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Zekrom/Galvantula (post-a-deck part 24)


Hey. How's it goin'?
I just got back from a black and white prerelease and I really need your help with this deck (also please note that I have no cards MD-PL as those cards might be rotated out when I return to premier events):

Pokemon (15):
2 Zekrom (Full-art)
1 Minun UL (don't underestimate call for family)
2-2 Galvantula
4-4 Zebstrika

Energies: 15
14 {L}
1 Upper

T/S/S: 30
4 Bebe's
4 PlusPower
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Pokédex
3 Professor Juniper
2 Expert belt
2 Switch
2 Revive
2 Life Herb
2 Potion
1 Pokémon communication
1 Sunyshore city gym
1 Energy search

+2 Expert Belt
+1 Energy search
+1 Upper Energy
-3 Bill
-1 Pokeball

Strategy: Use Professor Juniper when I have few or no cards in my hand. Also, use Galvantula for Leech Life.

Please reply.
-3 bill
+3 pokemon collector
This card is something you need to consider adding to your deck...get your pokemon a lot faster. Bill wastes your supporter for the turn drawing 2 cards, which could pull your jack squat.

-1 pokeball
+1 pokemon communication
Coin flips aren't that great, communication is going to be of better use from what I see.
Which Zebstriker are you using? Either way it doesn't matter, both aren't incredible. You would probably be better off basing the deck around Galvantula and just use Leech Life to tank/stall. Somewhat similar to Torterra UL, except Galvantula have less HP and support though it is faster to set-up. If Zekrom isn't going to be the main force behind the deck then using it as a secondary attacker seems like a waste as Zekrom is a deck in-itself. A pokemon line like

4-4 Galvantula BW
2-1/1 Dodrio SV/UD (free retreat aid / "draw" power)
3 Minum UL (it's your main starter)
1 Jirachi RR ( I love using this card in combination with POV)

9 {L}

Also you may want to up the Sunyshore Gym to 3 as Donphan Prime is going to wreck with resistance and weakness and you want to draw into Sunyshore Gym ASAP. Also a couple of Expert Belt and Black Belt wouldn't hurt either considering how you'll be constantly healing the added effect of Expert Belt shouldn't hurt you too badly, plus Expert Belt > Plus Power. More consistant damage is better than low inconsistant damage (Plus Power being the inconsistant damage modifier)
I think there's some possible synergy between Zekrom and Galvantula if you use Reuniclus. The strategy would be to alternate attacks between Zekrom and Galvantula. You use Bolt Strike with Zekrom to do big damage, and then the next turn you use Reuniclus's ability to move Zekrom's recoil damage to Galvantula and get rid of it with Leech Life. Reuniclus can also give or take damage from Zekrom so that Rage does the perfect amount of damage. Use a few Pachirisu from Call of Legends so that you can attach lightning energy fast, and use Energy Switch to move those energies to Zekrom. Get rid of the Zebstrika entirely, it's not as good as you may think. There's also much work to be done with your trainers and energy....

-4 Blitzle
-4 Zebstrika
-1 Minun (there's better ways to set-up)
-1 Upper Energy (all this card is is a terrible version of Double Colorless Energy)
-6 Lightning Energy (14 is overkill, 8 should be plenty)
-3 Pokedex
-2 Switch
-2 Life Herb
-2 Potion
-1 Energy Search
-2 Bebe's Search
-1 Professor Juniper

+1 Zekrom
+2 Solosis
+2 Duosion
+2 Reuniclus
+2 Pachirisu (CL)
+1 Doduo
+1 Dodrio (from SV, to give free retreat to Zekrom and Galvantula)
+2 Uxie (from LA, it's great drawpower)
+2 Seeker (you'll only be playing Pachirisu and Uxie for their powers that activate when played on the bench, so this along with Super Scoop-Up helps to re-use their powers and make bench-space)
+2 Pokemon Collector
+2 Expert Belt
+2 Broken Time-Space
+4 Energy Switch
+3 Double Colorless Energy
+1 Pokemon Communication

Phew, hope this is as helpful as this was long to write.