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Zekrom Donk MD+ ---Seniors, Spring Battle Roads


Extra Spicy
4 Zekrom BW
3 Pachirisu CL
3 Shaymin UL
4 Unown R LA
3 Uxie LA

4 Dual Ball
2 Expert Belt
4 Junk Arm
4 PlusPower
4 PokeDrawer+
1 Pokedex BW
4 Pokedex Handy 910is
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Pokemon Rescue
3 Seeker
2 Switch

8 Lightning Energy

For those of you that don't know, the strategy of this deck is to attach a lightning energy to Zekrom, Use Pachirisu CL to attack 2 {L} energy to it, and then use Shaymin to move those energy to Zekrom and donk. I need some advice for this deck MD-ON for Battle Roads tommorow (Maybe). All advice appreciated- thanks!
-4 poke blower to add a 4th zekrom, +2 Plus Power and a 3rd pacharisu, that way it increases your chances of starting with a zekrom for the active and having a pacharisu on the bench. good luck
@Sleeping Snorlax

Thats a good idea, but the Blowers are for a Spiritomb start.
Remove PlusPowers and Add PokéBlowers +. Indeed, with an Expert Belt, You can OHKO everythink, you don't need any PlusPowers. Go on 2 Seeker, Remove Pokédex BW, Remove 2 {L} and 1 Uxie, then add 2 Crobat G and 3 PokéTurn. Maybe try to add Victory Medals ?