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Yveltal-EX / Seismitoad-EX / Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer

  • x1 Darkrai-EX
    x3 Yveltal-EX
    x2 Seismitoad-EX
    x1 Yveltal
    x2 Trubbish
    x2 Garbodor

  • x2 Bicycle
    x2 Energy Switch
    x4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    x1 Professor's Letter
    x1 Scramble Switch
    x3 Switch
    x4 Ultra Ball
    x2 Colress
    x2 Lysandre
    x4 N
    x4 Professor Sycamore
    x1 Skyla
    x2 Virbank City Gym
    x2 Float Stone
    x3 Muscle Band

  • x4 Double Colorless Energy
    x8 Darkness Energy

Hello, i have recently started playing pokemon tcg online and a friend gave me few cards and i have managed to collect the rest and put together this deck.
My question is, is there something i could/should change, seen some people playing M-manectric over Seismitoad-EX. I woould like to base my deck around yveltal-ex if possible bcs its one on my favourite cards and really like the style of play that comes from it but i do have some problems with this deck facing Manectric , Aromatise , Viri/Gen decks.
I highly suggest you put in one more Baby Yveltal as its a great starting pokemon and energy acceleration.

-1 Switch
+1 Baby Yveltal
Yes i was looking into that, also thinking of dropping x2 Bicycle for something else, i have rearely had the chance to use it, most of the times i have 3 cards and rarely emty my full hand.
Idk i am considering an option of dropping garbodors for M-manectrics but still need to think that trough bit.
you could use VS Seeker, maybe Enhanced Hammers or Head Ringers... they help vs Manetric, but its still a bad matchup unless u have Shadow Circle