, and whatnot routes. Seriously I love this game. Only if it could be longer.
