BW/BW2 Did Black and White Versions Lack Obstacles?

Shining Dragon

Aspiring Trainer
So what do you think? Were these Pokemon games to quick and easy? I thought the games were lacking obstacles during the walkthrough such as missing gym leaders in gyms, objects blocking the route, finding a trainers missing Pokemon, etc! Black and White versions were lacking a lot of this... Discuss!
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

B/W was certainly one of the shortest games. Pokemon games aren't all that hard to beat. It's only more difficult when your going into a new generation, you don't know what to excpect or where to go. Black and White for me was pretty challenging, because I hadn't played something new in ages, Daimond being my last proper new Pokemon game. As I got Platinum way too late and HG/SS was burned into my skull from memories of G/S. Therefore couldn't grasp different situations properly, didn't know how much to level up ect.
I lost to the 1st gym leader 3 times before I beat him. Even the one I was most effective against manage to take me down without a sweat.

Overall B/W was shortest and one of the more difficult Pokemon games for me. I had played through FR/LG thousands of times, D/P was a push over, Pt I already knew everything about, same with HG/SS. So there was a real challenge for me by the time I played White considering my oldest new game was Gold and I hadn't a clue what I was doing because I was like 6. So I just left it on the table while losing and not thinking how to improve.

Black and White was a turn-over game for me considering that I hadn't experienced a Pokemon game of this difficulty, even if it was moderately easy, it still was hard on the Pokemon scale. So to answer your question then: No it wasn't easy to beat.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

White was the easiest pokemon game I have played. Very short too. I had no trouble with anyone in the entire game, and I didn't even grind very much-I just beat all the wild pokemon I encountered without backtracking at all and I found myself 5+ levels higher than the opponents. It was also a very quick game. Also, I found the post-game pretty boring too-the subway gets old real fast, I hate how they keep downgrading to a single facility despite having had a whole Battle Frontier the game before. It took me less than a week after beating the Champion to run around and catch every Pokemon in the wild (except for those guys who have like, a 5% chance of appearing in swirling dust/water/shaking grass). I've never gotten bored of a Pokemon game that fast before.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

These games were way to easy to beat, which made it a little boring... I miss when you had to backtrack somewhere through the story, and you would get stuck...These games were just way to easy.

Dark Void said:
White was the easiest pokemon game I have played. Very short too. I had no trouble with anyone in the entire game, and I didn't even grind very much-I just beat all the wild pokemon I encountered without backtracking at all and I found myself 5+ levels higher than the opponents. It was also a very quick game. Also, I found the post-game pretty boring too-the subway gets old real fast, I hate how they keep downgrading to a single facility despite having had a whole Battle Frontier the game before. It took me less than a week after beating the Champion to run around and catch every Pokemon in the wild (except for those guys who have like, a 5% chance of appearing in swirling dust/water/shaking grass). I've never gotten bored of a Pokemon game that fast before.

I agree. The games were also very short.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

I miss when you were actually forced to grind before going to a gym leader or else you would lose. I would like the games harder!
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

I remember when you would go into a gym and the gym leader wouldn't be there so you would half to go look for them, or something was blocking the routes and you would half to do something to get past. This made the game more interesting, other than just blowing right through the game... Black and White was just to easy, which made it boring.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

^ I'd have to disagree on that one. While, yes, the game was short and very easy, it was not boring, which completely surprised me. I found myself very entertained by the game however, after playing through it once, it does then become boring but not before, in my opinion.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

BlueEmboar said:
^ I'd have to disagree on that one. While, yes, the game was short and very easy, it was not boring, which completely surprised me. I found myself very entertained by the game however, after playing through it once, it does then become boring but not before, in my opinion.

That was your opinion that you liked the game like you said, but the game was to easy to beat. In other games something would be blocking the path of routes, or the gym leader would be missing from the gym, etc. Nothing like this was in Black and White. I actually remember in an interview gamefreak said that they made the game easier for beginner players. So possibly the next pair of games will be more difficult.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Lugia ex said:
That was your opinion that you liked the game like you said, but the game was to easy to beat. In other games something would be blocking the path of routes, or the gym leader would be missing from the gym, etc. Nothing like this was in Black and White. I actually remember in an interview gamefreak said that they made the game easier for beginner players. So possibly the next pair of games will be more difficult.

I agree with you, that it was easy and that they did leave out a lot of obstacles.
I just disagreed on the fact that the game was boring. Just clarifying... :)
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

BlueEmboar said:
I agree with you, that it was easy and that they did leave out a lot of obstacles.
I just disagreed on the fact that the game was boring. Just clarifying... :)

Understood. :) I just hope the next games will have these obstacles!
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Route, Gym Town, Route, Gym Town, Route, Gym Town.

I agree with anyone who says that generally Pokemon games are not that hard. Compared to other RPGs, none of these even register on the "hard" scale. That being said, on the Pokemon RPG scale, this one is hands down one of the easiest. Short, easy, everything that could be lackluster linear wise. That being said, that doesn't make them necessarily bad games. I highly suggest new Pokemon players and old players who played and loved Gen 1 in the Red/Blue days to pick this up. They may be easy, but that just allows nostalgia and newbies to sink in better.

dmaster out.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Lugia ex said:
Understood. :) I just hope the next games will have these obstacles!

Agreed, big time! :p Hope they don't take them out in the R/S remakes!
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

dmaster said:
Route, Gym Town, Route, Gym Town, Route, Gym Town.

I agree with anyone who says that generally Pokemon games are not that hard. Compared to other RPGs, none of these even register on the "hard" scale. That being said, on the Pokemon RPG scale, this one is hands down one of the easiest. Short, easy, everything that could be lackluster linear wise. That being said, that doesn't make them necessarily bad games. I highly suggest new Pokemon players and old players who played and loved Gen 1 in the Red/Blue days to pick this up. They may be easy, but that just allows nostalgia and newbies to sink in better.

dmaster out.

Actually nobody said they were bad games, there was just no obstacles in they way... Like previous games. For example, the Sudowoodo blocking paths, or missing gym leaders in gyms. In HG/SS you had to track down a rocket grunt to Beat the gym in Cerulean City.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Yeah, I was just saying that in case the OP (you) may have thought that that was a turn-off for a Pokemon game. I could see why some people would criticize that part, so yeah.

That is an interesting point to bring up. With the less focus on HMs, there's almost no reason to use any of the overworld tools at your disposal. That can influence how you go about the game (for example, all you need to do is grind and get badges+)

dmaster out.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

#1weavile said:
I miss when you were actually forced to grind before going to a gym leader or else you would lose. I would like the games harder!

I 100% Disagree.
If I have to sit there and tap 'A' to take down the wild Pokemon in the area because I have taken out all the trainers then it's incredibly tedious. If I have done all that is neccessary in that area I'd like to continue to the 'boss', not do some mindless button mashing until the game allows me to continue.

I do agree with however to make the games harder, but having to grind isn't difficulty, it's like the original Final Fantasies, you had to grind forever to make sure you wasn't killed and in the later games they sorted this out. It was a problem that was fixed. Pokemon never had this problem to start with. But it was fixed nonetheless with G/S having trainers from kanto having higher level Pokemon.

I think there should be some kind of hardened package or difficulty where you must have a good and fluent moveset for your party and not have to just teach your Pokemon 4 different type moves so you can destroy in game.

BlueEmboar said:
Agreed, big time! :p Hope they don't take them out in the R/S remakes!

If they haven't taken out the obstacles for FR/LG and HG/SS I see no reason for them to take out anything from R/S. Even though I can't really comment considering I have never played Ruby past the 3rd gym leader.

Problem solving could easily rectify the ordinary Route>Town>TeamEncounter>Gym>Repeatx8>League>Win routine.
Branching paths, ability to enter different regions. This is why I loved HG/SS so much, it had this balance perfect.
I mention problem solving in the sense that 'GameFreak could put in problems to be solved' both manditory and optionaly. B/W was easy because it followed a strict flowchart that hardly ever deviated apart from at the end of the game. Maybe add in some alternate experience gaining methods. And with obstacles like was mentioned before.
But this is verging on becoming a post to be posted in the future games thread so I'll shut up now.

And yeah, easy games don't make bad games. Animal crossing for instance.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Actually, they could have made it harder and not that much more tedious if they were to just include the Vs. Seeker. I have no clue why they took that out, it was a really important item. I sort of agree with the fact that grinding is boring, but it makes it so you don't rush through the game too fast. If they had a ton to do and lots of trainers and all that other stuff so you were a good level when you faced the Gym Leader it would be fine, but the routes were pretty short and no one was any difficulty at all unless you purposely skipped, like, 90% of the trainers-which was possible. B/W just feel like a downgrade from where Nintendo was gen 4. HG/SS and D/P/P were long and had lots to do. They also (D/P/P anyway) had lots to do on every route and it wasn't totally linear. They also weren't pathetically easy. Not hard from a competitive gamers viewpoint, but they didn't make it so you pretty much couldn't lose. B/W took out most of the nice stuff from Pokemon. 90% of the new pokemon are terrible too, competitively anyway.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Dark Void said:
90% of the new pokemon are terrible too, competitively anyway.
Not really lol unless you count NFE pokemons, well first forms are mainly nice in little cup. Reshiram is really beast in sun in ubers. Forretress not seeing much play anymore thx to ferrothorn.... There's also many others that can be used OU and UU tiers.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

Maybe B/W were tweaked a bit to suit newcomers to the series. I haven't had the joy of playing either game thoroughly, so I wouldn't know first hand. I wouldn't think one version would be harder to beat VS the other.

- - -

Dark Void said:
90% of the new pokemon are terrible too, competitively anyway.

There are many new Pokemon that are competitive, I really don't know what you're talking about.

And you say that as if every Pokemon from past games are competitive. Every game has and will most likely have a larger group of Pokemon that aren't useful in the competitive world compared to the group of Pokemon that are.

Gen 5 brought Eviolite to the table, not to mention Dream World abilities and moves. DW Abilities lifted Pokemon that weren't used at all into top usage and peaked their competitive potential, and Pokemon that were once highly used into even higher usage.

While this isn't necessarily on topic, it is relevant to your post.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

It can be hard, depending on what level you play on.

If you play "Oh yeah, I have so much strategy in my team I can kill the whole game." Then it is easy as pie.

If you play "This is my first game, oooh that's cute! I want it in my team and never to evolve because I don't like the evolution." Then yes it is hard.

You could go either way on this, but I say it depends on how many games you have played.
RE: Was Black and White Versions to Easy to Beat?

I recently started Black and found it much easier than White. This is because this time aroud I'm only training Pokemon I want to be in my team that I fight the Elite Four with, so I pretty much had only my Emboar up until after the third Gym, and by that time it was so much stronger than everything else. I've used him to solo the five gyms I've faced so far with ease. When I played White I used Samurott, and used Pokemon that I wasn't going to use on my Elite Four team temporarily and it was a bit harder. That being said, this game was too short for me to really tell you whether or not it was easier than previous games.