Article Submissions

Shining Raikou

Your friendly neighborhood Raikou fan!
Elite Member
Advanced Member
I'm posting a small reminder about our Article Submissions forum. Right now we are particularly interested in TCG related articles. If you have a review, deck analysis, or guide to share, submit it! From now on we'll be posting the articles not only here, but to our huge Facebook following as well. Also, article writing is a gateway to other opportunities with the site. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Oh yeah that. I was going to do some sort of write up about the Battle Roads meta a while ago, but then I remembered I can't write, and got too lazy. It is just a slow part of the TCG season right now I guess. Maybe I'll write something about Donphan.
Even if you don't think you can write well, some submissions are better than no submissions. ;p
Just give it your best shot. We do have editors to help out now, and every submitted article will get a response. If there's anything you can improve on, we'll help you with it.
I'm working on a submission right now, and hopefully I should be able to finish it soon. Maybe by next week. I'm planning to do a lot of deck analyses on top-tier decks soon, after I finish the first one.
Good luck to all aspiring article writers. It's good to see that we have community members actually pitching in to help the site as a whole. =3
I submitted an article a while ago, yet to hear back, I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. I am looking forward to something being posted soon, can't wait to read all of the upcoming articles the are (hopefully) being submitted.
If it has been more than 10 days max, then it probably wasn't approved. If you would like to know why, you can PM me.

Edit: Actually, I don't see your article in the submissions forum. Are you sure you posted it?
Huh, I posted it from the link in the how to submit an article guide, oh well, I will repost it, let me know what happens. Sorry if I post two copies.
It's there now.

Just a small thing to note, if anyone writes a very detailed tournament report, that counts as an article as well. Just be sure to submit it as an article and not post it in the Organized Play & Reports forum.
Well the article quality bar was set really low with the last article so yeah, good luck on getting your article posted VY, btw what did you write about so I won't double it.
If your stuff is lacking, don't expect it to get through now. We've made necessary changes to the articles program that went into effect last weekend. Your article will be examined closely before the decision to display it comes down.