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Yveltal EX / Seismitoad EX / Garbodor for Cities


I love being bad
Pokemon: 12

  • 3 Yveltal EX-XY
    2 Yveltal-XY
    2 Seismetoad EX-PHF
    1 Absol-PLF
    2 Trubbish-LTR
    2 Garbodor-LTR
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37

  • 4 Sycamore-XY
    4 N-BW100
    3 Colress-PLS
    2 Lysandre-FLF

    4 Ultra ball-XY
    4 Muscle band-XY
    4 Hypnotoxic laser-PLS
    3 Float Stone-PLF
    1 Dowsing Machine-PLS
    2 Head ringer-PHF
    2 VS Seeker-PHF
    1 Professor's letter-XY
    3 energy switch- FRF

    2 Virbank City Gym-PLS
Energy: 11

  • 8 Darkness Energy
    3 DCE


Start with Seismetoad and get out garbodor, while also having a Yveltal on the bench. Basically, get the lock down, maybe some prizes, with Seismetoad, and also power up Yveltal.
RE: Yveltal EX / Seismitoad EX / Garbodor

I would recomend you drop the absol, and lower the energy switch line down to 2 and the muscle band line down to 3. This leaves 3 spots, i would put in an escape rope, Darkrai EX and Jirahchi EX.
RE: Yveltal EX / Seismitoad EX / Garbodor

I feel like you play 3 energy switch or no energy switch. I don't like jirachi, but I will consider darkrai.
I too run a similar deck and have a few comments to offer for your consideration. If your intent is to truly "start with Seismitoad EX," then I believe you need at least 1 more 'Toad and 2 Skyla. I'd suggest:

  • -1 Colress (early game, this Supporter is not that effective when you have few Poké on the benches)
    -1 Ultra Ball
    -1 Ht Laser
    -1 Energy Switch
    -1 Dowsing Machine

    +1 Computer Search (extremely helpful to get needed card early game inorder to impose Item-lock , asap)
    +1 Seismitoad EX
    +2 Skyla
    +1 DCE (to increase your chances of drawing into 1)
I hope you find these comments helpful.
TuxedoBlack said:
I too run a similar deck and have a few comments to offer for your consideration. If your intent is to truly "start with Seismitoad EX," then I believe you need at least 1 more 'Toad and 2 Skyla. I'd suggest:

  • -1 Colress (early game, this Supporter is not that effective when you have few Poké on the benches)
    -1 Ultra Ball
    -1 Ht Laser
    -1 Energy Switch
    -1 Dowsing Machine

    +1 Computer Search (extremely helpful to get needed card early game inorder to impose Item-lock , asap)
    +1 Seismitoad EX
    +2 Skyla
    +1 DCE (to increase your chances of drawing into 1)
I hope you find these comments helpful.

Thanks. I don't know what I was thinking when I said start with Seis. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I mean you want to start with the baby Yveltal and then power up EXs with Oblivion Wing.