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Yveltal EX


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys so I have regionals coming up and would like some insight and thoughts on my list;

3x Yveltal Ex
2x Yveltal
2x Seismitoad Ex
1x Darkrai Ex
1x Spiritomb LTR
1x Jirachi Ex

4x N
4x Sycamore
2x Lysandre
2x Colress
2x Vs Seeker
1x Switch
1x Escape Rope
3x Energy Switch
4x Ultra Ball
3x Muscle Band
3x Hard Charm
2x Head Ringer
1x Jamming Net
2x Shadow Circle
2x Enhanced Hammer
1x Megaphone
1x Professor's Letter
1x Computer Search

8x Darkness
4x Double Colorless

A few things on the deck:
It seems to run rather consistently but I feel as thought it can fall behind to certain decks through my testing. Specifically VirGen and Metal. Maybe there's just certain plays that can help with that matchup I don't know about. Pyroar seems to cause a bit of trouble too but I'm not sure if adding garbodor or the manectric lineup would be a good choice for this build, mainly because I've gome both aggressive and defensive with the 3 muscle bands and 3 hard charms. The Spiritomb I just added and have not tested with it against VirGen as well.
One more thing is that assuming I make it to day two, apart from 4 dark patches, what else should I add to the deck and should I probably remove for the deck?
Again comments and fixes would be appreciated this'll be my first regionals or big tournament of any kind and would like to do rather well. Thanks.
RE: Yveltal EX Variants

Roge102 said:
Hey guys so I have regionals coming up and would like some insight and thoughts on my list;

3x Yveltal Ex
2x Yveltal
2x Seismitoad Ex
1x Darkrai Ex
1x Spiritomb LTR
1x Jirachi Ex

4x N
4x Sycamore
2x Lysandre
2x Colress
2x Vs Seeker
1x Switch
1x Escape Rope
3x Energy Switch
4x Ultra Ball
3x Muscle Band
3x Hard Charm
2x Head Ringer
1x Jamming Net
2x Shadow Circle
2x Enhanced Hammer
1x Megaphone
1x Professor's Letter
1x Computer Search

8x Darkness
4x Double Colorless

A few things on the deck:
It seems to run rather consistently but I feel as thought it can fall behind to certain decks through my testing. Specifically VirGen and Metal. Maybe there's just certain plays that can help with that matchup I don't know about. Pyroar seems to cause a bit of trouble too but I'm not sure if adding garbodor or the manectric lineup would be a good choice for this build, mainly because I've gome both aggressive and defensive with the 3 muscle bands and 3 hard charms. The Spiritomb I just added and have not tested with it against VirGen as well.
One more thing is that assuming I make it to day two, apart from 4 dark patches, what else should I add to the deck and should I probably remove for the deck?
Again comments and fixes would be appreciated this'll be my first regionals or big tournament of any kind and would like to do rather well. Thanks.

Using Spiritomb LTR is your best bet against ViriGen decks because it disables them from being able to G-Booster. Metal Decks shouldn't really be a problem for Yveltal unless their main attacker is Dialga, in which case you should be using Y-Cyclone instead of Evil Ball. Pyroar decks are a bit tricky; what I like to do against Pyroar decks is go hyper-aggressive at the beginning of the match and knock out as many Litleo as possible. I also run Target Whistle to bring back Litleo and drag them active with Lysandre/Catcher for an easy KO. For day two matches, the deck doesn't necessarily need anything else besides the dark patches. If you feel like you are blowing through your items, you could try running Sableye from Dark Explorers. I think it's more important to be prepared against decks that you might face, such as Blastoise/Emboar variants, ViriGen deck that have Skyarrow Bridge, and Plasma.