i had this idea today and wanted to see if anyone would think if it would work. it still needs more cards so please comment
24 Pokemon( pretty sure this is all the pokemon i want)
4 Zekrom
3-3 wailord TR
2-2-2 reinucliues(excuse the spelling)
2-3 blissy prime
3 spiritomb AR
16 T/S/S (for now. need suggestions)
4 max restore
3 pokemon collector
4 bebes search
2 rare candy
2 revive
1 snowpoint temple
as many {L} as i can fit in there and one other type still to be decided
the strategy is is to start out with a spiritomb(i'll probably up it to 4) and use a collector to get a zekrom, solosis and walmer. evolve up the walmer and solosis to wailord and reinuclius and keep stalling with spiritomb and then once zekrom is charged begin attacking. use the 120 attack and every turn after you attack move the 40 that zekrom does to himself to wailmer with reinuclius. when wailmer is close to being K.O.ed, use max restore or have a chansey on your bench and have a blissey in your hand or a card in your hand that can find blissey. heal with blissey or max restore and keep 120ing with zekrom. i think this could work but it needs more cards
24 Pokemon( pretty sure this is all the pokemon i want)
4 Zekrom
3-3 wailord TR
2-2-2 reinucliues(excuse the spelling)
2-3 blissy prime
3 spiritomb AR
16 T/S/S (for now. need suggestions)
4 max restore
3 pokemon collector
4 bebes search
2 rare candy
2 revive
1 snowpoint temple
as many {L} as i can fit in there and one other type still to be decided
the strategy is is to start out with a spiritomb(i'll probably up it to 4) and use a collector to get a zekrom, solosis and walmer. evolve up the walmer and solosis to wailord and reinuclius and keep stalling with spiritomb and then once zekrom is charged begin attacking. use the 120 attack and every turn after you attack move the 40 that zekrom does to himself to wailmer with reinuclius. when wailmer is close to being K.O.ed, use max restore or have a chansey on your bench and have a blissey in your hand or a card in your hand that can find blissey. heal with blissey or max restore and keep 120ing with zekrom. i think this could work but it needs more cards