Your Top 3 Favorite Decks


Aspiring Trainer
Hello PokéBeach Members!!

I'm wondering what the best deck is, and if there even is a "best" deck. Off course it all depends on the player playing it, how he/she's playing it and how the deck (techs) is build. And also which deck playing against obv. In this forum I only mean the pokemoncombo's played, assuming playing it good and assuming no weakness is involved. Its fun to see how we all think different, or not!

My top 3(BW on):

1. DarkHydreigon
2. Terrakion Mewtwo
3. Rayeels
RE: You're Deck Top 3

1. Garbodor/Terrakion/Mewtwo
2. Darkrai/Terrakion
3. Darkrai/Hydreigon
RE: You're Deck Top 3

6-Dimension said:
1. Luxchomp
2. Luxchomp
3. Luxchomp

Luxchomp says hello to Plox :D

1. PlOX
2. Luxchomp
3. Sabledonk

1. Terra Mewtwo
2. Garbo Terra
3. Ur mother
RE: You're Deck Top 3

I'm going to be largely unspecific in mine because it doesn't say I can't.

1. Darkrai
2. Eels
3. Terrakion

dmaster out.
RE: You're Deck Top 3

I will one-up that challenge dmaster:

1) Fighting Deck
2) Lightning Deck
3) Darkness Deck

Dude there has to be some rules.
RE: You're Deck Top 3

All time:
- Flychamp
- Magneboar
- Gostop
This format:
- Not Zek Eeels
- Zek Eeels is bad
- And it should feel bad
- Groudon/Drifblim/Hammers
RE: You're Deck Top 3

1st: Gigas-Box. My all-time favorite deck, no contest. It brought contenders under its heel.
2nd: Durant. om nom nom nom nom nom
3rd: Cursegar. One of the greatest ways to be a jerk hit-and-run arsonist.
RE: You're Deck Top 3

Any other Format:
1. RogueChomp :)<
2. GardyGallade
3. Smeargle Donk

This format:
1. Darkrai Box
2. RayRaiEels
3. NJSD :p