‘CoroCoro’ Revealing Updated Character Designs, Contest Pikachu [7/11]

Indeed, Magic Bounce again? They're a bit obsessed with that ability....

Notice Pikachu turned into stone in the scan? Reversed "Mewtwo Strikes Back" scene...
Reggie McGigas said:
Mega Diancie is confirmed to have magic bounce. I predict that we will see 16 total New megas in the game

Just 16? I'm more on the side of 20-25 to be honest.
X&Y introduced 28 (With Mega Latias + Latios being in its coding) so unofficially 30

I feel like ORAS will have 10 JUST from Hoenn. The other 20 from various regions.

I wonder if other Primal forms will be announced for legendaries. I feel Rayquaza will be the only other one in this game.
Metalizard said:
Indeed, Magic Bounce again? They're a bit obsessed with that ability....

Notice Pikachu turned into stone in the scan? Reversed "Mewtwo Strikes Back" scene...

Nahh I don't think that's the case I mean it makes sense for sableye and diancie because with their gems they can "reflect" the status back...as for absol maybe because he can predict disasters or idk..besides its not a very common ability anyway.

OMG I just realized "face palm" Flannery has a towel instead of a belt mind=blown talk about creativity I mean she needs to clear all the sweat from the heat...its just...too hot to handle...
Bapozos said:
I wonder if other Primal forms will be announced for legendaries. I feel Rayquaza will be the only other one in this game.

Regigigas says hello as the next in line ;D
Bapozos said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Mega Diancie is confirmed to have magic bounce. I predict that we will see 16 total New megas in the game

I feel like ORAS will have 10 JUST from Hoenn. The other 20 from various regions.

I don't think we will get another Mega from other gen . This is 3rd gen remake after all . So they will focus only the 3rd gen pokemon . If we see CoroCoro scan after ORAS announce . Only pokemon from 3rd gen had reveal (Sceptile,Swampert,Sableye and Metagross ). Diancie is the exception because they must promote their movie .

They will keep another mega from gen 1,2 for 7th generation (some from gen 1-5 of course) .
yammark said:
Bapozos said:
I feel like ORAS will have 10 JUST from Hoenn. The other 20 from various regions.

I don't think we will get another Mega from other gen . This is 3rd gen remake after all . So they will focus only the 3rd gen pokemon . If we see CoroCoro scan after ORAS announce . Only pokemon from 3rd gen had reveal (Sceptile,Swampert,Sableye and Metagross ). Diancie is the exception because they must promote their movie .

They will keep another mega from gen 1,2 for 7th generation (some from gen 1-5 of course) .

the thing is, Hoenn already has the second most amount of Pokemon that can Mega Evolve.
I know this is a Hoenn game but it doesn't mean every Hoennmon should get one... stuff from Sinnoh and Johto need some.

If they only did around 25 new ones for ORAS then we'd have like 33 Megas just from Hoenn.
that would make Hoenn have like half all existing Megas... that seems a bit excessive.

I can see the Hoenn ones taking more importance in the storyline but having stuff from other generations on the side and postgame seems like it would be a fair balance.

edit: apparently next months CoroCoro is supposed to have a 'Mega Evolution Scoop' (the site that must not be named says it)
my guess: all remaining Hoenn Megas revealed (around 8-9 max I imagine) and then we get the non-Hoenn ones to discover ingame. (ie they aren't revealed before the games are released)
yammark said:
Bapozos said:
I feel like ORAS will have 10 JUST from Hoenn. The other 20 from various regions.

I don't think we will get another Mega from other gen . This is 3rd gen remake after all . So they will focus only the 3rd gen pokemon . If we see CoroCoro scan after ORAS announce . Only pokemon from 3rd gen had reveal (Sceptile,Swampert,Sableye and Metagross ). Diancie is the exception because they must promote their movie .

They will keep another mega from gen 1,2 for 7th generation (some from gen 1-5 of course) .

Well it does say on Serebii that there will be different pokemon in the pokedex than before. I think I also read somewhere that the dex will be bigger.. So there's no reason to be gen 3 exclusive with megas when there will be other pokemon included. Plus as already mentioned hoenn already has the second most megas... I think they did that on purpose to foreshadow/prepare for the remakes.
They definitely won't add 20 gen 3 megas and nothing else.

Lets not forget the ~70 Kanto/Johto pokemon that are also regular encounters in Hoenn and part of its regional-dex. At the very least those are just as much candidates, if they really wanted to be strict and focus on "Hoenn".

And then add the fact that they are expanding the dex.. and it widens even more.

Thief said:
Plus as already mentioned hoenn already has the second most megas... I think they did that on purpose to foreshadow/prepare for the remakes.

Why would you think that?

It's completely plausible that they just happened to make plenty of Hoenn megas.

And its even more plausible that Hoenn got so many because it was the second biggest gen of the 4 gens that got megas in XY in the first place (second biggest - second most megas. sounds expected.).

And its even further plausible that Hoenn got so many because it just had plenty of pokemon with potential that they haven't gotten around improving until now.

If they would do anything to "prepare" for ORAS, it would have been keeping Hoenn-megas in LOW numbers so ORAS can focus on them.....

(The point I'm trying to make: not every vague little detail is part of some secret big plan. especially with gamefreak, we've seen them do more stuff out of the blue than following any obvious predictable pattern at any point in the franchises history.
heck I'd argue they even chose what to give megas for XY based on their gut feelings/fanservice/designs they felt comfortable with/any other reason, rather than "to foreshadow" a later game, EVEN while knowing very well what the next game would be)
Wow, I love the re-designs! Especially Brawly, he kind of looks more like a fighting-type Gym Leader. I also thought those Pikachu costumes were amazing! But I wonder if they are available to the other Pokemon in Pokemon Amie. And is Steven re-designed? I wasn't paying attention...
Leaf_Ranger said:
Teal said:
They made his design better. Always thought the old one didn't look like a Fighting type gym-leader.

And yet it was fitting of his surf hooby! The new Brawly looks like a mix between Marlon and the new Rock Leader from XY.
New skin tone is right and fits, but that ridiculous stance? No.

Yes the fighting stance totally doesn't fit for a fighting type gym leader and the skin tight shirt totally doesn't fit for a surfer!