z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop [CLOSED]

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!z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop!


People's who are Happy with the Pictures!-
- Flygon999
- DogMaster40
- Bulbasaur45
- Puncher
- Achmetha
- FatalAeroX
- Cheetor586

- I do my Job for free
- You have to give me a credit in your Signature when you use my Banners
- Say Please and Thanks :p
- Do not Spam here
- I accept every Request and I will do my best but if I can't do it don't worry
- Say 'Happy' on the Top of your first Post to proof that you have read the RulezZz
- Be Happy =)
- Read The RulezZz

What I can do!
- Avatars
- Banners
- Any other Pictures
- Sprites

What I can't do!
- Any animated Pictures

What you have to post in your Request!
- The Things you want on the Picture
- The Text on the Picture (If you want any....)
- The Size you want that the Picture is (Or let me choose the best)
- The Background Color or any Picture you want on the Background (Or let me do one)
- You have to post the Images you want on the Picture
- Please and Thanks :p

Avatars and Banners wich other Peole can take (You have to give me a credit if you take any)






RE: <z0n3_g3tt3r's | Avatar and Banner shop>

Oh, sry i didn't know that, Thx !
RE: <z0n3_g3tt3r's | Avatar and Banner shop>

my little duck said:
can you get me a avatar that has a rubber duck

Sry, I have forgot to say, pls post the Picture you want on the avatar...
RE: z0n3 g3tt3r's Workshop | Status: Active!

Hey what Software do you use?
And could you Cut out Cressilia Lv.x and Gallade
And put them on a Purple to black Gradient?
RE: z0n3 g3tt3r's Workshop | Status: Active!

I use Paint.Net and I will make you a Banner with these two Guys, I post it here if I ready.

Here is it:
RE: z0n3 g3tt3r's Workshop | Status: Active!

BumP I still accept offers in a PM...
RE: z0n3 g3tt3r's Workshop | Status: Active!

Yeah I could do that I send it to you later...
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

Green Background Flygon

Could you take that picture and put Flygon999 in black letters on the top of it? And also please make the picture big enough just so that it fits the avatar room you get. (125 x 125 pixels) Cuz this one is 80 x 80 pixels big.
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

Flygon999 said:
Green Background Flygon

Could you take that picture and put Flygon999 in black letters on the top of it? And also please make the picture big enough just so that it fits the avatar room you get. (125 x 125 pixels) Cuz this one is 80 x 80 pixels big.

Here, I hope you like it ;)

RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

Cool!!!!!!! It's perfect!!! Except that the Flygon is a little bit blurred...(not the name)
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

It's normally that the quality get a little bit damage when I make the pic's bigger ^^
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

Yeah, I thought so. But, does it get worse if you take a big picture and make it smaller?
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

If I make pics smaller the quality is better ^^
RE: z0n3_g3tt3r's Avatar & Banner Shop | Accept every Request !

Hmmm....okay then. Could you possibly make it look less blury? If it has to be smaller than that's okay. Maybe like 100 x 100 pixels or something.