• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Yveltal EX
  • 2 Darkrai EX
  • 2 Keldeo EX
  • 2 Yveltal
  • 2 Sableye
  • 2 Trubbish
  • 2 garbador
  • 1 Chatot ( Mininformation attack)
  • 1 Absol
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 1 N
  • 1 Shauna
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Dark Patch
  • 2 Escape Rope
  • 2 Dark Claw
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 9 Dark
  • 4 DCE
Attack with Yveltal Ex while shutting down other decks with Garbador.

What do you all think? Anything you would change?
Any advise would be appreciated

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Sup. Here's what I think:
-1 Yveltal (4 is so overkill)
-1 Chatot (There is a card called tool scrapper, which you can recycle, this card is useless)
-1 Shauna (N is better)
-1 Escape rope (you need ultra ball)
-2 Ponies (why u play this and Garb in the same deck. Ew.)

+3 N
+1 Tool scrapper (pesky muscle bands and g-boosters)
+2 Ultra ball (you play, like, over 9000 Pokemon)

This would make the deck heaps more consistent.
I have no tool scrappers. I play the keldeo and the garbador in the same deck to be able to tech against certain decks. If I am playing Trevgor or another deck that dosent use many abilities I will use Keldeo if I am playing blstoise or embor or vir/gen i can use garbador. I like the two escpe ropes in case i am playing my garbador, i still have a way out of status conditions.
It's called Keldeo to get out of status. Oh wait, my bad, you play Ponies and Trash in the same deck (Seriously) :l Either way you need to find room for N, as this is literally one of the biggest comeback decks. So.....
-1 Yveltal EX (as I said, 4 is overkill)
-1 Shauna (N is better)
-1 Keldeo EX (This is a tech. You should only play 1.)

+ 3 N (Comeback decks these days)
And also I seriously don't understand how you have no tool scrappers, they're like, $1, and they are staple in almost all decks.
I do like N but at the same time I dont like it. It seems like every time I play N it helps my opponent more then myself. That is tho only reason I only one in my deck. I would order some tool scrappers but I need them tomorrow, I wish I did have some but o well. I could put a switch or two in the deck. I only actually have 2 N.

How is this deck a comback deck. I am ususally doing 100 plus damage turn two.

I am somewhat new to the game so all the advise is very helpful. The last time I played compettivly was the gym sets.
Wooooo, yes, 100 damage. Big damage right there. There is only 1 dark deck that is not a comeback deck, and that would be some speed darkrai decks.Also switch > Keldeo with Garb.
I ran the list above at states and didnt need the chatot at all. I did use Keldeo once or twice. I took the chaot and the two keldeo out for 2 tool srcappers that i got from buddy after the tournamnet and a third virbank.