Recently, I've been looking at meta from the past few regionals and LC analyses as written by the big guys and top players and went digging for a specific counter to the meta. During this digging I found Zygarde (10%) 52/124. This completely locks down your opponents active if its either {D} or {Y} (fairy) type. I boiled down to this list.
Zygarde Box
4 Zygarde (10%)
2 Carbink (safeguard)
1 Carbink Break
2 Regirock EX
3 Shaymin EX
Pokemon – 12
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Professor Kukui
2 N
2 Lysandre
1 Hex Maniac
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Bursting Balloon
4 Trainers’ Mail
3 Float Stone
2 Special Charge
1 Eco Arm
1 Escape Rope
1 Super Rod
Items - 24
2 Parallel City
Stadiums – 2
Trainers – 36
4 Strong Energy
Energy – 8
Thats 4 open spots for something. I'm not too sure if I've either missed something important, or if its just a thin list.
Card Explanations:
- 4 Zygarde
This is our main attacker (and only really I guess) so it makes sense to run full playset, especially because its a 1 prize attacker.
-2-1 Carbink/carbink BREAK
Carbink for stall. Break for energy retrieval and stall damage against EX's.
- 2 Regirock EX
Extra damage for hitting against resistance (yveltals, Rayquaza) and balancing for extra damage in other matchups
- 3 Shaymin EX
Draw support. 3 for speed. I've consitered running 4 but I feel that 3 is a good number.
- 3-2-2 Draw Engine
3 Sycamore is for discard draw, I cut one for a Kukui
2 Kukui is for even more damage and a little extra draw after a shaymin or something.
2 N is textbook, Could run 3 but I like Kukui
- 4 Bursting Balloon
Extra damage and mind games. I've thought about running 4 FFB instead and cut the eco arm for something else.
- Energy (all Special)
Thank god Aegislash-EX doesn't exist in standard. This is all the energy I need, and running Strong energy over basic is for damage, even if hammers run me through.
Turbo Dark - This is the main reason I decided that this would be viable. Its basically a direct counter (rip no tool discarding) other than some loopholes. Its almost an auto loss to them 80-20 to us.
Yveltal - Pretty much the same as above. Harder to 2HKO with resistance (almost). 65-35 to us.
Vespiquen - I'm not too sure about this one. They hit us for weakness but we easily hit easy OHKOs every turn but they return OHKO us every time (almost). Parallel City and Hex (kind of) are our only real help in this matchup. This makes me think I could try to run 2 Hex for both this, volcanion and Ninjas. 40-60 to them.
Gardevoir - If they can get them to burn their switch cards early on (4 or so) with both lysande and Zygarde's first attack (basically a lysandre) you basically win unless they decide that ranger is a fun tech (scrubs). 70-30 to us.
Rainbows Rampage (Road) - I haven't had the chance to have this matchup yet. If someone can theorise this matchup for me, plz suggest. ?-? ?'s favour.
Rayquaza - You will get completely run over 2-0 if you can't get a Parallel up in time. Other than that, carbink is your only hope. 30-70 to them.
Ninjas - Autoloss unless you can pull something crazy. Could run Giratina Promo. give up-9001 their favour.
Volcanion - You win prize trade and you can Attempt to outspeed them but other than that you might be in trouble. 35-65 to them (I think...)
Thats all I can think of for now, so all Input is appreciated.
Zygarde Box
4 Zygarde (10%)
2 Carbink (safeguard)
1 Carbink Break
2 Regirock EX
3 Shaymin EX
Pokemon – 12
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Professor Kukui
2 N
2 Lysandre
1 Hex Maniac
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Bursting Balloon
4 Trainers’ Mail
3 Float Stone
2 Special Charge
1 Eco Arm
1 Escape Rope
1 Super Rod
Items - 24
2 Parallel City
Stadiums – 2
Trainers – 36
4 Strong Energy
Energy – 8
Thats 4 open spots for something. I'm not too sure if I've either missed something important, or if its just a thin list.
Card Explanations:
- 4 Zygarde
This is our main attacker (and only really I guess) so it makes sense to run full playset, especially because its a 1 prize attacker.
-2-1 Carbink/carbink BREAK
Carbink for stall. Break for energy retrieval and stall damage against EX's.
- 2 Regirock EX
Extra damage for hitting against resistance (yveltals, Rayquaza) and balancing for extra damage in other matchups
- 3 Shaymin EX
Draw support. 3 for speed. I've consitered running 4 but I feel that 3 is a good number.
- 3-2-2 Draw Engine
3 Sycamore is for discard draw, I cut one for a Kukui
2 Kukui is for even more damage and a little extra draw after a shaymin or something.
2 N is textbook, Could run 3 but I like Kukui
- 4 Bursting Balloon
Extra damage and mind games. I've thought about running 4 FFB instead and cut the eco arm for something else.
- Energy (all Special)
Thank god Aegislash-EX doesn't exist in standard. This is all the energy I need, and running Strong energy over basic is for damage, even if hammers run me through.
Turbo Dark - This is the main reason I decided that this would be viable. Its basically a direct counter (rip no tool discarding) other than some loopholes. Its almost an auto loss to them 80-20 to us.
Yveltal - Pretty much the same as above. Harder to 2HKO with resistance (almost). 65-35 to us.
Vespiquen - I'm not too sure about this one. They hit us for weakness but we easily hit easy OHKOs every turn but they return OHKO us every time (almost). Parallel City and Hex (kind of) are our only real help in this matchup. This makes me think I could try to run 2 Hex for both this, volcanion and Ninjas. 40-60 to them.
Gardevoir - If they can get them to burn their switch cards early on (4 or so) with both lysande and Zygarde's first attack (basically a lysandre) you basically win unless they decide that ranger is a fun tech (scrubs). 70-30 to us.
Rainbows Rampage (Road) - I haven't had the chance to have this matchup yet. If someone can theorise this matchup for me, plz suggest. ?-? ?'s favour.
Rayquaza - You will get completely run over 2-0 if you can't get a Parallel up in time. Other than that, carbink is your only hope. 30-70 to them.
Ninjas - Autoloss unless you can pull something crazy. Could run Giratina Promo. give up-9001 their favour.
Volcanion - You win prize trade and you can Attempt to outspeed them but other than that you might be in trouble. 35-65 to them (I think...)
Thats all I can think of for now, so all Input is appreciated.