Hey guys, I've got a cities championship coming up in January and I want to tweak my Yveltal deck to better handle M-Manectric EX as it's seeing loads of play in my area. I'm not opposed to dropping Garbodor but can't decide if it's worth it. I've been thinking of adding in cards such as Shadow Circle, more Head Ringer, Skyla for Head Ringer consistency and Computer Search instead of Dowsing Machine.
Let me know what you think!
I generally try and start with Seismitoad or Yveltal depending on whether or not I can use Professor's Letter and Juniper to get some Darkness in the discard early on. I try and get an item lock going ASAP and chuck a Head Ringer onto their Seismitoad/Virizion/Manectric EX when possible to slow them down. After that it's basically a matter of getting an Yveltal EX down and powering that bad boy up to take some prizes. If the opposing deck is ability heavy, I will try and lay down a Garbodor as well, but lately I have found myself using it as discard fodder.
Let me know what you think!
3x Yveltal EX
2x Yveltal
2x Seismitoad EX
2-2 Garbodor (Garbotoxin)
1x Darkrai EX
1x Jirachi EX
4x N
4x Professor Juniper
2x Lysandre
2x Colress
2x Virbank City Gym
4x Hypnotoxic Laser
4x Muscle Band
3x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Head Ringer
2x VS. Seeker
1x Switch
1x Escape Rope
1x Professor's Letter
1x Dowsing Machine
8x Darkness Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
I generally try and start with Seismitoad or Yveltal depending on whether or not I can use Professor's Letter and Juniper to get some Darkness in the discard early on. I try and get an item lock going ASAP and chuck a Head Ringer onto their Seismitoad/Virizion/Manectric EX when possible to slow them down. After that it's basically a matter of getting an Yveltal EX down and powering that bad boy up to take some prizes. If the opposing deck is ability heavy, I will try and lay down a Garbodor as well, but lately I have found myself using it as discard fodder.