DPPt/HGSS {ZAFT's Armory} - Have/Wants

Shinn Asuka

Aspiring Trainer


Bulbasaur/Lv. 26/Jolly/Male
Charmander/Lv. 1/Gentle/Female/PKRS
Pidgeot/Lv. 100/Modest/Male
Pikachu/Lv. 26/Hasty/Female
Beedrill/Lv. 10/Docile/Female
Diglett/Lv. 18/Careful/Male
Oddish/Lv. 25/Rash/Female
Gloom/Lv. 35/Quiet/Female
Geodude (Nicknamed: Geo)/Lv. 24/Jolly/Female
Magneton/Lv. 34/Bashful
Muk/Lv. 35/Brave/Male
Venomoth/Lv. 35/Impish/Male
Gastly/Lv. 17/Careful/Female
Chansey/Lv. 18/Calm/Female
Gyarados/Lv. 100/Timid/Female
Marowak/Lv. 48/Jolly/Male
Ponyta/Lv. 30/Naive/Female
Machamp/Lv. 100/Careful/Male
Ditto/Lv. 29/Relaxed
Tentacool/Lv. 24/Adamant/Female
Porygon/Lv. 01/Adamant
Eevee (Leafia nick)/Lv. 18/Adamant/Female
Mr. Mime/Lv. 29/Brave/Female
Moltres/Lv. 50/Modest
Dratini/Lv. 05/Lonely/Male
Mewtwo/Lv. 70/Docile/Modest/PKRS
Mareep/Lv. 36/Modest/Female
Scizor/Lv. 05/Timid/Female/PKRS
Sudowoodo/Lv. 40/Sassy/Female
Wobbuffet/Lv. 03/Quiet/Female
Unown E/Lv. 16/Impish
Unown M/Lv. 25/Docile
Crobat/Lv. 85/Timid/Female
Lanturn/Lv. 51/Modest/Female
Xatu/Lv. 35/Lonely/Female
Steelix/Lv. 43/Naive/Male
Elekid/Lv. 09/Docile/Female
Skarmory/Lv. 28/Quirky/Male
Sneasel/Lv. 05/Hardy/Male/PKRS
Larvitar/Lv. 06/Brave/Male
Lugia/Lv. 70/Docile
Ho-Oh/Lv. 70/Modest
Treecko/Lv. 05/Impish/Female
Sceptile/Lv. 100/Relaxed/Male
Torchic/Lv. 05/Jolly/Male
Mudkip/Lv. 01/Naughty/Male
Swampert/Lv. 100/Relaxed/Male
Zigzagoon/Lv. 05/Adamant/Female
Poochyena/Lv. 04/Naive/Male
Wurmple/Lv. 05/Hasty/Female
Ralts (Demona nick)/Lv. 01/Lonely/Female
Ralts /Lv. 04/Gentle/Male
Illumise/Lv. 13/Lonely/Female
Spinda/Lv. 50/Hardy/Male
Hariyama/Lv. 40/Naive/Male
Whismur/Lv. 06/Timid/Female
Exploud/Lv. 40/Timid/Female
Altaria/Lv. 38/Lonely/Male
Medicham/Lv. 36/Sassy/Female
Numel/Lv. 14/Serious/Male
Sableye/Lv. 57/Careful/Female
Duskull/Lv. 24/Hardy/Female
Trapinch/Lv. 21/Naive/Female
Flygon/Lv. 45/Sassy/Male
Bagon/Lv. 25/Hasty/Male
Salamence /Lv. 77/Bold/Male
Beldum/Lv. 05/Adamant
Kyogre/Lv. 100/Careful
Groudon/Lv. 54/Gentle
Rayquaza/Lv. 70/Modest
Latias/Lv. 51/Quiet
Turtwig/Lv. 05/Brave/Male
Piplup/Lv. 05/Modest/Female
Bidoof/Lv. 03/Sassy/Female
Shinx/Lv. 03/Quiet/Male
Shellos/Lv. 19/Bashful/Female
Abomasnow/Lv. 40/Impish/Male
Gliscor/Lv. 22/Quirky/Female
Rhyperior/Lv. 43/Sassy/Male
Uxie/Lv. 50/Sassy
Dialga/Lv. 100/Rash
Palkia/Lv. 47/Mild
Regigigas/Lv. 100/Rash
Giratina/Lv. 100/Rash


Mew/Lv. 10/Modest/OT MYSTRY/ID 06930
Mew/Lv. 05/Hardy/OT NYC/ID 01234
Deoxys/Lv. 70/Modest/OT SPACE C/ ID 00010
Jirachi/Lv. 05/Modest/OT WISHMKR/ ID 20043 (Ganlon Berry)
Jirachi/Lv. 05/Timid/OT CHANNEL/ ID 40122 (Ganlon Berry)
Ho-Oh/Lv. 70/Sassy/OT MATTLE/ ID 10048
Metang/Lv. 30/Impish/OT ROCKS/ ID 02005



Alakazam/Lv. 70/Quiet/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Articuno/Lv. 70/Lonely/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Zapdos/Lv. 70/Naive/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Moltres/Lv. 70/Naughty/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Raikou/Lv. 70/Relaxed/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Entei/Lv. 70/Jolly/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Suicune/Lv. 70/Modest/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Celebi/Lv. 70/Modest/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010
Latias/Lv. 70/Impish/OT 10 ANIV/ID 00010

Charizard/Lv. 70/Bashful/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227
Pikachu/Lv. 70/Jolly/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227/Male (Light Ball)
Articuno/Lv. 70/Gentle/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227
Raikou/Lv. 70/Calm/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227/PKRS
Entei/Lv. 70/Sassy/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227/PKRS
Suicune/Lv. 70/Impish/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227
Lugia/Lv. 70/Hardy/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227
Ho-Oh/Lv. 70/Quirky/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227
Latias/Lv. 70/Sassy/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227
Latios/Lv. 70/Quiet/OT 10ANNIV/ ID 06227

Mew/Lv. 10/Timid/OT Hadou (Wave) (Kanjis)/ ID 50716 (Movie Event)
Celebi/Lv. 10/Careful/OT Ageto (Agate) (Kanjis)/ ID 31121 (Pokemon Colloseum Japanese Bonus Disk)


Any except Lugia (includes Colloseum Ho-Oh, Manaphy from Pokemon Ranger, Phione, 3 Dogs, 3 Birds, 3 psychics, Mewtwo, Heatran, Giratina, Cresselia, Lati@s, e4 glitch Shaymin and Darkrai (with english name) etc.)


Almost any pokemon ask for natures. Magbys, Elekids, Dittos (Modest, etc.)


- Power Band
- Power Lens
- Macho Brace
- Choice Band
- Lucky Egg
- Magmarizer
- Electirizer
- Soul Dew
- Leftovers
- Amulet Coin
- Exp. Share
- Master Ball

I'm missing some plates and the ones from the battle tower. Rather than those I can get any other item including masterballs.


Other event pokemon, shinys, power items from the battle tower

Obviously everything I have/want is legit

POKEMON PEARL FC: 0086 8782 2353
NAME: Shinn
Intersted in Shiny Shinx and Shiny Gyarados!
And G2G. Please reserve them for me!
ill trade for shiny charmander, check my thread for who u want

Yeap they are clones but legit.

PokeLen: Offers?
Ghost_Trainer #1: The same as above.
moo5100: No thx. I'm not interested in anything you posted. Maybe later...
Because I use my Pokemon in official tournaments, and I have yet to find a ruling about whether or not those judges consider clones legit.
Arceus said:
Because I use my Pokemon in official tournaments, and I have yet to find a ruling about whether or not those judges consider clones legit.

What do you mean? They are considered legit in official tournaments, or at least I though they were.
Shinn Asuka said:
Of course they are accepted. It's the clone of a legit original one, so what's the difference?

And they can't tell if it's cloned or not, it involves no cheating in the first place. As long as it's originally legit, it's fine.
It's a glitch on the games (just like MissingNo was a glitch on the original games). That means Nintendo didn't "intend" to allow people to clone Pokemon, so I'm hesitant about using them at tournaments (like Journey Across America) that are sponsored by PUSA.
Well, you see, they can't tell. Read the official thread on Hacked Devices near the top of the thread. It has information on all of that.
I finished reading the thread. It had no definite answer on the Nintendo tournaments, so I'm going to avoid trading for cloned Pokemon for now.
Well anyway, for that Celebi... what DO you want? It's going to be extremely hard to find something to please you since you seem to have almost every single Pokemon.
Interested In Your Shiny Charmander. please check Adamant Jirachi's Wish List Player Thread for anything you would like in exchange for it.


Adamant Jirachi....
Shinn Asuka said:
Heiogen: I have lots of master balls.
Ghost_Trainer #1: Do you have any shiny? or power items?

I'm practicing the method in which I use to get shinies, but have none at the moment... explain these power items.