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im likely going to sell a bunch of my pokemon plushies, i have a ton and no room for them, plus its more money for me and im unemployed
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And then somebody else (Or a bunch of somebody else's) will get to enjoy them.
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OK let me rephrase my comment:
Make modern Furret Playable Challenge: Impossible

Too bad there are only less than handful of Furret cards in existence, but you made some good points about its usefulness. And I am honestly excited that a "forgotten" Pokémon is getting some attention!!
do you have any idea what this is please help


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Here is the information you're looking for. I replied to all three of your profile posts just so all the people you asked would know that the question had been answered. (For future reference, the entire forum can see these profile posts, so you don't need to ask more than once in future.)
do you have any idea what this is please help


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Looks like an old Japanese promo thing for Southern Islands or music CD or Misty's Lapras Trainer card that was exclusive to Japan or something.

Here's the information you need. I looked up "Pokémon Records" (A key word on the box) and "Lapras" (One of the Pokémon in the art) and it was one of the first results.
do you have any idea what this is please help


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Here is the information you need.
All we have a month for is Steal My Wallet Partners (January), Heat Wave Arena (March), Team Rocket Every Year (April), and 151 but Unova (June), so maybe this is where a Legends Z-A set comes in for July, which, using Japan's Time Gazer/Space Juggle as reference, means that Legends Z-A could get an April or later release, perhaps as an early title (not necessarily a launch title!) for Switch 2?
I hope the good people of California band together and remove gruesome Newsom from power.
My brain: "Are you trying to watch a video?"
Me: "Yes, settle down."
My brain: "GLC Grass gets to play Budew."
Me: 0.0
By the way, I'm hoping that Budew has a positive effect on the game rather than just skewing the game in favor of the player that goes second.
My friend recently showed me Saturday Night Live just so I can practice Japanese. And hopefully be able to translate Pokémon cards too!
I hate short clips. Those little clips on youtube, laziness is at an all time high. Why are we having difficulties comprehending and feeling easily anxious? Aside from lack of essential nutrients, insulin resistance is a huge factor.
Insulin resistance in the brain can lead to, mitochondrial and dopaminergic dysfunction, Hormonal imbalances, impaired negative feedback on the brain's stress hormone pathways and many more. It is no surprise when I entered at a local tcg store I see people with sodas/energy drinks, little caesar's pizza, and just junk foods.

This seems to be more common in children. But for me, it depends on the content. Sometimes I like short videos for quick laughter or cute videos. Other times I watch documentaries or movies on YouTube.

But yeah, eating junk food doesn't help. Try going to gym or yoga or fitness classes and see what people consume there.
I agree, there are some exception.
Don't get mad, but my new year's resolution is to dabble in VGC.
I’m not mad. I have a deep respect for anyone who can remember all the math behind damage calculations without whipping out their phone.
"That's the second Zacian, Hoppy! Don't you think you've had enough?!"
"I decline an answer."
"I'm taking a third one!"
Tell that to Charizard! How many Charizard cards are there since Base Set?
Zacian just gets a lot of love. It got tons of cards in gen 8. (A few more than Zamazenta, even.)
Unfortunately some majors are a waste of money. I do agree that school rips you off by taking classes that are unnecessary. I did my Bachelor of Science in Biology with intent to go to medical school but I chickened out. Honestly I do not see why we two calculus courses and two organic chemistry courses.
Parents can only teach what they know. Nobody knows everything, so learn what you can from everyone, even outside of school.
Understanding how the real-world works is the key to success for Bill Gates, Mark Zukerberg, John D Rockefeller, etc. They either dropped out of college or never attended college. The world revolves our needs and wants. Entertainment is the easiest and safest way to get rich.
I agree with bbb888 that there should be a course that focus on responsibility, rational thinking, learning about taxes/investments and how to get the most out of yourself. A course that teaches about the world, spotting and avoiding fraud (to avoid getting scammed), learn to be economical, and self-discipline (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!!!).
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You wrote that you're graduating this December, what did you major in? I am currently working on my master's in forensic science.
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Charmaster:), thank you very much. He works 12 hours per day, sometimes on weekend. Anyone with a job that involves prolonged sitting down on the computer I highly recommend stretching to keep the blood flow going. Also, blue light from computer can disrupt melatonin production which affect sleep and reduce antioxidants activity in your body.
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Solution 1 to increase melatonin: sleep at a very dark room (turn off all lights).

Solution 2 learn about WiFi Router Guard.

Solution 3 Faraday Cage

I am going to learn about these, also get your cell phone away as possible from your bed because of the radiation it emits.
I don't even care about the cards I pulled this Christmas. All I care about is the deck and mat storage crate the Terapagos UPC gave me.
Starting with Prismatic Evolutions, would every English set from now onwards have 3 different reverse holo patterns??
R.I.P master set collectors

What's next? Bring back 1st edition? Shadow and shadowless? Palworld TCG when?
I highly doubt they will bring back the 1st edition but if they do then that would add more value for collectors. I would like to see them bring that back, you never know. I was only able to purchase three fossil 1st edition boosters back in the days. All were non-holos :( (gengar, ditto and moltres).
Moltres is awesome!!! And Gengar and Ditto were very playable back in the days!