Zoroark (DR71) [3/15/2012]


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Card of the Day: Zoroark from Dark Explorers


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Imo this card has major potential the first attack is amazing and the second attack is alright as well being released in the set that its in only makes it that much more playable also i find this artwork really cool overall I'd give it a 9/10
How does this card stand on it's own?
On it's own, and undamaged, you are gonna have some problems simply because it's first attack relies on having alot of dark pokemon out and it's second attack needs Zoroark to be hurt. Brutal Bash does twenty times the number of Dark Pokemon you have in play. This attack with a full Dark bench can be very dangerous (anywhere from 20 (40 with two special darks) to 120 (140 with special darks. Dark Rush is horrrible if Zoroark is untouched, but as a last resort attack (i.e. more than six damage counters) it becomes a bad grass capable of doing some heavy damage, especially if the two dark energy on it are special darks. The weakness of this card won't really be a problem seeing as the only fighting pokemon in the meta is Terrakion. The resistance will be fun against Mewtwo EX, the only Psychic pokemon in the meta right now, since Chandyplume has gotten a bit slow and out of date, but even then, Chandy is weak to Zoroark and the fact that, if the Confusion and Burn don't work, you're kinda screwed. The retreat, not that bad, but not that good.

2. What cards, if any, does this card combo with?
Darkness Claw and Special Dark energy are going to make this card very evil. You can easily do 200+ damage with Dark Rush. And with the Large Cloak from Dragon Blade, you can do up to 280 damage, 280 DAMAGE! That is just, mean. Brutal Bash, with a Darkness Claw and four Special Darks can do 180, OHKOing any EX...without Eviolite. And with Darkrai, hey look, free retreat.

3. What role does/could this card have in the metagame?
This card could easily bring back Darkness Pokemon. I think that there could be an amazing deck with Zoroark, Darkrai EX and maybe the Mandibuzz from Black and White (Heavy damage to Stage 2's) could make a pretty good Dark deck. I'd have to do some testing with this deck to find out where it stacks up, but I think it could be a Tier 1.5 or 2 deck.

4. Pokemon Rating:
This card is amazing, and with the amount of Dark pokemon and trainers in this set to back it up, it will be even better, so for the attacks, weakness, resistance and HP, I'd give it a 9/10. The card print has pretty great detailing and the darkness fits perfect with the Dark Explorers set so, 8.5/10. So overall, 8.75-9 out of 10 seems about right.
Marvelous attacking Pokemon! Remember "V-Create" Victini? Now we've got slightly higher damage output, 40 more HP, and Dark Type, meaning it resists Mewtwo EX . You will have to load your deck with more basic Pokemon than usual, but it synergizes with Zoroark's strategy, and more basics prevents mulligans. 120 for 2 energy right on turn 2 isn't so hard to set up thanks to Collector, Dual Ball, and Zorua DE's "Ascension" attack! I can already see this Pokemon gaining victory streaks thanks to its huge damage output, with less set-up . Wow.

Combo this together Darkrai EX and you've got a retreating monster and his BW counterpart to block off Mewtwo EX and other Big Basics. when the set comes out, I might try partnering it with Umbreon.
As everyone has lauded its praises, I'll point out its main drawback, namely that it has a mere 100hp. Any EX and even the Basic Reshiram and Zekrom and many of the Basic Fighting techs can one shot this thing. So since KO tradeoffs are going to be likely, the real question is going to be how quickly can you set up another Stage 1 Zoroark as opposed to your opponents Basic. At this point I'm not sure who wins that battle, but it does dampen my enthusiasm for this card.
1. How does this card stand on its own (analyze the HP, attacks, Abilities, etc. of the card)?
On its own the card actually doesnt look to good,just your typical glass cannon with a very bad weakness but somewhat good resistance.

2. What cards, if any, does this card combo with?
This is where it gets good.Oh,where do i begin?Darkness claw and Special energys can increase the damge to up to 150 damaga.It benefits off of other dark pokemon so tanks like T-tar prime or Krookodile could work well.I would like to talk about Krookodile especially since his attack does more damage the more prizes you have taken.And when you have a nice speedy attack like this guy you can charge up Krookodile for KO's by as early as turn 4!Darkrai EX also gives everything free retreat and dark patch can also give a nice speed boost.

3. What role does/could this card have in the metagame?
This guy is really whats bringing darkness back,hes the star of the whole type right now and he belongs in every dark deck.

4. Give it a rating (out of 10), and explain why you have given it that rating.
I give it a 8.5 out of ten since hes really going to make his way into the meta but probably won't change it.Plus the decks fun to play.
Typhlo Wolf said:
Combo this together Darkrai EX and you've got a retreating monster and his BW counterpart to block off Mewtwo EX and other Big Basics. when the set comes out, I might try partnering it with Umbreon.

No to sure about how Umbreon will play it when this set hits. It's a VERY slim chance you can hit 2 heads to trash those energies.

But, this is about Zoroark. I have currently wrote a list on this deck and will be playing with it shortly to test it out. I think it has potential to be a tier 1-2 deck paired with Darkrai EX. It can hit for 140 on turn 2, if you can get 6 Poke's out and a Dark Claw.