Let me start by saying Zoroark is just one of my favorite Pokémon in general. So ever since he got his own GX I've been using him with many different partners.... Lycanroc GX seems to be the best but I've also had a surprisingly amount of success pairing him with Umbreon GX and Hoopa from SHL. But I'm just not %100 in love with any of the variants I've played with yet so I was thinking about maybe pairing him up with Espeon GX...both use DCE, I rarely used Zoroarks GX move when I did play with darkness energy and his low damage cap hurts in some matchups. But Espeons Divide GX could easily take multiple KOs after a few riotous beatings by Zoroark. Not to mention Espeon is great early game buying time to set up. I'm really just wondering if anyone has used this combo yet and if so what were your experiences? And if you haven't what do you think of this possible partnership/ what do you guys think Zoroarks best partner is?