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ZPST (Zekrom Tornadus - Formally ZPSL)

Squirtle Squad

Aspiring Trainer
This is a complete revamp of the Gigalith and Ampharos Deck which turned out to be quite slow and annoying at times.

4 Zekrom (BW)
2 Pachirisu (CoL)
2 Shaymin (UL)
3 Tornadus (EP)
1 Unown Dark (UD)

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Seeker
3 Energy Search
3 PlusPower
3 Switch
2 Pokegear 3.0
2 Dual Ball
4 Catcher
3 Junk Arm

1 Sp Dark
11 Lightning Energy

Strategy is to use collector and communcation to get a Zekrom, Pachirisu, Shaymin start to hit for 120 T1. Lanturn is there as an alternative to Zekrom and can counter Donphan Prime. Reshiram is there for outrage just in case.
RE: Gigalith & Ampharos

Ok, this deck needs a bit more consitency, but i can see what you're getting at :)
For starters i would take out some cards:
-0-2-0 Gigalith
-1 Interviewers Questions
-1 Research Record
-2 Energy Search
-2 Tyrogue
+2 Pachirisu (Call Of Legends)
+2 Pokemon Catcher
+2 Shaymin
+2 Lightning Energy
+2 Zekrom
Ok, so now you can get a T1 Zekrom up and running, and with Pachirisu, you can even use him to power up Lanturn's attacks, catcher are for easy KO's and Tyrogues are just a free prize for Yanmega Prime's
Thank you!
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

BUMP! The deck has been completely revamped.... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

Take out the reshiram.Add in two more juniper,take out dual ball,amd add in junk arm and sages.
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

should i only have one junk arm and sages or should i take more stuff out so i can have more..??

RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

is it fine to have three shaymin and pachirisu?? if i have 4 seeker then maybe only 2 of each??

but otherwize i dont know what to take out :/


ok ive made changes now:
+ 2 Juniper
+3 Sages
+3 Junk Arm

-2 Dual Ball
-1 Shaymin
-1 Pachyrisu
- 3 Cheren
-1 Reshiram
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

what if took out 1 catcher and put in tornadus... cos im not really a fan of him and i really like lanturn!

RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

keep catcher.catcher is important!take out 1-1 lanturn and add in two tornadus.than take out 1 dce.add in two or 3 super scoop up and take out 2 seekers.
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

ok i:
+2 Tornadus
+3 SSU

-1-1 Lanturn Prime
-1 DCE
-2 Seeker

What do you think??

RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

So now overal its looking like a solid deck right??
Is there anything else it needs??

Thanks for all your help!!
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

how come you like lanturn prime in this deck? not saying its bad just curious
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

well it can hit donhpan prime and reshiram for a one hit KO when you use its ability and its also able to be powered up by pachirisus ability so i figured it would be a handy inclusion :)
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

To be honest with you, this deck looks like a ZPST list with two Tornadus cut out and replaced with a 1-1 Lanturn prime line to me... If you have the cards, why not just build straight ZPST? It's already proven to be BDIF (personal opinion!) because it has nearly no autolosses, and a (about) 50/50 matchup vs anything currently in the format.

While I agree Lanturn can help against Reshiram and Donphan, don't forget they will OHKO it right back. Therefore, against a Reshiram matchup I'd rather use Lanturn to KO a Typhlosion prime (which you can drag up front with Catcher) to hamper their setup/recovery rather than KO'ing a Reshiram (which they can recover more easily, and have plenty of anyways). Against Donphan it will just be a 1 for 1 prize trade, and after that you're counting on your Tornadus' to save your day, or a poor Shaymin could be used to stall for a turn (assuming they don't drop down two Plus Power)... In either case, I think Lanturn prime has no place in this deck, as it only hampers consistency. Against Donphan you should use Tornadus to 2HKO them, while they 3HKO you. Against Reshiram you should just go for the Bolt Strike or Outrage your Zekrom provides, and you can try to outspeed them anyways.

So, for fixing your deck (assuming you're going for a ZPST deck):

Drop: (-13)

- 1-1 Lanturn Prime
- 2 Pokémon Collector
- 3 Sage's
- 3 Super Scoop Up
- 1 Switch
- 1 Energy Retrieval
- 1 Electric Energy *

Add: (+10)

+ 1 Tornadus EP
+ 1 Juniper
+ 1 Seeker
+ 2 Dual Ball
+ 1 Junk Arm
+ 3 Plus Power
+ 1 DCE*

*= just swap these two cards if you feel like it; both Zekrom and Tornadus can use DCE, and it can help with attacking and retreating. It all depends on personal preference though; if you feel 3 is enough, then probably don't put it in.

Free slots: 3

Noteworthy tecks/cards:

Assuming you're going for a ZPST deck now, here are some more cards you could add in, if you'd want of course:

+1 Bellsprout TR: This can help you greatly with the Gothitelle matchup, but your timing must be good or it could backfire against you.

+1 Rotom UD: A tech against energy heavy decks, but mainly Gothitelle as well. A smart Gothitelle player can easily play around this though!

+1 Tornadus EP: A fourth one will make your list even more consistent, and offers you more counters vs Fighting types. It's also a great starter alongside Zekrom, and makes your early game

+1 Pachirisu/Shaymin: While adding either (or both) to your deck in multiple copies, you have less risk that when they are prized/discarded/KO'ed, you will run out of resources, but on the other hand you have greater odds of starting with them (which you don't want). See what works for you!

+ 1 or 2 Seeker: Since you (probably) dropped all of your Super Scoop Ups, you require something to pick up your pokémon in another way. While Seeker helps you with this, it also uses up your Supporter choice for the turn. On the other hand it can help you with the donk, forces your opponent to pick up something as well (this can be a bonus and a hindrance at the same time!), and it doesn't require a coin flip like Super Scoop Up. See what works for you!

+ 1 Plus Power: A fourth is always handy, but maybe you have enough with 4 Junk Arm and 3 copies of Plus Power.

And a few other techs or expansions of your ''staple lines'', but see what works for you, and good luck! Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss your deck more in detail.
RE: ZPSL (Zekrom Lanturn Prime)

ok ive made a few more changes but im yet to put in a third tornadus!0
EDIT!! I took out one seeker and put in Tornadus!

-1-1 Lanturn prime
-1 Collector (I only took 1 out cos i think its ideal for setting up this deck)
-3 Sages Training
-1 Switch
-1 Energy Retrieval
-3 SSU
-1 Lightning
-1 Collector

+1 Shaymin
+1 Pachy
+1 Seeker (In my testing Seeker has often won the game as I they ahve nobench)
+2 Dual Ball
+3 Pluspower
+1 DCE
+1 Tornadus
+3 Energy Search

Ok i decided to take out Cheren and put in Energy Search cos i was having much difficulty getting energy out!
Here is what I think would be best:

-1 Shaymin (Can clog your hand, you should never use Shaymin/Pachi combo more than two times a game)
-1 Pachirisu (^)
-3 Seeker (unneeded, I never find myself needing to pick up benched pokemon, and for the T1 donk it is literally impossible to do it without using a supporter)
-1 PONT (Switch for Juniper, Juniper is mandatory for the donk)
-4 Pokemon Communication (...why? All your pokemon are basics...)
-1 Energy Retrieval (more important things than this)

+2 Pokegear 3.0 (Very very very very useful, I suggest taking out a DCE for another)
+1 Junk Arm (staple in any deck with any amount of trainers)
+1 Catcher (Max disruption, stop them from setting up)
+1 Switch (Needed for Shaymin/Pachirisu/Unown starts)
+1 Professor Juniper (Mandatory for donk)
+2 Pokemon Collector (you get this, a switch, and three energy and you donk.)
+1 Unown DARK (I think of it as a staple in Zekrom, it is an energy searchable with Dual Ball and Collector)
+1 Sp. Dark (Special because with DCE Tornadus doesnt need to move energy)
+1 Magby (A Goth tech, this deck flat out cannot win against Goth unless you donk or run this)

Feel free to mess around with these suggestions. I hope you have fun playing Zekrom, it is my favorite deck.
ok ive made a heap of changes now :)
ive taken away:
-1 Shaymin
-1 Pachi
-4 Pokeon Communication
-1 Energy Retrieval
-1 DCE

Ive added:
+1 Unown Dark
+1 Juniper
+2 Collector
+2 Pokegear
+1 Switch
+1 Catcher
+1 Sp Dark Energy

What do you think??? THANKS!!

Oh and im curious... What does Juniper do thats so much better than PONT in this deck specifically??
I would change the special dark to a regular dark. I mean, you don't even have any dark pokemon that can benefit from Special vs. Normal, and the Special Dark can get Lost Removered or Scizor Locked or something. I'd just go for the regular dark.
Hope this helps!

As for Juniper: You get one more card than PONT, and you don't discard much. In my experience, I usually play out my whole hand, so I don't discard anything.