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Zekrom HGSS-on (any)


See you space cowboy...
Just got a Zekrom soooo, a deck i will make!

4 Zekrom
3 Shaymin
3 Pachirisu
2-2 Dodrio

4 Collector
3 Dual Ball
3 Seeker
3 Juniper
1 Twins
4 Energy Search
3 Switch
2 Revive
2 Junk arm

4 Rescue
12 Lightning


Though i detest donks i built this so that i could possibly donk. With dual balls, energy searchs, collectors, SSU i think i could possible get all the players needed. Obvious strategy is to start zekrom and bench a pachirisu to self generate attaching 2 energies drop shaymin UL to move onto zekrom attach another energy and BOOM. 120, first turn. 2-2 line of dodrio just to be sure that one isint prized and if i dont get the donk im going to have to seeker up damaged zekroms.

I know it aint original but i wanted to try this out, any help will be appreciated.
I would swap 1 energy search for 1 Energy returner just because you're main attachment engine is a pachi, so getting 4 straight into the deck instead of into your hand and not burning a trainer is the way to go, at least once during the game.
Do you have a way to counter against Donphan Prime with this deck? What If you were facing a mirror matchup and you run a 1-1 Donphan Prime tech with Rainbow Energy to KO their Zekrom with PlusPower?

It's a really amazing deck but it seems like it lacks any late game material especially with drawpower. Where's Magnezone Prime? If anything that could be a great late game attacker or just drawpower in general.
he could just donk. there isn't a whole lot of mid/late game in here other than the scoop ups and seekers for healing.
I think you need to run something to counter Spiritomb. Nothing's worse then losing a game and not taking a prize because you couldn't set up. I think you could run four cyclone energies, until rotation at least, so that you can switch the spiritomb away. Not really sure of much else, but with trainer lock, you're screwed, just putting that out there.

I like the deck idea, good luck!
Guys, read the title. Suggest HG/SS-on.

dmaster out.
I would put 1 more pachirisu in there, mainly because if you dont draw it in the opening hand or theyre in your prizes youre in a bad spot, but the collectors would probably get it. I would take out the dodrio line to put in 4 research records so that pachirisu would always be able to get energies. Theres not much to say about this deck.. I mean it seems really good to me!!
i would add in some plus powers.
forget about donphan line for mirror matches. one plus power solves all your problems.
works against reshiram, zekrom, and any other decks that revolve around 130hp pokemon.

also, a few energy RETREIVALs, not returners, would help recharge a knocked out zekrom.
Black Belt Rene said:
I would put 1 more pachirisu in there, mainly because if you don't draw it in the opening hand or theyre in your prizes youre in a bad spot, but the collectors would probably get it. I would take out the dodrio line to put in 4 research records so that pachirisu would always be able to get energies. Theres not much to say about this deck.. I mean it seems really good to me!!

I'd personally go with that new B/W pokedex. let's you see the top 5 instead of the top 4 from research record. yeah with research record you could place as many of the 4 as you'd like on the bottom of the deck but I don't like that gambling feel personally, and you get to look at an extra card with pokedex.

honestly both cards would work...just depends on your preference for which to choose.

however, I'd suggest taking out only 1-1 dodrio. having that dodrio out for free retreat could be a huge game changer if after doing 2 bolt strikes, freely retreat and put out a second zekrom that hopefully by then is ready to go and just seeker up the nearly-KO'd zekrom. then boom, healthy zekroms ready to continue doing heavy damage with the hassle of discarding energies.

-1-1 dodrio
+2 pokedec B/W (or +2 research record...like I said earlier, both would work)