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Zekeel for states?


Aspiring Trainer
Hi :D, after testing for a bit i feel that this might be a deck i will go with for states.

2 Zekrom Ex ND
2 Zekrom BW
4-3 Eelektrik NV (2 30 Hp Tynamo, 2 40 Hp Tyanmo)
1 Shaymin UL
1 Cleffa HGSS
1 Terrakion NV
2 Mewtwo Ex ND

2 Professor Juniper
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Sage's Training
3 Catcher
4 Junk Arm
2 Switch
2 Eviolite
2 Skyarrow Bridge
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Super Rod

3 Prism
8 Lightning

Strategy: Basic Zekeel strategy. Take cheap and fast KO's. Terrakion is for mirror's and magnezone. Mewtwo Ex is for other Mewtwo ex's. Shaymin is for energy manipulation. Skyarrow is for reducing the retreat cost of my basics. Finally, i prefer p-com over level ball as i find it helps against mirror and mtc as i can get out terrakion's and mewtwo ex's :D

Why run 1 Cleffa if you are using 4 PONTs? And imo, you should be using more Junipers over PONT.
Maybe try:
-1 Cleffa

+1 Terrakion
+2 Professor Juniper

Then again, it's been a year since I've played and I'm getting back into this so...
Hi :D, Cleffa is there for emergency hand refreshers...like for hands which looks like: 1 tynamo, 5 energy, 1 collector :p. Might try the 3-3 split of juniper and PONT.
thanks :D
-2 communication
+2 level ball
collector can take out all the basics you need. Would shaymin EX help at all? Just an idea.
i would
-1 eviolite
- 2 communication

+3 level ball

this guarantees you get a quicker elektrik and helps you set up faster.
i would also try and take out shaymin for juniper.

while running all those DCE, dynamotor, and sky arrow and switch, there really shouldnt be a need for you to move energies around
Hmm... i might try to go back to level balls.. but i'm not too sure :/...
Will test level balls. Thanks :D

ogeray: I find shaymin useful for situations where i need to revenge ko. Eg. I have a prism on another poke and i just drop a terrakion. I will dynamotor and then drop shaymin to move the prism to terrakion. Another scenario would be with mewtwo ex for the final ko. I can just drop shaymin and move all the energy to shaymin.

Anymore suggestions? :D