• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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i like charizard
I have now retired my Magnezone deck :( in favor of ZekEels, since it is much better in this format.

Anyway, here's my take on the deck.

Pokemon (14):
2 Zekrom EX
2 Zekrom
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Thundurus
4-3 Eelektrik (30HP Tynamo)

T/S/S (32):
3 Professor Juniper
2 Sage's Training
4 Collector

1 Super Rod
1 Pokegear (I only have 1)
3 Catcher
3 Level Ball
4 Junk Arm
3 Eviolite
2 PlusPower
2 Switch

Energy (14):
10 {L}

Thanks in advance for the advice!
Mewtwo EX is obviously amazingly good, but maybe you could drop it for the consistency of Zekrom EX #2.
No! Definitely keep the Mewtwo EX and raise it to 2 if you can! Take out a Zekrom and Cleffa for 2 Thundurus. In my list for States that I got 4th in, I played 2 Thundurus (I wish 3). It made my games so much easier!!! It got energy out on the board fast and got a T2 Disaster Volt. I loved it :)
VictiniMan said:
No! Definitely keep the Mewtwo EX and raise it to 2 if you can! Take out a Zekrom and Cleffa for 2 Thundurus. In my list for States that I got 4th in, I played 2 Thundurus (I wish 3). It made my games so much easier!!! It got energy out on the board fast and got a T2 Disaster Volt. I loved it :)


i think all eels should run 2-3 thundurus for a quick start.

i find that.

4-3 eel
2 zek ex
1 mewtwo ez
1 zekrom
3 thundurus
2 tornadus

works the best out of any link ive seen.
I don't think that 1 communication is needed at all. Collector takes care of all the basics and level ball takes care of eelektrik.
I would cut a Lightning for a DCE because you usually want to have them for Mewtwo and Zekrom EX. You also can't get back DCEs unlike Lightnings.
I would cut a Zekrom EX and a Collector for 2 Pokegears because you need to get a draw supporter most turns, and you just can't give that up.
I think it is great. I would add a Switch. You know why? Because this example with me. I ran 3 Switch and 2 SSU because if I had Zekrom EX that Strong Volted and needed to attack the next turn, I would Switch/SSU to Tynamo, x2 Dynamotor, and Strong Volt. It helped a lot during mirror matches and other tough battles.