Wi-Fi Trades ~*ZoruaShayminSnivyCincinno's Official Trade Thread*~

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Lol I dunno anymore

First of all, my FC if probably needed~

NOTE~I may be a little cautious with trading now, because my AR decided it wanted to stop working, so I can't clone anymore. I would also really appreciate a cloner for now!

Next, the rules~
No hacks
I accept cloned Pokemon
Please do not keep forcing me to breed something, I'll get around to it
Please, PLEASE, PM me when you know what you want to trade
For those of you who don't know, NN=Nickname UT=Untrained

~*ZSL's haves*~

Latias, lv 100(F), Bold (Dragon Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Mist ball)
Charmander, lv 1(M), Jolly (Scratch, Growl, Flamethrower)
Serperior, lv 45(M), Hardy (Leaf Blade, Coil, Giga Drain, Leech Seed) (Can be NNed legitimately)
Raikou, lv 49, Rash(Event)(Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed, Crunch) (Touched)
Pichu, lv 30(M), Jolly(Event)(Charge, Volt Tackle, Endeavor, Endure) (UT I think)
Jirachi, lv 70, Bold (Zen Headbutt, Double-Edge, Last Resort, Doom Desire) (Not sure of legitimacy)
Musharna, lv 31(F), Jolly (Zen Headbutt, Psybeam, Moonlight, Hypnosis)
Eevee, lv 25(M), Naive (Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Growl, Quick Attack)
Lapras, lv 100(F), Brave (Sheer Cold, Ice Shard, Brine, Surf)
Porygon-Z, lv 100, Bold (Ice Beam, Thunderbold, Thunderwave, Recover) (Event...?)

Ho-Oh(NN Skyriss), lv 58, Docile (Extrasensory, AncientPower, Brave Bird, Sacred Fire)
Ho-Oh, lv 98, Docile (Sacred Fire, Punishment, AncientPower, Fly)
Coballion, lv 43, Jolly (False Swipe, Retaliate, Iron Head, Sacred Sword) (Can be NNed legitimately)
Victini(NN Starblaze), lv 28, Docile (Confusion, Incinerate, Quick Attack, Flame Charge) (Liberty Pass)
Victini, lv 26, Quiet (Confusion, Incinerate, Quick Attack, Flame Charge) (Liberty Pass) (Can be NNed legitimately)
Victini, lv 50, Hardy (V-Create, Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt, Searing Shot) (Japanese Event)
Reshiram, lv 57, Lax (Dragon Pulse, Slash, Extrasensory, Fusion Flare) (Can be NNed Legitimately) (PKRS)
Thundurus, lv 40, Adamant (Revenge, Shock Wave, Heal Block, Agility)
Suicune, lv 41, Adamant (Rain Dance, Gust, Aurora Beam, Surf)
Articuno, lv 53, Bold (AncientPower, Frost Breath, Ice Beam, Fly)
Tornadus, lv 40, Gentle (Revenge, Air Cutter, Extrasensory, Agility)
Rayquaza, lv 70, Bold (ExtremeSpeed, Outrage, Dragon Claw)
Rayquaza, lv 100, Adamant (Dragon Pulse, ExtremeSpeed, Outrage)
Shaymin, lv 30, Gentle (Growth, Magical Leaf, Leech Seed, Synthesis)
Giritina, lv 1, Relaxed (Dragon Breath, Scary Face)
Kyurem, lv 75, Hardy (Glaciate, Dragon Pulse, Imprison, Endeavor) (Can be NNed legitimately)
Latias, lv 35, 36, 40, 40, 65, 65, 70, 80, 100.
Jirachi, lv 17, Bashful (Wish, Confusion, Swift, Draco Meteor) (Event, Touched)

Almost all starters(no Torchic)
I may have more, this is list from memory, just ask.

Egg Move Pokemon~
Night Slash~Oshawott
Wish, Tickle, Yawn~Eevee
Working on~
Venonat~Agility, Bug Bite, Screech, Signal Beam
Trapinch~Signal Beam, Furry Cutter, Bug Bite.

Pokemon I don't need(free)~
Hippopotas, Sentret, Yanma, Pineco, Doduo, Plusle, Wynaut, Volbeat, Illumise, Gligar, Shroomish, Mankey, Shuppet, Houndour, Swinub, Zubat, Wurmple, Wepnbell, Oddish, Onix, Sneasle, Geodude, Krabby, Pidgeot, Medetite, Tauros, Carvanha, Slugma, Unown, Rhyhorn, Stantler, Sandslash, Mareep, Grimer, Wobbuffet, Magby, Likitung, Metapod, Mime Jr, Kankaskhan, Sunkurn, Spearow, Goldeen, Staryu, Gastly, Eevee(tons), Joltik(tons), Crawdaunt.

Shiny Oshawott/Dewott(either gender)
Shiny Ponyta(either gender)
Shiny Eevee(has to be female)

Other wants~
Other Shinys
and DW females
*~*ShayminCinccino's Haves*~*

Infernape~Lv40 Nature:Naive Moves: Flame Wheel,Ember,Mach Punch,Close Combat
Blastoise~Lv36 Nature:Jolly Moves: Bite,Water Gun,Aqua tail,Water Pulse
Ivysaur~ Nickname:Bobo(Did not name it) Lv 35 Nature:Lonely Moves: Leech Seed,Razor Leaf,Sleep Powder, Double Edge.
Hydregon~Lv68 Nature:Adament Moves:Hyper Voice,Body Slam,Dragon Pulse,Dragon Rush
Tyranitar Lv100 Nature:Quirky Moves:Stone edge Crunch,Earthquake,Hyper Beam.
Bronzong~Lv 59 Nature:Serious Moves:Extrasensory,Hypnosis,Light Screen,Gyro Ball.
Glaceon~Nickname Icestorm Lv 39 Nature:Modest Moves:Dig Ice beam Ice Shard Icy Wind

Raikou~Lv31 Nature:Rash (Event) Moves:Zap Cannon,Aura Sphere,Extreme Speed,Weather ball.
Axew Lv37 Nature Hasty Moves Dual Chop,Dragon Claw,Aerial Ace,Dig. Ability:Rivalry
Hydreigon~Lv70 Nature Timid Moves Hyper Voice, DragonBreath, Flamethrower, Focus Blast.

Baby Pokemon
Phione~ lv1 Nature Quiet Moves: Bubble,Water Sport
Charmander~lv1 Nature:Bold Moves:Scratch,Growl
Chimchar~Lv1 Nature:Quirky Moves: Scratch,Leer (Pokerus)
Deino~Lv1 Nature Modest Moves: Tackle,Dragon Rage,Dark Pulse
Oshawott(s) (In breeding)

Latias~Lv40 Nature:Gentle Moves:Water Sport, Refresh, Mist Ball, Zen Headbutt.
Latios~Lv35 Nature:Lax Moves:DragonBreath,Protect,Refresh,Luster Purge.
Arceus lv100 Nature:Naughty Moves:Recover, Hyper Beam,Perish Song,Judgement
Mew~Lv 33 Nature:Jolly Moves:psychic Mega Punch, Metronome,Transform
Moltres~Lv50 Nature:Careful Moves:Ancient Power,Flamethrower,Safeguard,Air Slash.
Victini~Lv 57 Nature:Quiet Moves:psyshock,Thunder,Searing Shot,Flame Charge.
Thunderous~Lv40 Nature:Modest Moves:Revenge,Shock Wave,Heal Block, Agility
Cobalion~Lv42 Nature:Relaxed Moves:Helping Hand,Retaliate,Iron Head,Sacred Sword.
Deoxys~ Lv50 Nature Rash Moves Psycho Boost,Zap Cannon,Iron Defense,ExtremeSpeed
Deoxys~Lv50 Nature Timid Moves Psycho Boost,Zap Cannon,Iron Defense,ExtremeSpeed
Terrakion lv42 Nature:Docile Moves:Helping Hand Earthquake,Rock Slide,Sacred Sword.

Freebies! (Pokemon I can just give out)
Pichu Larvitars Eevees(Only Boys) Zorua Tepigs Pansages Minuns Axews Nidoren Togepi Trapinch Poochyena Lotad

Will Add more!

Trainer Name:Jenny
Friend Code 1463 5929 0857


Girl Eevees
Dragon type Pokemon
Shiny Pokemon
High Level Pokemon.
Adament Larvitar or Pupitar or Tyranitar
Jolly,Timid or Adamant Trapinch or Vibrava or Flygon
Few things:

~I'll probably want this: [Victini, lv 50, Hardy (V-Create, Fusion Flare, Fusion Bolt, Searing Shot) (Japanese Event)]
~and to find out which of those ten Latias have good natures/IVs
~I don't know what you mean by NN
~You two should probably each have a "Wants" list as well; all you have is a needs list.

just popping in
Don't worry, I'm aware of Latias' best nature; I'm fairly involved in competitive field. And if ZSL doesn't have Timid I'll take a nature that's doable.
Speaking of which, I'd like to see if I can get the following from you:
Thunderous~Lv40 Nature:Modest Moves:Revenge,Shock Wave,Heal Block, Agility
First, I presume it's untouched (that is, no battle exp earned)? Second of all, what would you like for it? I've got Shaymin and Eevee lying around, but if you want something different (or if you want to order a request such as a jolly Trapinch), here is my list for convenience.
I assume you want this Shaymin, since it's the only one I can offer that's legit:
Shaymin Lv. 50, Rash, Neuter - OT TRU, ID 02089, holding Micle Berry - 31 SpA IV
It is cloned, however, but it's untouched. If you accept that I trade this for Thundurus, either reply to me either in post or PM, or you can go to the Pokebeach chat and tell me there. I'll get it ready for you.

Edit: Oh, and it won't be holding the Micle Berry either - I need to transfer it to my Black, and I can't take items over. That still fine with you?
Ok! Whats your friend code and trainer name? Also do you have a water stone? I can trade items.

Edit:Yup fine with me!
I'm also interested in the Event Victini
ShayminCinccino: I'm interested in most of your Pokemon and Legends
Ok! Whats your friend code and trainer name? Also do you have a water stone? I can trade items.
I've got a Water Stone so I can throw that in for you. My Friend Code is in my trade thread (link in sig), so once I add that you can log on (or you can see me on PB chat and we can talk live there).
Just saw it. What will you give for one? For legends I would trade for another legend or a shiny and maybe a well ev trained pokemon?

DNA said:
I've got a Water Stone so I can throw that in for you. My Friend Code is in my trade thread (link in sig), so once I add that you can log on (or you can see me on PokéBeach chat and we can talk live there).
Ok! Thanks!
Well, I can't list them all so I can go on WiFi and you can see there. I got lots of Shinies and DW Pokemon.
I added yours too. I'm interested in your Legends and regular Pokemon.
Note: I like voice chat on because I like to have good conversations.
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