Genetic Apex (Pokemon TCG Pocket)
Genetic Apex (Japanese: 最強の遺伝子 Strongest Gene) is the first ever set released for Pokemon TCG Pocket. It will launch alongside the app on October 30th, 2024.
Genetic Apex features 286 digital cards. There are 226 cards in its main set and 60 secret rares.
The set name appears to be a reference to Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokemon. It gets a special immersive card in the set.
The booster packs feature Charizard, Pikachu, and Mewtwo. Each pack includes five cards.
Unlike the real Pokemon TCG, each pack design features exclusive cards. For example, you can only find Pikachu ex in the Pikachu booster pack. There are about 80 cards exclusive to each pack.
The majority of the Pokemon and human characters in this set come from Generation I. This is likely to market the app to as many Pokemon fans as possible, since Generation I has the most familiar batch of characters. Other fan-favorite Pokemon include the Gardevoir and Greninja lines.
Cards in the set use a mix of new artwork and recycled artwork from the TCG’s 28 year history. However, the cards that reuse artwork have no relation to the originals. For example, they use different attacks and are sometimes different types.
The set features a unique “extended art” of Slowpoke from Fossil. It’s drawn by the original artist, Miki Tanaka.
The last card in the set is an immersive Mew, at #286. Its placement as the last secret rare may be a reference to Mew being the last revealed Pokemon of Generation I. Mew was originally hidden in the coding for Pokemon Red & Green.
Unlike the real Pokemon TCG, Genetic Apex‘s card list and booster packs are the same across all languages. The set’s codename is A1.
“Genetic Apex” Main Set Cards
If a card is exclusive to a specific pack, it’s shown in parenthesis.
“Genetic Apex” Secret Rare Cards
“Genetic Apex” Missions
Dex Missions
Dex Missions are available for each set. For Genetic Apex, they include:
- Register 5 cards in the Card Dex: 2x Shop Ticket
- Register 50 cards in the Card Dex: 3x Shop Ticket
- Register 60 cards in the Card Dex: 6x Shop Ticket
- Register 70 cards in the Card Dex: 7x Shop Ticket
- Register 80 cards in the Card Dex: 8x Shop Ticket
- Register 90 cards in the Card Dex: 9x Shop Ticket
- Register 100 cards in the Card Dex: 10x Shop Ticket
- Register 120 cards in the Card Dex: 12x Shop Ticket
- Register 140 cards in the Card Dex: 14x Shop Ticket
- Register 160 cards in the Card Dex: 16x Shop Ticket
- Register 180 cards in the Card Dex: 18x Shop Ticket
- Register 200 cards in the Card Dex: 20x Shop Ticket
- Register 220 cards in the Card Dex: 25x Shop Ticket
Upon collecting certain groups of cards from Genetic Apex, such as the Kanto Starters, you will automatically earn specific rewards:
- First Choice: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle (any of each). Reward: 12x Wonder Hourglass, 2x Shop Tickets, 1x Emblem Ticket.
- Electabuzz and Magmar: Electabuzz, Magmar (any of each). Reward: 12x Wonder Hourglass, 2x Shop Tickets, 1x Emblem Ticket.
- Viridian Forest: Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pikachu (any of each). Reward: 12x Wonder Hourglass, 2x Shop Tickets, 1x Emblem Ticket.
- Pidgey Squad: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot (any of each). Reward: 7x Emblem Ticket.
- A Day with the Family: Nidoran F, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidoran M, Nidorino, Nidoking (any of each). Reward: 14x Emblem Ticket.
- Pokemon of Ancient Times: Omanyte, Omaster, Kabuto, Kabutops, Aerodactyl (any of each). Reward: 20x Emblem Ticket.
- The Legendary Flight: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres (any of each). Reward: 17x Emblem Ticket.
- Triple Power: Magneton, Dodrio, Dugtrio, Exeggutor (any of each). Reward: 12x Emblem Ticket.
- A Big Snorlax Nuisance: Snorlax (#250 full art), Oddish (any), Bellsprout (any), Venonat (any). Reward: 14x Emblem Ticket.
- Touring the Kanto Region: Doduo, Spearow, Haunter, Rattata, Jynx, Tentacool, Grimer (any of each). Reward: 24x Wonder Hourglass, 5x Shop Tickets, 4x Emblem Ticket.
- The Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region: Erika (#219), Misty (#220), Blaine (#221), Koga (#222), Giovanni (#223), Brock (#224), Sabrina (#225), Lt. Surge (#226). Reward: 24x Wonder Hourglass, 5x Shop Tickets, 4x Emblem Ticket.
- Different Journeys, Different Growth: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise (any of each). Reward: 22x Shop Ticket.
- Safari Zone: Tauros, Kangaskhan, Chansey, Rhyhorn, Scyther, Slowpoke, Doduo, Pinsir, Exeggcute, Dratini, Dragonair (any of each). Reward: 12x Shop Ticket.
- Category: Mouse Pokemon: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Rattata, Raticate, Pikachu, Raichu (any of each). Reward: 3x Shop Ticket.
- Pokemon Super Express: Dragonite, Rapidash, Zebstrika, Arcanine (any). Reward: 13x Shop Ticket.
The following Collections reward icons:
- Collect 3 Electrode Cards: 3x Electrode (any). Reward: Electrode Icon.
- Collect 5 Gardevoir Cards: 5x Gardevoir (#132). Reward: Gardevoir Icon.
- Collect 5 Charizard Cards: 5x Charizard (#35). Reward: Charizard Icon.
- Collect 5 Mewtwo Cards: 5x Mewtwo (#128). Reward: Mewtwo Icon.
Secret Collections
These Collections are not shown in the app until you collect all their cards. All of the cards for these Missions are secret rare full art cards.
- The Gym Leader of the Kanto Region 2: Erika (#266), Misty (#267), Blaine (#268), Koga (#269), Giovanni (#270), Brock (#271), Sabrina (#272), Lt. Surge (#273). Reward: 48x Wonder Hourglass, 12x Pack Hourglass, 10x Shop Ticket.
- Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Charizard): Gloom (#228), Pinsir (#229), Charmander (#230), Rapidash (#231), Lapras (#234), Alakazam (#236), Slowpoke (#237), Meowth (#246). Reward: 36x Wonder Hourglasses, 12x Pack Hourglasses, 10x Shop Tickets
- Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Mewtwo): Bulbasaur (#227), Cubone (#239), Golbat (#242), Weezing (#243), Dragonite (#244), Pidgeot (#245), Ditto (#247), Porygon (#249). Reward: 36x Wonder Hourglasses, 12x Pack Hourglasses, 10x Shop Tickets
- Genetic Apex Museum 3 (Pikachu): Squirtle (#232), Gyarados (#233), Electrode (#235), Diglett (#238), Nidoqueen (#240), Nidoking (#241), Eevee (#248), Snorlax (#250). Reward: 36x Wonder Hourglasses, 12x Pack Hourglasses, 10x Shop Tickets
- The Immersive 4: Charizard ex (#280), Pikachu ex (#281), Mewtwo ex (#282), Mew (#283). Reward: 48x Wonder Hourglasses, 12x Pack Hourglasses, 20x Shop Tickets
- The Legendary Flight Continues: Moltres ex (#274), Articuno ex (#275), Zapdos ex (#276). Rewards: 36x Wonder Hourglass, 12x Pack Hourglass, 1x Legendary Birds icon (below).
- Complete the Kanto Pokédex!: If you get all 150 Pokemon as cards, you’ll receive Mew (#283) and 48x Wonder Hourglass. This is the only way to get Mew from the set.
“Genetic Apex” Theme Decks & Deck Missions
Deck Missions
Genetic Apex has 24 Deck Missions to unlock 12 different theme decks (listed below).
For each theme deck, there are two types of missions:
- Collect the highlighted cards: you must collect the featured cards from the deck, which spans from one to three cards. For example, if you collect a Venusaur ex from Genetic Apex, the game will unlock the “Venusaur ex Deck” for you to rent. You will be able to use the deck 10 times before it expires.
- Collect all cards: if you collect all 20 cards from any deck, the game will unlock that theme deck for you to use. You can use any print of the cards to unlock the deck, such as the regular ex print or secret rare print of Venusaur ex.
Venusaur ex Deck
#4 Venusaur ex (Mewtwo) 2x Bulbasaur
- 2x Ivysaur
- 1x Venusaur ex
- 2x Exeggcute
- 1x Exeggutor
- 2x Skiddo
- 1x Gogoat
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Erika
- 1x Potion
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Charizard ex Deck
#36 Charizard ex (Charizard) 2x Charmander
- 2x Charmeleon
- 1x Charizard ex
- 2x Ponyta
- 1x Rapidash
- 2x Salandit
- 1x Salazzle
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Blastoise ex Deck
#56 Blastoise ex (Pikachu) 2x Squirtle
- 2x Wartortle
- 1x Blastoise ex
- 2x Psyduck
- 1x Golduck
- 2x Lapras
- 2x Pyukumuku
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Misty
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Pikachu ex Deck
#96 Pikachu ex (Pikachu) 1x Pikachu ex
- 2x Voltorb
- 1x Electrode
- 2x Blitzle
- 1x Zebstrika
- 2x Tynamo
- 2x Eelektrik
- 1x Eelektross
- 2x Helioptile
- 1x Heliolisk
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Mewtwo ex Deck
#129 Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo) 2x Clefairy
- 1x Clefable
- 2x Slowpoke
- 1x Slowbro
- 2x Gastly
- 2x Haunter
- 1x Gengar
- 1x Mewtwo ex
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Machamp ex Deck
#146 Machamp ex (Charizard) 2x Mankey
- 1x Primeape
- 2x Machop
- 2x Machoke
- 1x Machamp ex
- 2x Cubone
- 1x Marowak
- 1x Hitmonlee
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Potion
- 1x Poke Ball
- 1x Professor’s Research
Nidoqueen and Nidoking Deck
#171 Nidoking (Pikachu) 2x Nidoran F
- 2x Nidorina
- 2x Nidoqueen
- 2x Nidoran M
- 2x Nidorino
- 2x Nidoking
- 1x Kangaskhan
- 1x Tauros
- 1x Potion
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Kanto Fossils Deck
#159 Kabutops (Charizard) 2x Omanyte
- 1x Omastar
- 2x Kabuto
- 1x Kabutops
- 1x Chansey
- 1x Aerodactyl
- 2x Helix Fossil
- 2x Dome Fossil
- 2x Old Amber
- 1x X Speed
- 1x Pokedex
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Brock Deck
#224 Brock (Pikachu) 2x Diglett
- 2x Dugtrio
- 2x Geodude
- 2x Graveler
- 2x Golem
- 2x Onix
- 1x Hitmonlee
- 1x Hitmonchan
- 1x Brock
- 1x Potion
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Lt. Surge Deck
#226 Lt. Surge (Pikachu) 2x Pikachu
- 2x Raichu
- 2x Magnemite
- 2x Magneton
- 2x Voltorb
- 2x Electrode
- 2x Electabuzz
- 1x Lt. Surge
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Koga Deck
#222 Koga (Mewtwo) 2x Ekans
- 1x Arbok
- 2x Zubat
- 1x Golbat
- 2x Grimer
- 2x Muk
- 2x Koffing
- 2x Weezing
- 1x Koga
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Blaine Deck
#221 Blaine (Charizard) 2x Vulpix
- 2x Ninetales
- 2x Growlithe
- 2x Arcanine
- 2x Ponyta
- 2x Rapidash
- 2x Magmar
- 1x Blaine
- 1x Potion
- 2x Poke Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Solo Battles
Step-Up Battle Beginner
Ivysaur Deck (Genetic Apex)
#2 Ivysaur (Mewtwo) First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Fire-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Bulbasaur
- 2x Paras
- 2x Exeggcute
- 2x Cottonee
- 2x Petilil
- 1x Ivysaur
- 1x Exeggutor
- 2x Pidgey
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Spearow
- 2x Jigglypuff
- 1x Doduo
- 2x Poké Ball
Charmeleon Deck (Genetic Apex)
#34 Charmeleon (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Water-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Charmander
- 2x Vulpix
- 2x Growlithe
- 2x Salandit
- 2x Sizzlipede
- 1x Charmeleon
- 2x Pidgey
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Spearow
- 2x Jigglypuff
- 1x Doduo
- 2x Poké Ball
Wartortle Deck (Genetic Apex)
#54 Wartortle (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Squirtle
- 2x Goldeen
- 2x Magikarp
- 2x Ducklett
- 2x Froakie
- 1x Wartortle
- 2x Pidgey
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Spearow
- 2x Jigglypuff
- 1x Doduo
- 2x Poké Ball
Heliolisk Deck (Genetic Apex)
#111 Heliolisk First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Pikachu
- 2x Magnemite
- 2x Voltorb
- 2x Blitzle
- 1x Tynamo
- 1x Helioptile
- 1x Heliolisk
- 1x Pidgey
- 1x Pidgeotto
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Doduo
- 1x Minccino
- 1x Wooloo
- 2x Poké Ball
Swoobat Deck (Genetic Apex)
#134 Swoobat First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Abra
- 2x Slowpoke
- 2x Drowzee
- 2x Ralts
- 1x Woobat
- 1x Swoobat
- 1x Golett
- 1x Pidgey
- 1x Pidgeotto
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Spearow
- 2x Jigglypuff
- 1x Doduo
- 2x Poké Ball
Grapploct Deck (Genetic Apex)
#163 Grapploct First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Grass-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Sandshrew
- 2x Diglett
- 2x Mankey
- 1x Machop
- 1x Geodude
- 1x Cubone
- 1x Rhyhorn
- 1x Mienfoo
- 1x Clobbopus
- 1x Graveler
- 1x Grapploct
- 1x Pidgey
- 1x Pidgeotto
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Doduo
- 2x Poké Ball
Nidorina & Nidorino Deck (Genetic Apex)
#167 Nidorina (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 2x Pack Hourglasses, 50x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 1 time with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokémon. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put 4 Basic Pokémon into play. Reward: 3x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Ekans
- 1x Nidoran♀
- 1x Nidoran♂
- 2x Zubat
- 2x Grimer
- 2x Koffing
- 1x Nidorina
- 1x Nidorino
- 1x Pidgey
- 1x Pidgeotto
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Doduo
- 1x Minccino
- 1x Wooloo
- 2x Poké Ball
Step-Up Battle Intermediate
Venusaur & Exeggutor Deck (Genetic Apex)
#3 Venusaur (Mewtwo) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Bulbasaur
- 1x Paras
- 1x Venonat
- 1x Exeggcute
- 1x Ivysaur
- 1x Parasect
- 1x Venomoth
- 1x Venusaur
- 1x Exeggutor
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Charizard & Arcanine Deck (Genetic Apex)
#35 Charizard (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Charmander
- 1x Growlithe
- 1x Salandit
- 1x Salazzle
- 1x Sizzlipede
- 1x Charmeleon
- 1x Centiskorch
- 1x Charizard
- 1x Arcanine
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Blastoise & Gyarados Deck (Genetic Apex)
#55 Blastoise (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Squirtle
- 1x Goldeen
- 1x Seaking
- 1x Magikarp
- 1x Snom
- 1x Wartortle
- 1x Frosmoth
- 1x Blastoise
- 1x Gyarados
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Magneton & Eelektross Deck (Genetic Apex)
#98 Magneton (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Magnemite
- 1x Blitzle
- 1x Tynamo
- 1x Helioptile
- 1x Heliolisk
- 1x Zebstrika
- 1x Eelektrik
- 1x Magneton
- 1x Eelektross
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Alakazam & Mewtwo Deck (Genetic Apex)
#117 Alakazam (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Clefairy
- 1x Abra
- 1x Golett
- 1x Clefable
- 1x Kadabra
- 1x Mr. Mime
- 1x Golurk
- 1x Alakazam
- 1x Mewtwo
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Golem & Machamp Deck (Genetic Apex)
#149 Golem (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Grass-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Machop
- 1x Geodude
- 1x Clobbopus
- 1x Machoke
- 1x Graveler
- 1x Onix
- 1x Grapploct
- 1x Machamp
- 1x Golem
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Nidoking & Muk Deck (Genetic Apex)
#171 Nidoking (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 3x Pack Hourglasses, 100x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 2 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokémon. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Put a Stage 1 Pokémon into play. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 4x Shop Tickets.
- 1x Ekans
- 1x Nidoran♂
- 1x Zubat
- 1x Grimer
- 1x Arbok
- 1x Nidorino
- 1x Golbat
- 1x Nidoking
- 1x Muk
- 1x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Spearow
- 1x Fearow
- 1x Jigglypuff
- 1x Wigglytuff
- 1x Chansey
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Step-Up Battle Advanced
Venusaur ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#4 Venusaur ex (Mewtwo) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Fire-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Bulbasaur
- 2x Exeggcute
- 2x Skiddo
- 1x Gogoat
- 2x Ivysaur
- 1x Exeggutor
- 1x Venusaur
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Potion
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 1x Erika
Charizard ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#36 Charizard ex (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Water-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Charmander
- 2x Ponyta
- 2x Salandit
- 1x Salazzle
- 2x Charmeleon
- 1x Rapidash
- 1x Moltres
- 1x Charizard
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Blastoise ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#56 Blastoise ex (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Squirtle
- 2x Psyduck
- 1x Pyukumuku
- 2x Wartortle
- 1x Golduck
- 1x Lapras
- 1x Articuno
- 1x Blastoise
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 1x Misty
Pikachu ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#96 Pikachu ex (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Voltorb
- 2x Blitzle
- 2x Tynamo
- 2x Helioptile
- 1x Heliolisk
- 1x Electrode
- 1x Zebstrika
- 2x Eelektrik
- 1x Eelektross
- 1x Pikachu ex
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Mewtwo ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#129 Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Darkness-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Clefairy
- 2x Slowpoke
- 2x Gastly
- 1x Clefable
- 1x Slowbro
- 2x Haunter
- 1x Gengar
- 1x Mewtwo ex
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Machamp ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#146 Machamp ex (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Psychic-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Mankey
- 2x Machop
- 2x Cubone
- 1x Hitmonlee
- 1x Primeape
- 2x Machoke
- 1x Marowak
- 1x Machamp ex
- 2x Rattata
- 1x Raticate
- 1x Potion
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Nidoqueen & Nidoking Deck (Genetic Apex)
#168 Nidoqueen (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 5x Pack Hourglasses, 150x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Knock out your opponent’s Active Pokémon 3 times with an attack from a Fighting-type Pokémon. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Do 100 or more damage in total to your opponent’s Pokémon with one attack. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 14. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Nidoran♀
- 2x Nidoran♂
- 2x Nidorina
- 2x Nidorino
- 2x Nidoqueen
- 2x Nidoking
- 1x Tauros
- 1x Kangaskhan
- 1x Potion
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
Step-Up Battle Elite
Venusaur ex & Exeggutor ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#4 Venusaur ex (Mewtwo) First-Time Rewards: 100 EXP, 7x Pack Hourglasses, 200x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Win this battle with a deck whose Pokémon are only Fighting-type. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokémon cards are of ◆, ◆◆, and/or ◆◆◆ rarity. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 12. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Deal 1,500 or more damage. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Bulbasaur
- 2x Exeggcute
- 2x Ivysaur
- 2x Venusaur ex
- 2x Exeggutor ex
- 2x Kangaskhan ex
- 1x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 2x Erika
- 1x Sabrina
Charizard ex & Moltres ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#36 Charizard ex (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 100 EXP, 7x Pack Hourglasses, 200x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Win this battle with a deck whose Pokémon are only Grass-type. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokémon cards are of ◆, ◆◆, and/or ◆◆◆ rarity. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 12. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Get 12 or more points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Charmander
- 1x Growlithe
- 2x Charmeleon
- 2x Charizard ex
- 1x Arcanine ex
- 2x Moltres ex
- 1x Potion
- 2x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 2x Giovanni
- 1x Sabrina
Starmie ex & Greninja Deck (Genetic Apex)
#76 Starmie ex (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 100 EXP, 7x Pack Hourglasses, 200x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Win this battle with a deck whose Pokémon are only Fire-type. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokémon cards are of ◆, ◆◆, and/or ◆◆◆ rarity. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 12. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Deal 1,500 or more damage. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Staryu
- 2x Froakie
- 2x Frogadier
- 2x Greninja
- 2x Starmie ex
- 2x Articuno ex
- 2x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 2x Misty
Pikachu ex & Raichu Deck (Genetic Apex)
#96 Pikachu ex (Pikachu) First-Time Rewards: 100 EXP, 7x Pack Hourglasses, 200x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Win this battle with a deck whose Pokémon are only Water-type. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokémon cards are of ◆, ◆◆, and/or ◆◆◆ rarity. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 12. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Get 12 or more points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Pikachu
- 2x Magnemite
- 2x Raichu
- 2x Magneton
- 2x Pikachu ex
- 1x Zapdos ex
- 2x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 1x Sabrina
- 2x Lt. Surge
Mewtwo ex & Gardevoir Deck (Genetic Apex)
#129 Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo) First-Time Rewards: 100 EXP, 7x Pack Hourglasses, 200x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Win this battle with a deck whose Pokémon are only Fighting-type. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokémon cards are of ◆, ◆◆, and/or ◆◆◆ rarity. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 12. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Deal 1,500 or more damage. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Clefairy
- 1x Jynx
- 2x Ralts
- 2x Clefable
- 2x Kirlia
- 2x Gardevoir
- 2x Mewtwo ex
- 2x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 1x Sabrina
Machamp ex & Marowak ex Deck (Genetic Apex)
#146 Machamp ex (Charizard) First-Time Rewards: 100 EXP, 7x Pack Hourglasses, 200x Shinedust, 1x Shop Ticket
- Battle Task: Win this battle with a deck whose Pokémon are only Lightning-type. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokémon cards are of ◆, ◆◆, and/or ◆◆◆ rarity. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle by turn 12. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Win this battle without your opponent getting any points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- Battle Task: Get 12 or more points. Reward: 5x Shop Tickets.
- 2x Machop
- 2x Cubone
- 2x Hitmonchan
- 2x Machoke
- 2x Machamp ex
- 2x Marowak ex
- 2x X Speed
- 2x Poké Ball
- 2x Professor’s Research
- 1x Giovanni
- 1x Sabrina