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ZekEels for States


2 Zekrom EX
2 Zekrom BW
4-3 Eelektrik (all 30 HP Tynamo)
2 Thundurus
1 Zapdos
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Cleffa

9 Lightning Energy

3 Junk Arm
2 Switch
2 Eviolite
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Pokegear 3.0
3 Level Ball
2 PlusPower
2 Lost Remover

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Sage's Training
2 N

Basic ZekEel strategy of trying to start attacking with a genie or Zekrom BW as soon as possible, and use Eels to have ridiculous recovery. Mewtwo is there for a Mewtwo counter/game finisher, and Zapdos provides utility as well as a great counter to Terrakion.
I think that both tornadus (good for fighting types) and thundurus are both good but maybe -1 thundurus and add a tornadus. Try skyarrow bridge. It helps.
I dunno about Skyarrow in this deck as retreating can prove to be very beneficial since it gets you energy in the discard for Dynamotor, which has actually won me a game or two. As for the Tornadus/Thundurus, I would like to have either one or the other, not both
Skyarrow Bridge is only worth it if you're running Smeargle. Otherwise, either run one or none at all. Decks these days run enough Skyarrow Bridge so that you won't even have to put them down.

4 Collector and 4 Sage's Training are not needed. After you use 2 Sage, you won't be using anymore, because you'll already be set up, and 4 Collector is just unneeded because of how fast you draw into Basics. You also don't need 3 Zekrom, especially with Mewtwo being huge in this format. 3 Switch is overdoing it as well; as long as you attach Energy to your Eels using Dynamotor, retreating shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Personally, I like using Smeargle and Shaymin UL in my build, because Shaymin is great for a surprise to the opponent with Mewtwo, and Smeargle gives you a double Supporter to use (which can save you if they have a Collector). If you do add Smeargle, 2 Skyarrow Bridge would be necessary. If you want to go that route;

- 1 Sage's Training
- 1 Pokemon Collector
- 1 Switch
- 1 Zekrom

+ 1 Smeargle
+ 2 Skyarrow Bridge
+ 1 Shaymin

If not, I suggest adding some more consistency cards, which might end up being the wiser decision for States. To end, I run Thundurus in my build because I don't have much Terrakion in my area, and it helps to get that T2 80 on the field, as well as the Energy discard for Eels.

Hope this helped.
Well for me sky arrow bridge is so that zekrom EX won't have to discard 3 energies retreating because usually/sometimes there isn't 3 eelektriks on the bench because they are catcher and OHKOable pretty easily.I think that 4 collector is good for consistency but it's just my opinion. If shaymin is going to be added then I'd suggest some ssu.
You say that you're not sure whether or not to run Tornadus or Thundurus. I'd suggest running Thundurus. The reason why is because Thundurus can be a great starter, and an easy way to get energies into your discard pile. Tornadus is only really ran to counter Donphan, which isn't played very much at all anymore due to 60 damage not being enough to KO really anything. To help get a Thundurus start, I'd suggest changing all of your 40 HP Tynamos to 30 HP Tynamos. The 30 HP Tynamos have free retreat, which can really help with this because since you're running four, if you don't get a Thundurus in your starting hand, you can start with a Tynamo, and then play Pokemon Collector to get a Thundurus and some more Tynamos, drop them, and then retreat it to a Thundurus, attach, and use Charge to get it up and running Turn 2.

Also, you should take out 1 regular Zekrom BW for 1 Mewtwo-EX. If you happen to have your one Mewtwo prized, the game can be much less in your favor, so you want to run 2 which ensures that your going to have atleast 1 non-prized Mewtwo-EX. Also, you don't want to play 3 Zekrom and 2 Zekrom-EX because you're not going to be even using that many attackers throughout the whole game! Heck, the majority of the game, you're going to be either swinging with Zekrom-EX and Mewtwo. I'd suggest taking it out and adding another Pokemon Catcher, which this deck requires you to play 3 of.

With the rest of these changes, you should take out a Super Rod. You are not going to be getting energies out of your discard (since the point of this deck is to get the energies INTO your discard pile), so this card really isn't needed. You're probably worried about what happens if one of your Pokemon gets knocked out. To tell you the truth, you play Eviolite and have a bunch of bulky attackers, so you don't have to worry about that one bit.

From the above, here the changes that I'd reccomend:

-1 Zekrom BW (For another Mewtwo-EX)
-4 40 HP Tynamo (For the Free Retreat 30 HP Tynamo)
-1 Lightning Energy (For Consistency)
-1 Super Rod (For Consistency and Common Sense)

+1 Mewtwo-EX (In case one is prized, plus it's a nice sweeper)
+1 Pokemon Catcher (For Cheap KOs)
+4 30 HP Tynamo (It has free retreat)
+1 Level Ball (To set up Eelektriks faster)

You also might want to take a different, more bulky approach to this deck. The below changes apply to changing your deck to more of a tanking version of this deck than the speed-focused version of it:

-1 Zekrom BW (For an additional Mewtwo-EX)
-1 Lightning Energy (For consistency)
-1 Super Rod (For Consistency and Common Sense)

+2 Eviolite (For tanking)
+1 Level Ball (To set up Eelektriks faster)

As you can see, the above changes don't change Tynamos. This is because that Tynamo has 40 HP, which can survive Kyurem and Tyrogue (which will start being played more due to the recent slow rise in Cleffa's popularity). Also, that specific Tynamo can Paralyze, which is great for stalling so you can set up early game.

In conclusion, I hope that I helped you with your deck, and you'll accept my constructive criticism. I play this deck myself, and I've playtested with it a lot.
Thanks so much for the help all. I think I will switch to the 30 HP Tynamo for now, with running 12 basics I'm not terribly concerned about a lone Tynamo start. Will definitely take out a Zekrom BW, hopefully for a Mewtwo EX but I'm not really hoping on having 2 by States. Heck, I'll be lucky if I have one. With doing:

-1 Lightning
-1 Sage
-1 Zekrom
-1 Switch

I want to try to make room for more consistency as I don't want to be terribly teched out for States and just want a consistent list. I would like for the slots to be filled by

+1 Mewtwo EX
+1 Pokemon Catcher
+1 Shaymin UL
+1 Level Ball

Hopefully this will work out, but assuming I can't get my hands on any Mewtwos at all, what counter would I be best off running?

EDIT: Oh, probably going to take out the Super Rod too. I figured it would be useful to get back discarded Eels but I realize that I always get these cards at the wrong times. So I'm not really sure what to add in its place, any suggestions there?
Smeargle isn't a tech, though. It's a nice starter for the early game if you draw into it, and having a one retreat cost allows you to make up your mind about your next move if Skyarrow Bridge is in play. If you don't play it, I understand, but I've tested Smeargle and it is pretty decent. Completely up to you though.

BTW, I'm also having the same problem with Mewtwo, but I only run one in my list, so I might be able to borrow one or something. If you absolutely cannot get any Mewtwo, Zekrom and Eviolite, or Zekrom EX make good counters (Bolt Strike only does 20 to Zekrom, and then Mewtwo needs 7 Energy in play to KO if after, and Zekrom EX discards Energy, which weakens X-Ball, and you can usually KO next turn with Shining Claw unless they attach Eviolite).
Yeah I suppose Smeargle is at least worth testing, I just feel like it would usually be better to have Thundurus up getting energies but double supporters are always nice too
Assuming you start with Smeargle and a Skyarrow Bridge, you can use two Supporters and Charge for the turn if you get Thundurus and a Lightning Energy. It seems like it would never happen, but it can quite often, even if you don't start with Smeargle (Switch fixes this issue).
Okay, I think what I've decided on for now is:

-1 Switch
-1 Zekrom BW
-1 Sage's
-1 Lightning
-1 Super Rod

+1 Smeargle
+1 Shaymin
+1 Catcher
+2 Skyarrow

Along with using the 40 HP Tynamos. I'd still like to have a slot available for another Mewtwo on the off chance I get one, any ideas there?
Updated the deck, I decided to go straight for consistency, teching only Lost Remover because I think it's an insanely good card this format. Anything I can do to improve it further?
Woah woah woah. Who told you to drop a Tynamo? That thing is a 4-of without doubt, because if one Tynamo is prized, you're only setting up 2 Eelektrik, which is not good for the mirror. I suggest:

- 1 Communication (if you're going for consistency, then just use Level Ball and Collector)

+ 1 Tynamo

I'm not sure about the Lost Remover, but do what you want.
Yeah I realize now that I should probably do that, forgot about prizes being a thing that would hurt me a lot in that case.