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ZBC deck for a beginner


Aspiring Trainer
Ok, so i'm just beginning to play tcg and thought that this deck would be ok to run. Im not looking to win any major tournaments, but at a few local places, i would like to win. Please help me out.
2-2 cinccino (do the wave)
2-2 zoroark (foul play)
3-3 beartic (sheer cold)
1 cryogonal (for donphan)
2 kyurem
1 victini (V-create, i think) = 18pkmn

3 switch
4 Pokémon communication
2 plus power
2 juniper
3 Pokémon Catcher
3 Pokémon collector
3 N
2 sage's training
1 flower shop lady = 25 TSS

4 DCE {C}{C}
2 rescue
2 rainbow
8 water{W}
1 sp dark = 17 Energy

So it is a stage 1 deck obviously. utilizing Beartic's sheer cold attack mainly, and is supported by zoroark for the dragons, and cinccino for other stuff. as far as trainers and supporters go, i'm kinda lost so any help would be appreciated. Energy is kinda straight forward, with the sp. dark acting as a plus power for zoroark to OHKO dragons. Please help me improve this deck.
Well, try adding some PETM and taking away some energies. After Next Destinies comes out, they will be able to be OHKO pretty easily though.
Pokemon lines are a little whack..

No one plays donphan, and even if it got more hype, Beartic keeps him in check, so drop cryognal.
V-Create Victini is not a counter to anything and is just an inferior Cinccino, it doesn't counter Cobalion as it doesn't live a hit from it without defenders/eviolites. Knowing that, I'd rather use those removed spaces to improve the line for Cinccino.

Kyruem doesn't do anything for the deck, consider removing. If he is an outrage thing, you're better of putting in something that actually is a check for Cobalion, namely Reshiram.

Zoroark is a bit of a toss up, he doesn't get much play these days because he doesn't do much to anything due to Eviolite. The only pokemon that he effectively counters (which he doesn't even do that for) is Rayquaza Deoxys Legend. Again, I would consider removing for other cards.

If you are a beginner, it would make a lot more sense to play a deck like this simple and straight without a whole bunch of seemingly useless techs to clog up a deck.

If you can find room for them, put in Rocky Helmets and Junk Arms, those are some key cards that help you control the board more effectively since your pokemon's damage caps at 100. The helmet will place some damage on the pokemon that KOs your active, putting you in a good spot to take a revenge kill with a Cinccino or a Beartic, depending on whether or not you can take advantage of weakness.