Did She Go Too Far


Jukebox Hero
Recently in the news there was a story about a mother who's 12 and 10 year-old daughters were bickering in the back of the car, so she kicked them out on the street, and drove off to teach them a lesson. Actually she only drove around the block, and came back, but when she got there they were gone. She found the twelve year old pretty quickly, but the ten year-old was nowhere to be found. Fortunately she was found by a man who after buying her an ice cream took her to the Police station where they notified the parents. But what if she had been found by a child molester. Then what? Personally I think if she was just going to drive around the block and come back it wouldn't be that big a deal, but she should have thought about where they were, and how easy it would be for them to wonder off and get lost.

Thoughts and comments?
Another case of bad parenting. It's, quite honestly, pretty scary that parents are such idiots these days. That parent gave absolutely no thought of the possible consequences that could have happened. Makes me glad that my parents actually care for me...
Yeah, it's just bad parenting. Trust me, if a parent does what my girlfriend's mother does then they are a bad parent.
If the kid hadn't been stupid enough to wander away (and her sister smart enough to keep her there) a one minute trip around the block would have been a good lesson learned. Maybe a bit extreme, but not as much as what's being done to this mother.
Yeah, I'm kinda with vilebaseball on this. It was a bit extreme, but it would have been a good lesson learned.

Now, if the children were a little older, then I'd say this was absolutely justified, especially since the mother returned so quickly. I guess I'm just the type of person that respects stricter child punishment, such as "lesson learning" - something seen so very rarely nowadays. (However, this would most likely be the line of how far I'd ever want a parent to go. Beating your children and "teaching them a lesson" are two very different worlds.)
Someone has to call Super Nanny (or Nanny 911).
You never-ever throw kids out of the car when they act/play up, you give them a warning & use a "naughty spot" when you get home (or to the place where your going to).
That's a bit strange. I mean, the one girl is only 10 years old. They might've thought they were being abandoned. Although it's pretty normal for kids to stick up for other kids, in any case, that does seem like quite a harsh thing to do if you get tired of your children bickering. Anyways, it isn't too suprising because strange things like that are seen on the news pretty often. It just overall seems like an extreme thing to do. I still don't know why the 10-year old would wander off. That's even more frightening. I just think they were too young to be put through that. If they were older, it would make more sense.

- Luigi
Xous said:
Yeah, I'm kinda with vilebaseball on this. It was a bit extreme, but it would have been a good lesson learned.

Now, if the children were a little older, then I'd say this was absolutely justified, especially since the mother returned so quickly. I guess I'm just the type of person that respects stricter child punishment, such as "lesson learning" - something seen so very rarely nowadays. (However, this would most likely be the line of how far I'd ever want a parent to go. Beating your children and "teaching them a lesson" are two very different worlds.)

This. That is all.
PokeChamp said:
It's, quite honestly, pretty scary that parents are such idiots these days.

You never stop surprising me. Ya know.
The woman might have a different education, and another way of educating...
She should win "Best Parent of the Year and always".[/sarcasm]

I mean what the &%$* why should she do taht just beacuse they're bickering, just tell them off and threasten them with a gun...
I've heard of parents who live out in the country, and drop they're kids off a few miles down a dirt road, and make'em walk home, but the parent here (who, if I recall had their grandmother with them) should have thought about where they were and that this would not have been a good idea.
The parent and the kid are both at fault on this one. The mom for kicking her kids onto the street. And the kid for dawdling away.
My dad's grandmother used the same technique on him, and he's a fine man.

I would normally say no, don't throw them out, stop at the side and discuss, but hopefully a kid would have enough sense to not wander off. >w>
I find it funny that there seems to be an age divide between the two opinions. Everybody who fits closely with the children in the story 9-13 says that it was bad parenting, while those who are older do not seem to blame the mother as harshly.

I think that the mother may have gone a little too extreme, but "child abuse" and "idiocy" are not words that come to my mind. I feel that the lady didn't do anything wrong but overestimate her children. If any child was even the slightest bit intelligent, then they would have known to sit around and see if mommy is comming back. If she didn't come back (which she did) then the kids would be able to start walking, but never split up, just ask Scooby Doo.
I would've at least dropped them off at a Day Care or something. I know I hated that when I was younger. Letting them roam the streets is pretty hilarious though.

dmaster out.
This acctually happened to me[although it was not intended to happen the way it did and I did wander off. I was left at a K-Mart since I was cyring for a toy or game and I bugged my parents to take me to buy it. I go inside and my parents drove around the parking lot waiting and to scare me a bit, but I almost had heart attack when I walked out and no one was there. Some people helped me and I had a new family for a few minutes. I think I was about 5-7, not exactly sure, but it scared the bleep out of me.

All of you are basicily saying the kids were stupid for roaming, but think about it. You are in a car doing something bad and the next thing you know, you get kicked out of the car and your mommy and/or daddy or whovever takes care of you drive off. I bet none of you at that age would think to stay first, you'd be losing your minds and freaking out, so I do think the mom is to blame. Yes the kids could of acted smarter, but that's just it! They're kids!
No, I don't think it was wrong. It does teach the children a lesson, and the 10 year old should have known better than to accept a man buying her an Ice cream and wandering off from her older sister. The fact the split up was also a bad decision on their part.

To all of you who are saying that a molester could have grabbed them and they would have died, they aren't that common. I mean, the mother left them for what, 5 minutes tops? The chances of a Molester turning up and kidnapping them in that time is awfully low. Stop watching Criminal minds where every second case is a molester. They do exist, but they aren't so common that the second a child gets out of a car and the car drives off they will be kidnapped.