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Standard Zoroark/Decidueye Budget


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, I need some advice to improve my deck, I don´t have Lele, Ninetales from LOT and i tried to make a more budget variant, thanks in advance!
I have been having some troubles against no GX decks at the battle of prizes so i added garbodor

Pokemon (15)
3 Zorua (SLG-52)
3 Zoroark GX (PR-SM84)
3 Decidueye GX (SUM-12)
3 Rowlet (SUM-9)
1 Ditto ♢ (LOT-154)
1 Garbodor (GRI-51)
1 Alolan Muk (SUM-58)

Trainer (36)
4 Cynthia
3 Guzma
4 Rare Candy
3 Choice Band
2 Switch
3 Nest Ball
1 Great Ball
4 Ultra Ball
1 Pal Pad
1 Judge
3 Lillie
2 Acerola
1 Rescue Stretcher
1 Energy Loto
1 Professor Elm's Lecture
2 Enhanced Hammer

Energy (9)
4 Double Colorless Energy - Special
2 Darkness Energy - Basic
1 Grass Energy - Basic
2 Rainbow Energy - Special
I'd add Volkner or two. That would let you get those rare candies more efficiently. It's what we used pre-FairyNinetales for that purpose.

I'd still consider running Alolan Vulpix (Beacon), as it's still quite useful for getting basics into your hand.

Up your Elm's Lecture count if you at all can, you've got nearly all 60 or less HP there on your basics. With Zoroark, Cynthia isn't actually all that valuable - you often have > 6 cards in hand and don't want to shuffle. I'd run 4 Elm's and 2 Cynthia or something like that. Lillie also you can drop. My supporters would probably be:

4 Elm's
4 Guzma
2 Cynthia
2 Acerola
1 Judge

You just don't need that much in terms of mid-game draw support, that's Zoroark's job.

Since you have room for pokemon, maybe add a thin Magcargo line? Or add Tapu Koko (flying flip)? Or maybe a fighting type (Larvitar is in some builds, for example, the LOT one I think; it partners well with Decidueye since it does 120 to a pokemon with 30 already on it, so you hit it with 2 decidueyes and then OHKO opposing Zoroarks). Water A9 GX is also not a bad idea, for blacephalons; its 50hp DCE bench attack is quite nice. Chimecho is also worth considering in this deck since you have rainbow energy.

I'd dump the dark energy, Zoro's GX attack isn't all that exciting; maybe put 4 rainbow, or add a Counter Energy or two in there.

Can you add a counter catcher or two? I feel like you're reasonably likely to be down in prizes at some points with this since you're slow to set up.
I'd add Volkner or two. That would let you get those rare candies more efficiently. It's what we used pre-FairyNinetales for that purpose.

I'd still consider running Alolan Vulpix (Beacon), as it's still quite useful for getting basics into your hand.

Up your Elm's Lecture count if you at all can, you've got nearly all 60 or less HP there on your basics. With Zoroark, Cynthia isn't actually all that valuable - you often have > 6 cards in hand and don't want to shuffle. I'd run 4 Elm's and 2 Cynthia or something like that. Lillie also you can drop. My supporters would probably be:

4 Elm's
4 Guzma
2 Cynthia
2 Acerola
1 Judge

You just don't need that much in terms of mid-game draw support, that's Zoroark's job.

Since you have room for pokemon, maybe add a thin Magcargo line? Or add Tapu Koko (flying flip)? Or maybe a fighting type (Larvitar is in some builds, for example, the LOT one I think; it partners well with Decidueye since it does 120 to a pokemon with 30 already on it, so you hit it with 2 decidueyes and then OHKO opposing Zoroarks). Water A9 GX is also not a bad idea, for blacephalons; its 50hp DCE bench attack is quite nice. Chimecho is also worth considering in this deck since you have rainbow energy.

I'd dump the dark energy, Zoro's GX attack isn't all that exciting; maybe put 4 rainbow, or add a Counter Energy or two in there.

Can you add a counter catcher or two? I feel like you're reasonably likely to be down in prizes at some points with this since you're slow to set up.

HI, Thank you for the tips! ♥

I have Water Alolan Ninetales and Tapu koko, but i only have 1 Elms
What do you think about Alolan Muk and Garbodor?
Is really worth to add more Pokemon?
I can discard the basic energies I think and put more rainbow, but i always feel worried about losing my special energies and can´t attack

I´ll be testing your tips : )
I prefer a more simple decklist with full lines of zoroark and decidueye and ditto prism star. Main attacker will be zoroark, while decidueyes will only help with the math to KO opposing pokemon.

Drop elms, go with 4 nest balls, 4 great balls and 4 ultra balls. Add some choice bands and devoured field. Ideally you will want to setup 3 decidueye and 3 zoroark. Sometimes 3 zoroarks may seem too much but the time you spend setting them up definitely helps later in the game with your draw power
I prefer a more simple decklist with full lines of zoroark and decidueye and ditto prism star. Main attacker will be zoroark, while decidueyes will only help with the math to KO opposing pokemon.

Drop elms, go with 4 nest balls, 4 great balls and 4 ultra balls. Add some choice bands and devoured field. Ideally you will want to setup 3 decidueye and 3 zoroark. Sometimes 3 zoroarks may seem too much but the time you spend setting them up definitely helps later in the game with your draw power

So do you say a 4-4 line of Zoroark/Decidueye will be your option?
Yeah, sometimes I preffer more simple but some techs are really good in some matchs, i´ll try that : )
Maybe :

4 Zorua (SLG-52)
4 Zoroark GX (PR-SM84)
4 Decidueye GX (SUM-12)
4 Rowlet (SUM-9)
1 Ditto ♢ (LOT-154)
1 Oranguru (UPR 114)

Oranguru for late match
I prefer a more simple decklist with full lines of zoroark and decidueye and ditto prism star. Main attacker will be zoroark, while decidueyes will only help with the math to KO opposing pokemon.

Drop elms, go with 4 nest balls, 4 great balls and 4 ultra balls. Add some choice bands and devoured field. Ideally you will want to setup 3 decidueye and 3 zoroark. Sometimes 3 zoroarks may seem too much but the time you spend setting them up definitely helps later in the game with your draw power
Why drop Elms? Elms gets you three Zorua/Rowlet first turn if you draw it. Without Lele it's not as powerful, but it still seems useful the 1/3 or so of games you draw it in turn one, and even turn 2 or 3 it may be useful in many games.
The Alolan Vulpix will really help set up your deck even if you can't afford to get Ninetales, I'd go with a couple of it. They won't know you have Ninetales and might target your Vulpix, giving your Rowlets and Zoruas plenty of time to survive and set-up. :)
Why drop Elms? Elms gets you three Zorua/Rowlet first turn if you draw it. Without Lele it's not as powerful, but it still seems useful the 1/3 or so of games you draw it in turn one, and even turn 2 or 3 it may be useful in many games.

I had this opinion as well but if you test the build I suggested with more balls you will find that it is surprisingly consistent and you will not miss elms at all. At the early stage of the game, I'd say there's no doubt that elm is better but in mid to late game balls give you more versatility to also search for evolutions. Besides that, even in the early stage of the game, if you have a decent hand, it is possible to compensate the lack of elm using all your balls to thin your hand and the using Lillie or Cynthia. Most games this will grant you at least 3 basic just as elm would.

Aside that, you can still stick with elms instead of balls which works just great (although in this case I would suggest using 2 tapu lele), but this alternative is definitely worth testing