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ZBC! (Zoroark/Beartic/Cinccino)



Hey, I'm new here and I would like some help. It’s a Beartic/Cinccino/Zoroark deck for the championship.

Pokemons: (19)
3-3 Cinccino
2-2 Zoroark
3-3 Beartic
1 Druddigon (Ability)
1 Cryogonal (Donphan)
1 Cleffa or 1 Pichu

Trainers: (27)
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Switch (Beartic retreat)
2 Pluspower
2 Super Scoop Up
3 Juniper or 3 Cheren

Energy: (16)
8 Water
2 Rescue
2 S. dark

Basic strategy of Do the wave and Foul play, Beartic is used for countering Pokemon like Emboar, Reshiran, Typlosion and Donphan.
1 Cryogonal for Donphan prime and others.
4 Switch for Beartic retreat cost.
Thx for the help.
drop the special dark energies down to 1 and put in another rescue energy