Zak's Fail FL Regionals Report


Previously Kaitou Cooro
Okay, so...Not much to say to lead up to the report except for the fact that traffic to Orlando is horrible and we (me and a group of friends) ending up at the wrong location.

So, I was running a Lost Zone deck. No Gengars, because I like to be original-ish. I ran an Absol G/Mime Jr deck with a Palkia G. Sounds like trash, works a bit better than it should.

155 people for Masters Division. 8 rounds. Yeehaw.

Onto the report.

R1: VS Deoxys/Rayquaza Legend
Well, this was probably the weirdest match I've had in a while. All I remember is setting up his Lost Zone and surviving his DRL's attacks with Mime Jr's body. Eventually it came down to him having 2 prizes to my 6. He had 5 Pokemon and a half of a Legend in the Lost Zone. I throw down Lost World and call game. He doesn't believe that a Legend half counts as a Pokemon in the Lost Zone, so we call a judge. The judge also doesn't think it counts and calls two more judges who agree with the ruling. So I flip for Mime Jr's sleep and wake up, causing him to KO me for the game.

Five minutes after the round, I go to a friend and we start talking about out match. As I explain the Legend Half/Lost Zone thing, he gets curious about the ruling and looks it up. It turns out that the Legend half actually does count as a Pokemon in the Lost Zone and I should have been able to win with Lost World. So we report it to the TO and after about 15 minutes of discussing it and searching rulings, they come to the conclusion that I should have won the match after calling game with Lost World and change the record around. Apparently the judges who were called thought I was using Mew's body to use an attack from the Lost Zone. Not sure how they came to that conclusion since it was explained about 5 times, but whatever..

R2: VS Dialga/Garchomp
This match went on until time. Of course it was probably the most boring match ever. I got everything set up. 7 Pokemon in his Lost Zone. Lost World in my hand. Sounds like I would've won, right? Nope. He sat there for about 15 turns spamming me with Deafen. Sure, I could have killed the Dialga G LV X. If I had any energy, that is.

Lunch Break. Had Pizza Hut.

Round 3: VS ???
I completely forgot this round, but I know I won.

Round 4: VS ???
I didn't see enough of the deck to really know. I saw an Uxie and a Spiritomb. Both fell quickly to my Absol G LV X.

Round 5: VS Tyranitar
This one was a close game. Got everything set up. 5 Pokemon in the Lost Zone. Was hoping to draw into some way to get the 6th so I could throw down Lost World, but I couldn't get into it. Not to mention, Tyranitar was hitting 120 per turn. My highest HP Pokemon? Palkia G with 120. Not much I could do...

Round 6: VS LuxChomp
Do I really need to explain this?

Round 7: VS Magnezone/Leafeon
This was a good and close game as well. I got an early KO on an Eevee with a double Crobat and Honchkrow G snipe. I got 5 Pokemon in their Lost Zone (This happens too often), had Lost World in my hand, and was looking for a Mime Jr. I couldn't draw into one, and he was hitting for 130 per turn. Not much I could do to stand up against it.
It was also pretty funny because he kept filling up his bench, allowing me to Lost Cyclone a few things.

Round 8: VS Scizor/Yanmega Primes
Again, close. Once again, I managed 5 Pokemon in her Lost Zone. I had a Mime Jr in my deck, no way to get an Absol G back (My Aaron's was avoiding me the entire game), and they were too scared to put down a fourth Pokemon to their bench. Yanmega didn't really cause a big problem, as it was fairly simple to keep a different number of cards than her, but her Scizor made a mess of things.

So, I came out 88th out of 155 Masters. Not bad. Not good either...

Getting my deck to work to some extent
Not absolutely failing with this deck like I did at States

Legend pieces = 'Pokemon' cards. Why do people not understand?
Being sick most of the day. Migraines suck...
Most of my games sticking me with 5 Lost Zone'd Pokemon or 6+ with no way to get Lost World out.
Lack of sleep from being sick.
Orlando. Traffic.
Lol I didn't see this until just now. Nice. I think I know most of the group of friends you were talking about lol. Definitely better than states. I still say it has possibilities.