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Yveltal EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse


Aspiring Trainer

  • Yveltal EX x3
    Xerneas x3
    Spritzee x2
    Aromatisse x2
    Keldeo EX x1
    Malamar EX x1
    Terrakion EX x1
    Sigilyph x1

  • Ultra Ball x3
    Level Ball x2
    VS Seeker x2
    Max Potion x3
    Muscle Band x3
    Professor's Letter x1
    Computer Search x1
    Professor Sycamore x4
    Lysandre x2
    Skyla x2
    N x3
    AZ x2
    Xerosic x1
    Fairy Garden x3

  • Fairy Energy x6
    Dark Energy x2
    Prism Energy x4
    Rainbow Energy x2

Your preferred starter is Xerneas. Try and get an Aromatisse, Yveltal EX, and a Keldeo EX on the bench. Geomancy will get energies on Yveltal. If you have a Malamar and an Aromatisse, attach to Malamar for asleep and then Fairy Transfer over to the Pokemon where you want the energy. Use Fairy Transfer and Max Potion to heal all damage. If you've used up your Max Potions or can't find them, you can use AZ instead by using Fairy Transfer, AZ, then playing the Pokemon down again, and moving all the energies back. Special conditions aren't a problem with Fairy Garden and an energy on Keldeo. Rush In, free retreat with Fairy Garden and your special conditions are gone. Sigilyph can be used to counter decks with many EXs. Terrakion can be used to power Pokemon up. Malamar can become an attacker in a pinch.

Any suggestions for the deck? :D