• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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ZPS (Zekrom/Pachirisu/Shaymin) HGSS-On


RIP Pokemon TCG: 1996 - 2011.
Hey Pokebeach! After much testing, I perfected my Zekrom List and got it to hit 120-160 Damage on its first turn.

The strategy is to use Pachirisu's "Self-Generation" to stack 2 Lightning energies on him. By using Unown DARK to pull out a quick dark energy and using Shaymin's "Celebration Wind" to move the energies, can dish out 120 very easy.

So heres the list!

Pokemon: 12
4 Zekrom
3 Pachirisu
3 Shaymin
1 Cleffa
1 Unown DARK

T/S/S: 30
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Duel Ball
4 Super Scoop Up
3 Plus Power
3 Junk Arm
2 Professor Juniper
2 Revives
2 Seeker
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Switch
Energy- 17
16 Electric/Lightning
1 Dark


Reshiboar- 50:50- Zekrom often donks or outspeeds Reshiboar early game, however, once they set up, it is a insanely close game.

Donphan- 50:50- This may sound odd, but think. Zekrom can easily donk a 60/70 hp Phanapy before they even set up, which leads me to believe it is more even then I thought.

Blastgatr- 80:20- With Blastoise's speed and terrible weakness, Zekrom can tear through it rather easy.

Thanks and comment!
If you donk them, that's good... but if they get a donphan out, or start with cleffa active phanpy beched, you're screwed. I don't think you did much testing against donphan...I haven't tested this deck, but I don't think that this deck has a counter to donphan. Next set, basculin - until then, i don't know.
Pokemon Catcher would get the cleffa out of the active and let you 1st turn ko whatever you want that your opponent has out... unless this is a Nat's deck (which would be the only HGSS-On tournament). That is, of course, unless Red Collection doesnt come out till later in August than Worlds.
Yea I tested agianst Donphan WITH Catcher and it's very even. And this is for next season not for Nationals.
Have you tried Ruins of Alph in this deck? I know, it really only helps one matchup, but perhaps splashing one in exchange for a Junk Arm is essentially playing two PlusPowers against Donphan.
Since you run 4 Dual Ball and 4 Collector, I think:

-1 Dual Ball
-1 Collector

+2 Pokemon Communication

Against Lostgar(which may be big next format), you should be able to keep useless Pokemon out of your hand and still have a fast deck.

No, I'm not a troll, but there's nothing much else to say about the deck.

BTW, if you want to test against Scizor, feel free to PM me.
Thanks Yoshi but I may have to pass the advice. Zekrom REQUIRES a T1 setup to keep up in prizes early on. And with Lostgar will it even be big? With no vast techs like last season it may have trouble LZin pokemon let alone winning.
This deck looks really nice, do you think it will be a top deck in the HGSS-on format
Yoshidude10 said:
Since you run 4 Dual Ball and 4 Collector, I think:

-1 Dual Ball
-1 Collector

+2 Pokemon Communication

Against Lostgar(which may be big next format), you should be able to keep useless Pokemon out of your hand and still have a fast deck.

No, I'm not a troll, but there's nothing much else to say about the deck.

BTW, if you want to test against Scizor, feel free to PM me.
This is LostGar's autoloss. You are running very little Pokemon, so it makes it very tough to get the 6 Pokemon into the lost zone.

As for the deck, I'd drop the 2 cleffa (not needed IMO) and add in 2 ruins of alph. I don't believe that the Donphan matchup is 50/50 w/o them.
I assume. Ive been testing and so far, the results are far superior then I assumed. Donked a Reshiboar 3 out of 5 times agianst a league member (2 of the times starting Reshiram) and 7 out of 10 games won regularly agianst another Reshiboar player. So far the results are great! Keep the ideas flowing!
Well defender is just a dead draw if I try to get the donk..... But I am not sure if for late game. Thanks, however. Any more opinions?
not for break the deck but i have used the neccary deck like this.
It can help alot if 1-1-1 magnezone prime.
Magnezone prime helps the draw speed and a very nice attacker in this deck too ;)
sincelery AugPikachu