(2) 14 HGSS Card Images, New 'LEGEND: HeartGold and SoulSilver Collection' News [9/3]

I like this changes..Finally i don't have to worry to search for to many card to complete my lvl x collection.....yes.....

The new card design (Legend) ..looks like another card is saw from another TCG
They better be making a Mew like this soon, or people are going to get hurt...

But seriously, this looks amazing, I mean, seriously, DUNSPARCE? FINALLY! And it's not half-bad either ... in a way. It's like normal-energy Shuppet, which I guess has to have some sort of advantage. Less stuff with resistance for it, I guess, combining both might not even be a bad idea.

Seriously, there's all these over-the-top, super-mega artwork cards, Lugia, Ho-oh, Red Gyarados, and in the middle of it all... The one and only Dunsparce. Gotta love that.

The legend and "Great" Pokémon seem to be more set-up and strategy based, so this might be the final move away from the speed-based format we've been having for quite some time now. The Legends will probably take quite a while to set up, but seem more than rewarding when you do manage to get them out, let's just hope collecting both parts isn't too hard, and that the set will have at least some decent not-very-rare cards. The greats seem, well, great, as a concept at least, I just wonder what the drawback will be...

Oh, yeah. OMG THOSE LEGENDS LOOK AMAZING!!! I mean, seriously, that's just awesome. Can't wait for the Mew >;)
The rest of the artwork looks pretty cool as well, although the "Great" Pokémon might be a little too close-up, but at least it differentiates them from the other cards. Can't wait to see some of the normal cards from this set, I've been waiting for a new Venomoth, Ariados, Wigglytuff and Hypno for some time now, and they are all somehow what likely to end up in either this or the next set.
Oh, and Mew :mad:

Lawl, I'm siding with Spoon. Give us MEW, Give us MEW! xP

On topic: Did anyone else also think that maybe you get both parts in a pack? Maybe it will take the Holo, AND Reverse Holo section of your pack. I mean it might not happen, but you can't complain about something that might not happen as well, right?
the legend cards look kewl as art work but terible for playing. and the other cards look bad too. if this is what the set is like then im scared.
Legends look awesome. The zoomed in pokemon, the messy writing, the realistic artwork. I am liking this artist.

Lets hope we get some playable ones but I am just gona collect them :)

I hope these great cards are well... great.
I think Pokemon is trying to decrease the power of the Metagame as a whole because they realized that the cards they're making now just keep getting more and more powerful to a point where Pokemon will start to become like Yugioh.
._. Is it wrong that I just soiled myself at the sight of these cards (Yeah, not really...)? The artworks for Lugia and Ho-oh LEGEND are just beautiful. February isn't...that far away...I guess I can...settle with the Arceus cards until then.

I don't think I've been this psyched about a set's release, and it's made me realize how much of a nerd/geek I am. But if being a nerd/geek is wrong, I never wanna be right ._.;

Also, I didn't read all the posts here, but anyone else notice that Gatr has weakness to Grass rather than Elec? And that all the weaknesses are X2 again?
Gatr can ONLY attach to Water Pokemon though, and without Holon's Castform, there will be no Brokenness. Not saying it'll be bad either.


You can bet the American artwork will suck, now I REALLY wish Japenese cards wouldn't be made useless soon enough D:
Is is just me, or are most of these cards just not that good. HoOh's 100 damge isn't really anything special. Lugia is awesome, but the rest are kind of meh. Especially following up Stage 2 level X's like flygon, Salamence and Gengar.
Um, normally...Isn't the American Artwork the same as the Japanese artwork? I don't think I've seen any non-promo cards with different artwork ._.
for the most part, X get different artwork. But Lugia and Ho-Oh look amazing, but the words on the card are all like slanted and chopped up. But still.
They brought back rain-dance!! I remember so long ago my older brother's Blastoise in Base set. *SNIFF*

:eek: Look at that art for Lugia! Look at it!!!

I really hope we get a good Slowking, Pidgeot, Heracross, and Misdreavus in this set. I REALLY REALLY hope.
I doubt they'd leave out those three, considering two are Johto Pokemon, and the third is in the Johto Dex. Then again, what do I know? But if atleast Pidgeot is in, then I get the ability to say I called it and laugh in the faces of all the non-believers!

But anyway, I doubt they'll leave those three out.
nardd said:
haha I like how the attacks look thrown on those legend cards, like "oh no! we forgot to add an attack! Quick, just wrap it around lugia's foot!"

xD Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

Well, the artwork for the LEGEND cards are awesome. I wonder if they'd make an Arceus LEGEND? That'd be cool to see.

So far, this set looks awesome. Can't wait to see more from it.
Eevee Freak said:
I know... For a moment there, I thought I was looking at an Articuno. Any idea as to why they did that?

hmm, maybe they're changing Lugias type...



nah, they would'nt do that.
Until I see the full set I'm going to be absolutely torn. The artwork is impressive, but the new mechanics, and I feel almost betrayed. The game was evolving, slowly but steadily, and suddenly it's like we''ve gone back to base set, which is, in my opinion, not a good things. Feraligatr is obviously, retardedly broken unless some very limiting rule for Great Pokemon is applied. And this is coming from someone who's favorite starter is Gatr. But if this is going to be how it will be...I don't know that I want to continue playing.
Rain Dance said:
hmm, maybe they're changing Lugias type...
I think this guy's nick might be part of the answer. They might want to semi bring back LBS, and if Lugia weren't water, that would not be possible. We'd need a Holon's Pokémon, though...