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Standard ZoroGross GX deck list


It's Wednesday M'dudes
Hi. I thought of making a deck list for Metagross GX but with a twist, I’m going to add Zoroark GX. The idea is that you use Zoroark to help set up your tanky metagross’s and max potion damage off of them and maybe even attack with Zoroark.

So here’s the list:

Pokémon: 20

4x metagross GX (GAR)
3x metang (GAR)
4x beldum
2x Zoroark GX (SHL)
2x Zorua (SHL)
1x alolan vulpix (GAR)
1x mewtwo GX (SHL) (Counters Buzzwole GX and can easily be powered up by Metagross GX)
1x Registeel (CRI) (Picks off fairy ralts early game while powering up other stuff while being a Non GX attacker)
2x Tapu Lele GX (GAR)

Trainers: 31

Supporters: 11

4x Professor Sycamore (BP)
3x N (FC)
2x Guzma (BUS)
2x Bridgette (BT)

Items: 20

4x Ultra ball (SUM)
3x Rare Candy (SUM)
3x Max Potion (GAR)
3x Field blower (GAR)
2x Rescue stretcher (GAR)

3x Choice band (GAR)
2x Float stone (BT)

Energy: 9

1x Psychic Energy (powering up Mewtwo)
8x Steel energy

This deck is supposed to set up fast and hit hard with Registeel and Vulpix being our preferred starts either setting up or putting in early game pressure. I was tempted to add in a 1-1 Sogaleo GX with rare candy's but thought that that would be way to clunky. for this deck I used my Decidueye GX as a template but I am only running a 2-2 Zoroark rather than a 3-3 because Zoroark is only in here for the draw Support or maybe as back up attacker. I play Registeel because it can help us get set up while being ability locked, pick off fairy ralts early game, Shreck Gardys with a choice band, and can fight against hoopa (SHL) and Ninetales (BUS). Our Mewtwo GX is only in here to fight Buzzwoles and other Psychic weak Pokemon.

Hope you enjoyed my Interesting ZoroGross GX deck list and tell me what you think about the Mewtwo and Registeel (Regi's gonna get a lot of hate but maybe not Mewtwo as much). Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks :)
Looks fairy solid, I run a similar deck. I do want to make some suggestions, based on advice I got on mine.

-1 Mewtwo GX
-1 Registeel
-1 Metang
-1 Rescue Stretcher
-1 Psychic Energy

+1 Oranguru SUM
+1 Rare Candy
+3 Double Colorless Energy

I find it easier to just have all Metagross, all the time. Mewtwo GX makes this deck a little clunky, and Meta GX has enough HP to not care about Buzzwole. Oranguru is good as a non-GX attacker due to Psychic and Instruct adding some hand-filling support. You want Metagross out as soon as possible, which Rare Candy provides. Finally, Double Colorless Energy lets you power up Oranguru, Zoroark and Lele if needed.

Other than that, really solid!
I think that I could maybe try out the oraguru instead of the registeel and the fourth rare candy instead of the third metang. I do like the second stretcher and the Mewtwo is kind of clunky but it could be useful in some mach ups but I don't like the DCE because you can't us Geotech system on them but I could think of something to replace the Mewtwo, and thanks for the advice :)
Ha I just figured out what can replace Mewtwo. :) I am going to use a Magerna EX to prevent all effects of attacks except damage done to our Pokemon with Steel energy attached to them. I will also take away the Psychic energy and put in a steel energy instead.