8 AM Official Tournaments? Why not later?


S Type Armor
Boy! I tell ya folks, I'd like to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game at official tournaments more often, but I can't stand the fact that they happen so early in the morning. I don't suppose this trend is going to change anytime soon, will it?

Does anybody else share my sentiments =)? Does anybody more versed in the TPCi tourney circuit know a niche cluster of tournaments that start in the afternoon?
I assume that bigger events such as States and Regionals start so early is because these events take a long time to complete depending on the turnout.
However, I am with you on the fact that 8:00 AM is very early and is quite the hassle on people who don't live near a big tournament area. I find unfair to the younger players especially who have to get their parents or someone to drive them so early, such as me and my parents (although I'll be driving by the end of the year).
But I don't see any changes coming to that any time soon. I'm just glad that my favorite events, Pre-Releases, usually start around 10:00 or 11:00 AM.
Sadly, they're not going to change that anytime soon. If they did, larger events would probably last until after midnight, which I think most people wouldn't like. I agree that 8AM is pretty early and I would personally prefer tournaments to be a bit later, but I just don't see it happening. It also doesn't have a good impression on parents, y'know? Their kids don't have to get up as early (this point is kinda silly, since the parents can make them get up earlier themselves, but you get the gist of what I mean), and they'll stay up later, and the parents have to stay there later, and they'll probably get home even later, and general stuff like that. TCPI is all about the kids, and accommodating for their parents. I could see them do that for Cities, since those are much smaller and would end early enough, but in the end, that's up to the Tournament Organizer.
Yeah.... some people really think Pokémon is just a kid thing.... <.==.<;

Maybe they'll have some kind of alternative in the future to go along with what they have now. If they come up with another option along side the stuff they already do, that would be cool!
Every tournament my brother and I ever went to, I wanted to back out of before even getting up. I'm always extremely nauseous in the morning. Of course, it usually ended up working out, but boy was it a pain.
Yeah, not to mention how angry and grouchy and malicious I might get having to deal with all that crap... I suppose its something you just have to bite the bullet on. At least as things currently stand.
Even though the tournament says it starts at a certain time, doesn't mean it actually starts at that time.
First you have to sign up/sign in, turn in decklists (if applicable), then you have to wait for either the payment (for pre-release) & pairings.

Then if it's a prerelease you have to make your deck, get energy, etc.

So all that could take about a hour or so.
Oh, that's good! If you're graciously right about all that, it would mean tournaments scheduled for 9 AM would technically start around 10 A.M. Hey, its not luxurious, but its a step on the right path! I'll try to bend a little for 10 A.M, then!