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Zoroark break/Marowak Break


Aspiring Trainer
2 Cubone
2 Marowak (bodyguard)
2 Marowak break
1 Yveltal (oblivion wing)
1 yveltal (fright night)
2 zorua (AO)
2 Zoroark (stand in)
3 Zoroark break
2 Remoroid
2 Octillery (card draw)

2 lysandre
2 Bridgette
2 wally
1 shauna
2 tierno
2 N
2 ultra ball
2 level ball
4 trainers mail
3 parallel city
2 float stone
4 vs seeker

6 dark
4 fighting
3 dce

This is basically just a tech on the regular zoroark deck. Marowak break would be a heavy late game comeback tech from a bad draw/ quick start from the opponent. please let me know what you guys think!