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Aspiring Trainer
I got a new Deck Idea, but I'm not the greatest with Deck lists, so please help me with this one.


4 Zekrom EX (ND)
2-1-2 Magnezone Prime (Triumphant)
1-1 Dodrio (UD)
3-3 Eelektrik (30 HP Tynamo)
2-1-2 Kingdra Prime

Total: 25


3 Collector
3 Juniper
2 Heavy Ball
2 Level Ball
3 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
3 Communication
2 Eviolite
1 Sky Narrow Bridge

Total: 25

6 Lightning

Total: 10

Zekrom EX: This is your main attacker, you want to be able to use Strong Bolt every turn. It's dealing 150 with the cost of dropping 2 Lightning. I think this is a good matchup for Mewtwo EX, because Mewtwo relies on those energies and Zekrom is dropping 2 before Mewtwo is getting the chance to attack it.

Kingdra Prime: Kingdra Prime is in this deck as help for Zekrom to OHKO Mewtwo EX. You want to quickly get out 2 Kingdra Primes and Spray Splash twice and follow up with Zekrom EX's Strong Bolt to help drop Mewtwo EX, since Mewtwo EX's HP is 170.

Dodrio: Dodrio is in there for lightening up the retreat cost.

Eelektrik: This is your support Pokémon. You want to charge up a Benched Zekrom EX who will always have a DCE on it.

Magnezone Prime: Of course this is your major Draw Power for your Deck.

I only put 1 Sky Narrow Bridge in, but I think it should be used if you're in desperate need of free retreat for Zekrom EX. Because pairing up Dodrio with Sky Narrow Bridge will give Zekrom EX free retreat. But I would only use it if you absolutely need free retreat for Zekrom, because tossing at least 1 Lightning Energy into your discard pile is crucial for charging up a benched Zekrom EX.

I wasn't sure if switch was absolutely necessary for this Deck, because Dodrio is in the deck and Zekrom EX needs at least 1 retreat to toss the Lightning into the Discard and recharge it and Sky Narrow Bridge paired with Dodrio will give a late game free retreat for Zekrom EX. But if you guys think Switch is a must, please, by all means, help me tech it into this Deck.

I absolutely HAD to stick in Heavy Balls, because they are great for searching my deck for Zekrom EX and Level Ball, is fantastic for quickly snagging my Eelektrik!

Please feel free to help me improve this deck. I'm pretty sure this is a good Anti-Mewtwo EX Deck.
First off, you never need 4 of the same EX. 3 is enough.
I would max out rare candy for easier set up.
I would probably take out Sky arrow Bridge because with only one basic attacker, it may hurt you more than help you.
I would also max junk arm for more consistency.
I would take out your PONT and Junipers for 4 N and 2 lightning energy.(6 seems too little.)

I would probably ditch the kingdra, but that is completely my opinion. It seems good, I would just have plus powers in my deck.

-1 Zekrom EX
+1 Rare Candy
-1 SkyArrow Bridge
+1 Junk arm.
-3 Juniper
+2 Lightning energy
+4 N
I think that sage's is needed for this deck to discard energy quicker. I'd use 4 of them for more consistency and quicker set up. I'd also add a collector for more consistency. I usually max out my collectors in almost any deck I use. N and judge would also fit nicely with magnezone's power.
pikhu2000 said:
First off, you never need 4 of the same EX. 3 is enough.
I would max out rare candy for easier set up.
I would probably take out Sky arrow Bridge because with only one basic attacker, it may hurt you more than help you.
I would also max junk arm for more consistency.
I would take out your PONT and Junipers for 4 N and 2 lightning energy.(6 seems too little.)

I would probably ditch the kingdra, but that is completely my opinion. It seems good, I would just have plus powers in my deck.

-1 Zekrom EX
+1 Rare Candy
-1 SkyArrow Bridge
+1 Junk arm.
-3 Juniper
+2 Lightning energy
+4 N

Just N and Magnezone for Draw Power? I don't know if I can rely on just those 2 for Draw Power. Juniper can discard energies.
N, Sage's, Juniper, and judge are the best options, and juniper is pretty good in this deck as well as Sage's. I'd cut some heavy ball and level ball to max out communication and add more draw power. I'd cut PONT to for the space and more energies. In my opinion, ten is not enough in any magnezone deck with all the high hp pokemon now.
Jirachi said:
N, Sage's, Juniper, and judge are the best options, and juniper is pretty good in this deck as well as Sage's. I'd cut some heavy ball and level ball to max out communication and add more draw power. I'd cut PONT to for the space and more energies. In my opinion, ten is not enough in any magnezone deck with all the high hp pokemon now.

Could you please tell me how many to take out and what to replace it with and how many? It's much more helpful to me that way.
I'd take out heavy ball and level ball and max out communication (just my preference). I'd take out 2-1-2 kingdra prime because I don't find it that useful, but its your decision. I'd run like 4 sage's, 2 Juniper, 3 N, 2 Judge maybe, or 3 judge for draw power. Just an example.
Jirachi said:
I'd take out heavy ball and level ball and max out communication (just my preference). I'd take out 2-1-2 kingdra prime because I don't find it that useful, but its your decision. I'd run like 4 sage's, 2 Juniper, 3 N, 2 Judge maybe, or 3 judge for draw power. Just an example.

My problem is that I fear Mewtwo EX, cuz it's X-Ball is insanely powerful. And 2 Spray Splashes, followed by a Strong Volt can OHKO it. Magnezone Prime would have to Lost Zone 4 Energies to OHKO Mewtwo EX.
I think that 4 energies is a good deal for 2 prize cards. Kingdra prime will just be more catcher bait that will be KOd. It will also take longer to set up because Magnezone should be your main focus as well as Zekrom. I'd increase the magnezone line by 1-0-1 and add a couple of more energies.
Jirachi said:
I think that 4 energies is a good deal for 2 prize cards. Kingdra prime will just be more catcher bait that will be KOd. It will also take longer to set up because Magnezone should be your main focus as well as Zekrom. I'd increase the magnezone line by 1-0-1 and add a couple of more energies.

How would you do the Deck List then? Cuz I'm not so good at them.
Something like this:
3 Zekrom EX (ND)
3-1-3 Magnezone Prime (Triumphant)
3-3 Eelektrik (30 HP Tynamo)


4 Collector
1 Juniper
4 Sage's Training
3 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
4 Communication
3 Catcher
1 Eviolite
2 N
2 Judge
3 Switch

8 Lightning

I may be missing some things but this is just a skeleton of what I would do.
I'm so glad I have 3 Magnezone Primes. I made sure of it when I made a Mega Judge Deck. Thanx. I can easily make that but I think, once I get 2 more Zekrom EX (have 1 already), I'd tweak that a bit. I think 4 Junk Arm and 3 Communications would be better. Junk Arm is THAT good, you don't really need 4 of any trainer. And I think 3 switches is a bit high. Most decks only run 2. But once I have 2 more Zekrom EX, I can totally make that deck, with some tweaks.