New profile posts

Having a waifu attached to it and being able to confuse the Pokémon you dragged in sure does help its case.


Ever wonder why you feel ridiculously awful and easily fatigued after consuming junk food? That's been me for the majority of my life. Its no secret why people who consume junk food everyday lives a sedentary lifestyle, it is because junk food literally makes you tired!

Have a look at this article. Since 2011, I notice when I consume chicken I get angry followed by mood swing. Aside that they are contaminated with arsenic, conventional chicken has a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 to about 30:1! Pro-inflammatory food!
Maybe that's only in America because when I eat chicken cooked at home, I don't feel that way.
Also, muscular people tend to use steroids. They might look good on the outside, but what about inside?
I meant all natural, not steroids abuse. I would love to have mass but not too much.
I'm thinking way to hard about the future, and realizing that Chien-Pao is gonna be much clunkier with Irida gone.
That's why you should play Expanded ;)
Kookaburra Kong
Kookaburra Kong
I would, but the card shops I go to don't have access to older cards, and I don't know how much older cards like VS Seeker and Guzma, which are staples in expanded will cost me.
How did people live before social media existed?? It blows my mind 🤯
They went to arcade, movie theaters, bowling alley, or other places to hangout. In my opinion, its better but at the same time its good to save money. The benefit of social media to keep in touch with friends and families who are out of state/country. Everything has pros/cons, but it is very important not to overdo it.
I totally agree! And welcome back, good to see you again! 😊
The majority of the population worked hard in the fields until supper, spent some family quality time, and went to bed.
As in, you're not rewarded for running multiple Pokémon that belong to a specific Owner. I'm just saying that if I'm running a quad Lilfairy deck, I want something like more HP or damage dished out.
I finally learned how to use this site on my phone. Prepare for me to do more frequent antics.
Be sure to use Ad Block as well!!
If I didn't know Sableye was also on the ban list, I'd say I'd figured out why the coin-reflipping Victini aren't legal in Eternal.
I hadn't even considered this type of insanity until today. I'll have to design custom Pokémon cards much more carefully from now on. On a related note, did you just ban all the coin flip modifiers to discourage people from using any of the four generations worth of coin flip attacks that were designed without coin flip modification in mind? Did you have specific threats in mind?
Also, I know you removed Max Elixir and Electric Generator from the ban list, but have you removed any other cards?
(Sorry for posting this in three parts. I thought it was short, but I guess the image url's count as characters or something? Or my length calculations are just off.)
Guess who got a Shiny Turtonator while playing GO at the mall?
Either your second cousin three times removed or your teacher from kindergarten.
Kookaburra Kong
Kookaburra Kong
Me, dingus.
I kid you not, I caught like 4 shiny Lickitung on Pokémon GO!! I swear it haunts me to eternity. Dear Arceus, please give me a different shiny next time. 🙏
One of the most dedicated retro Pokémon TCG YouTubers, Whimsicast, is close to 1,000 subscribers. He has a variety of battles, deck profiles, historical videos and other resources from a variety of eras, especially 2010 Worlds and Sun and Moon through Lost Thunder, so I encourage you to go check out his channel.
Fantastic! Hey everyone, while you're at it, be sure to check out my YouTube channel as well 😀