Recent content by Ace Trainer C.J.

  1. Ace Trainer C.J.

    New 'Battle Arena Deck: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai'

    This is going to kill the growth of pokemon tcg if they are reprints and bring them back into standard. And even if they don't, the way it is looking with pokemon going for expanded, how are New players going to be able to get enough old cards to be able to go toe to toe with more experienced...
  2. Ace Trainer C.J.

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Yay, this could be very possibly the replacement for computer search in most of my deck's. Can't wait for this new format! It's going to be awesome with different types of deck's getting boosts from this like wailord getting Ace trainer and Rayquaza getting Hex Maniac. So much hype! God Bless.
  3. Ace Trainer C.J.

    Article Nationals Top 8 Deck Lists!

    Jason... So good, it would be pretty chillin to face him in a competitive context. GG to the other competitors, their was some very well thought out deck's this year around, I hope for the same next year, God Bless.
  4. Ace Trainer C.J.

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    Say good bye to superior energy retrieval and hello to energy recycle, I am liking this upcoming set a ton!