Writing Fire Emblem: Awakening: PokéBeach Edition! All finished! Stay tuned for the next one...

Sorry for the lack of updates today. I was sidetracked and then distraught, in that order. Haven't even opened my 3DS all day. Sorcerer SAE is officially canon, though, since that should have happened today. I guess I'll sell those Dragonstone+s to afford the Second Seal...

EDIT: Once again, I'm terrible. Personal crap. Sorry. I did at least sell some shit to reclass SAE and buy her a couple tomes, but that's as far as today got. Maybe tomorrow, but I have some distant errands and Challenge judging to do, so no promises.
Ugh, this level is a pain in the ass. Without pair-up start boosts, my units get ganged up and slaughtered (except SAE who is just excellent with everything forever). With pair-ups, I don't have enough attackers to take out all the flyer units that swoop down and OHKO the NPC kids.
Depending on when the forum downtime starts on Tuesday, I may not have a chance to update this, so I thought I'd post my plans for now:

Basically, the only way I'm going to be able to beat this level right now is if I "cheat" and let the non-Lucy kids die and post up the good ending anyway, which I'd prefer not to do. So, instead, I'm going to put this off until closer before endgame. Hopefully by then Athena and IE will have Galeforce (and Cinesra and SAE will be out of Bronze lock) and make beating this level the "good" way a possibility. So, next update will be a bit of plot about walking away from FP3 temporarily and then Summer Scramble.

If there's any other DLC you'd like to get in before our group heads out of the Outrealms, now is the perfect time to speak up!
I will second Celever's votes, with reasons! :D
Infinite Regalia: Words of wisdom: Don't do this one until everyone can handle very tough fights and use very strong weapons. That is what everyone will be using AND what you'll be gaining.
EXPonential Growth: Do this multiple times. You can only take six units in, but the Entombed give TONS of experience. Also, be careful with the ones with the highest HP: some, if not all, have Counter. For me, Counter is the bane of my main heavy hitter's (Nah) existence. ;_;
Golden Gaffe: You've been having some money problems, I see. The risen aren't that tough and give you plenty of cash. Two times through getting most of them should net you about 100,000 gold. NOTE: They have the ability Pass, which lets them move through enemy units, so you can't bottleneck them.
I wasn't having any money problems until I had to buy a bunch of seals and brave/fancy weapons for the FP levels. :p Shit rakes up quickly, especially since I've been doing DLC levels and therefore not getting the Bullion drops/chests that are more common in the regular levels. Each chapter will only be done once, though.

Thanks for the tips, but I don't really need them; I've been playing this game for a very long time now. :p Yes, all of the strongest Risen in EXP-G have Counter, but it's very easily avoided. The Risen don't attack during Enemy Phase, so just attack them at range during your turn and you won't take any damage (Counter only damages if you attack from an adjacent square). Regular levels with Counter enemies can be more painful; I usually highlight those enemies and try to lure them to attack at range. I got rather good at that strat my last Lunatic run. >_>
As amazed as I am by your remarkable writing skills, I think I would be more pleased if the story contained more wizards. I feel they are crucial to the proper balance of any fantastical story, playthrough or otherwise.

We decided to camp outside again, recovering from our injuries and relaxing. Due to a mishap involving an unattended lamp, an old forgotten curse, an apple pie, an awkwardly placed lance, and an errant gust of wind, SAE ended up spending the night in Palutena's tent and the two spent much of the evening into the long hours of the night discussing dark magic. By the time morning came around, SAE has decided she wanted to study dark magic and become a Sorcerer. Based on her new powers, none of us really wanted to challenge her decision.

SylveonsAndEspurrs reclassed into Sorcerer!

In the morning, we all wandered back into the temple to visit Naga and look into saving another batch of kids from their unfortunate doom.

<Naga> Welcome back! Ready for another round of "save the kids"?
<Drohn> 4 gemstones down, so this last group has the last gem and the Fire Emblem itself, yes?
<Naga> Actually, that last group managed to make it back to Ylisstol just fine. They were the first ones back and hooked up with IE pretty handily.
<Drohn> Then what's the problem?
<Naga> The problem is that the Fell Dragon itself is going after their asses and IE's too, right at home. If IE is lost, then nothing you've done at all means anything because she's the only one alive anymore that can actually do anything good with the Emblem.
<Athena> ... You mean we're actually going to be going against Grima?!
<Naga> What, is that a problem? I mean, you guys were planning on fighting Grima in your own time too, weren't you?
<Drohn> Well, yeah, but... not yet!
<Athena> There's still lots of leveling we have to do.
<IE> I don't even have Galeforce yet!
<Naga> *sigh* Fine, man you guys are a bunch of pansies.
<Athena> Well, since you'd be transporting us to a specific time in this other world anyway that isn't affected by time over here... maybe we could go train some more and then come back later and kick Alt-Grima's ass then?
<Naga> Yeah, that should be fine. See you later!​

We all breathed a bit easier as we exited Outrealm Naga's temple, none of us quite ready for an encounter with Grima yet. We continued on our way towards the Outrealm Gate, at least until we were interrupted by... Anna?

<Anna> Help! Help! I am een need of ze help!
<Drohn> Er...Anna? That is, well, Outrealms Fake-French Anna... Are you feeling all right?
<French Anna> Hon hon! You are très clever.
<Athena> What do you need?
<French Anna> Could you destroy ze Entombed zat are pouring out of zees ruins? Zey have been raiding our village and stealing all ze crops from ze fields!
<Drohn> That's terrible! ...Wait, there's a village inside the ruins? How is that even possible? And wait... What kind of a monster zombie thing eats vegetables?
<French Anna> Zey are alternotte, chérie! Eet is ze alternotte world!
<Drohn> Right. Well, um... Look, we were just making our way to the Gate to get back to our own world. If we lent you some weapons, I'm sure you could take care of a few corpses...?
<French Anna> Moi? I am just ze poor defenseless woman pretending to have ze ridiculous accent! I cannot actually do ze fighting. *Sigh* A pity... If you cannot help, I weel just have to wait for ze next passersby. Meanwhile, ze villagers will starve... I can peekture ze lamentations of ze women and ze children even now...
<Cinesra> Oh, dear me, we cannot leave this lady in distress!
<French Anna> ... "Zat pumpkin, he was like ze son to me! And now he haz been eaten!" ...
<PMJ> Even if she does sound like a weird French version of that old man we finally shoke off a few days ago.
<French Anna> ... "Mama, ze children in ze other villages have potatoes, but not me!" ...
<Keeper> Days? Man, it feels like this playthrough hasn't been updated in weeks!
<French Anna> ... "Mon amour, I warned you not to dress like ze tomato! Show me zose bite marks..."
<Drohn> What? Why would anyone...? That doesn't even make sense! ...Fine. FINE. We'll kill all the damn creatures for you. All right?
<French Anna> Merci! Bon chance! Tee hee! *wink*
<Drohn> Le sigh... Alright everyone, let's get going.
<French Anna> Non! Zere are too many of you for all to come. I shall take 6.
<Drohn> Alright then. Draw straws everyone for who gets to go on Risen-killing duty.
<Keeper> Oooh, ooooh, pick me! Pick me! Dead things! I love dead things! Especially when I get to kill them again. That's a very special experience.​

We did actually keep a bundle of straws ready to assign various chores and tasks, and Drohn whipped them out for us. The lucky winners ended up being me, Cinesra, Drac, IE, SAE, and Celever. Keeper was the most disappointed out of everyone with this turn of events. We geared up and followed French Anna into the ruins. The majority of the enemies were in the main corridor, though I sent IE and Cinesra to go down the side paths to clean up any stragglers. Soon, we were engaged in battle.

<Athena> Fighting vegetarian zombies ought to make for an interesting experience... nope, just like fighting regular zombies. Shame, really. I was hoping for something more impressive from the Outrealms.
<Cinesra> I heard somewhere that the Entombed are like the Risen's nobles. Not very noble of you to purloin carrots and cabbages from the weak, though. I fear I must bury you in the name of upper-class beings everywhere!
<Drac> Attacking crop thieves brings back many colorful memory! Drac only needed to flex muscles, and bad men run crying to mother. *Sniff* Was good times...
<Celever> I sometimes pick stuff off the ground and eat it, too. But never other people's property! That's just rude. Guess it's time for Nowi teach you some proper manners!
<IE> Entombed in the Outrealms? They must have come from my future. ...Gods, their journey was rougher than mine if they've turned to vegetables. Such unnatural suffering must be ended with all due haste.
<SAE> Mmm... I smell stew. Delicious! *sniff, sniff* Oh, is that coming from you? You stew the vegetables right in your belly? That's... completely foul. ... So why is it still making me hungry?​

The monsters were dispatched with ease, thankfully. It wasn't long before the remnants ran off to the hills, a job well done.

<French Anna> Et voila! Ze Entombed are no more!
<Athena> Indeed. It was actu--
<French Anna> But ze Entombed spring up like weeds, oui? So come back anytime you are looking for ze shallenge!
<Athena> You mean everything we just did was for nothing....?
<French Anna> No doubt ze villagers weel weep tears of joy to zee you again.
<Drohn> Right. Because we can save their precious vegetables... Vegetables they somehow grow amidst stony ruins... Vegetables threatened by...vegetarian...monsters...
<French Anna> Exactement! Zee you again zoon, monsieur!
<Everyone> facepalm.jpg​

At least the diversion didn't take us long, even if it was super weird. However, we weren't on the road for very long until disaster struck...

<Light> Egads! My purse, it's gone! How will I ever be able to keep up with regional fashions if I don't have my money!
<Cinesra> No worries my dear, I can always-- gah, my money's gone too!
<Keeper> Well, uh, don't look now, but there's a group of Risen cackling evily and running in that direction while shaking a bunch of money bags. And not just Light's either, it looks like...
<TT> *sigh* Beaten at my own game of thievery. I'll never live this down... And why'd you have to go and take my sweets, too? Take my gold, but leave the sugary stuff alone, damn you!
<Cinesra> Those blasted ghouls pilfered my entire savings. We should strike back at once! Teach them a lesson about touching my- Er... That is, they could go on to rob others! We must strike for future generations' sake!
<Drohn> Right. And certainly not out of greed or embarrassment...
<Palutena> How dare you steal my toolkit. I would have GIVEN you my gold. But the lock of Athena's hair in that pouch was...priceless. Return it now, or I will kill you a thousand times over!
<Drac> Have they no principle, stealing from gentleman like Drac? Now Drac completely broke! For shaming on you! Drac think naughty Risen need iron spanking!
<Athena> So you guys were saving up money on the side, eh? Perhaps I've been managing the army's finances a bit too strictly... The least I can do is win back my friends private savings.
<Celever> I don't bother with gold, so you're wasting your time with me. All I've got is my pouch for food, my pouch for dragonstones, and my...HEY! Where's my pouch for sparklies?! Give me back my sparklies, you creep!
<SAE> While I'm hardly attached to material possessions, this hurts quite a bit. It took a lot of hard work to save up that emergency fun, you know! And I mean, they stole from a child! Have they no shame at all?
<Keeper> My bag is gone too, huh. The stuff in there'll probably just kill them slowly and painfully, but I'm a nice guy, so I'd be happy to finish them off quickly...
<IE> I cannot allow them to carry on like this any longer. You'll die on my blade before you trouble my father and friends again!
<Drohn> Alright, fine, let's go... *sigh* Why in the seven hells am I fighting for someone else's nest egg? I don't think I've had a less inspiring cause in my whole life...​

We quickly geared up and ran after the fleeing Risen, chasing them into a large, abandoned building of some sort. They weren't particularly strong, even the toughest, and soon we had all of the monsters slaughtered, and their ill-gotten gains in a pile in the middle of the ruins.

<Drohn> There. All the gold we took back from the Risen in one big pile. Gods, look at it all... You guys were keeping all this? We're fighting a war here! Our army could use this money! Better weapons, new armor, more--
<Light> Yes, yes, very impressive. Can I have my gold back now, please?
<Drohn> Right, as if you could carry it all yourself... Light... I know you're a noble lady and you have expensive tastes and all, but what were you thin--
<Light> 27 gold, please.
<Drohn> ...Come again?
<Light> 27 gold. You know, as many as all of your fingers and toes plus seven more? That's how much gold was in my purse. Actually, I'll also take an extra gold to reimburse me for the loss of the purse itself. 28 gold, please.
<Cinesra> 13 gold, here.
<Drohn> Thir... teen...?
<Light> Are you deaf?
<Drohn> No, I just... I expected your share of the gold to be...
<Light> Bigger? Well, yes, I am rather rich, but you don't think I carry all of that around with me, do you? Most of my wealth is back home and carefully secured in the form of jewels and fine artwork. All I carry with me on the road is a bit of pocket money to keep up with fashions. Really now.
<Drohn> Then where did the rest of all this gold come from?!
<Cinesra> All this gold? All what go-- ...Oh by the Gods! Don't tell me all of that came from just those Risen?! Someone in this army must've been getting ready to open a bank!
<TT> Haha, no way any one of us could have been carrying this much on them in their pockets, not even close. Trust me; I know how much you can cram into a pocket. I will take my sweets bag, though...
<Drohn> So, if this isn't ours... who did the Risen take it from?
<Athena> I guess we'll never know.... but didn't you say the army could use the money? Once everyone's taken what's theirs, I don't think anyone else will object to us keeping the rest for new weapons and other finances.
<Keeper> Can I sleep on a giant pile on money tonight, pretty please? I've always wanted to!​

It actually was getting rather late, and so we decided to spend the night in the ruins, another mostly pointless day stuck in the Outrealms.

Current Team:

Drohn: Lv. 19 Great Lord
Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King

Athena: Lv. 7 Dark Flyer
Skills: Veteran, Solidarity, Ignis, Rally Spectrum, Rally Movement

Cinesra: Lv. 1 Griffon Rider
Skills: Skill+2, Prescience, Rally Skill, Bowbreaker

Professor Light: Lv. 2 Falcon Knight
Skills: Res+2, Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Dual Support+

TwistedTurtwig: Lv. 6 Swordmaster
Skills: Locktouch, Mov+1, Lucky Seven, Acrobat, Astra

Celever: Lv. 8 Wyvern Lord
Skills: Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane, Quick Burn

GM DracLord: Lv. 2 Warrior
Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker

Professor Palutena: Lv. 3 Sorcerer
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker

PMJ: Lv. 3 Wyvern Lord
Skills: Str+2, Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker

Keeper of Night: Lv. 19 Dread Fighter,
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Lifetaker, Resistance+10, Aggressor, (Slow Burn)

Ice Espeon: Lv. 11 Dark Flyer
Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Ignis, Rightful King, (Rally Movement)

SylveonsAndEspurrs: Lv. 1 Sorcerer
Skills: Odd Rhythm, Slow Burn, Wyrmsbane, Paragon

Decisions, Decisions:

Master & Second Seal Possibilities:

Promoted Second Seal Use: ∞ (C16 shop)
Drohn: Can switch to Paladin, Great Knight, Bow Knight, Sniper, or first tier classes
IE: Can switch to all promoted and base female-available classes (see spoiler below for full list)

Promoted Class: Paladin, Great Knight, General, Hero, Bow Knight, Sniper, Swordmaster, Assassin, Trickster, Falcon Knight, Dark Flyer, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Dark Knight, Sorceror, Grandmaster (also Great Lord for IE only)
Base Classes: Tactician, Cavalier, Knight, Mercenary, Archer, Myrmidon, Thief, Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Rider, Troubadour, Cleric, Mage, Dark Mage (also Lord for IE only)

Please vote for your choice(s)! If a suggestion gets 2 separate votes from different sources (posts, not likes), the promotion/change will happen before the next chapter. The only exception to this rule is any unit who hits Lv. 20 in either class, in which case they must be sealed before the next chapter, no matter how many votes.

Current Suggestions:

Class Changes:
Drohn -> Sniper

Paralogues/DLC Chapters: We've still got FP3 to do, but I'm probably goint to wait at least until we have IE and Athena with Galeforce and SAE with at least a D in Tomes. At this point, it'll probably be close to end game by the time we get there. Infinite Regalia and Summer Scramble are both on the list as well. I'm pretty sure we should be high enough to do IR, but I'll do a test run before scheduling it to be safe. We've also gotten enough votes to do all of the extra spotpass levels before the final chapter.

DLC votes: Like promotion/reclassing, 2 votes means yes. We have 1 vote each for:

Feel free to suggest any levels you'd like to see done, or second any existing suggestions! Feel free to check out this post for my quick blurbs about the various DLC levels that are available.

Player Notes:

So, back to the playthrough. Feels like it's been ages, doesn't it? Between the discouragement of the troubles with FP3, working on the new site and of course the associated downtime, plus an accident of mine, holidays, and other IRL stuff... well, it's been just shy of 2 weeks between the last update and the time of be writing this chapter, though it'll probably be a bit longer still before anyone sees it. I fully plan to keep up with this and finish it, though, so no worries. :p Hopefully I'll be back on track now.

This was a nice easy update for me to get back into the swing of things, too. The gold-gaining and exp-gaining levels are specifically made in a way so that even low-leveled characters can participate, and with our powerful guys, the levels were a breeze.

EXPonential Growth was... rather disappointing, honestly. We had an unlucky roll for the levels of the Risen and almost all of them were Lv. 1s or 5s or whatever the lowest level is, with only a couple 30s and 10s; no 20s at all. I ended up specifically picking the 6 that would go in based on those who could use the EXP/W.EXP the most. In that respect, Drac was the winner since he finally got up to A Axes.

Golden Gaffe was much more useful, both for gold and exp. We ended up walking away with 82k gold, and most of the exp gains you see in the list are actually from this level. I've already spent some of it. >_>

A lot of the text is taken verbatim from the actual game. I actually really love the ridiculous flavour the writer's gave to these gold and exp gaining levels. It's like they knew that the levels were just there for grinding/farming and that any attempt at narrative justification would be flimsy at best, so they just decided to have fun with it. EXPonential Growth is almost completely verbatim, though I did make some cuts and changes for Golden Gaffe. GG originally has Lissa and Frederick as the two main talking people in this text, so I re-wrote it for Light and Cinesra instead, and so neither of their original lines appear (Light's just references Lissa anyway so it wouldn't have made sense, and Cinesra's didn't fit with the rest of it). Some other small changes were made so that I could have the text before the battle instead of during for something new and different.

Drohn is aaaaaaalmost Lv. 20. I was actually really hoping he'd hit 20, but he's stuck at 19.81. So, get to thinking if you want to reclass him or keep him as a Great Lord or what.

I hope you all enjoyed your return to the playthrough! :)
I was hoping Nah would want to follow in her father's footsteps when becoming a Sorcerer.
But she can pick up the habit from a total stranger.
That's cool too.
Except Henry's not a sorcerer; he's a Dark Knight! :U

Sorry for lack of updates. I got sidetracked doing site stuff and also my CaC drawing. Tomorrow probably.
Ahahahahaha, I can't even remember my own characters. I am the best at playthroughs.
Chapter 24: A Return to Relative Normalcy

When we awoke in the morning, we packed up camp quickly and headed in a beeline for the Outrealms Gate, bound and determined to finally make our way out of this strange land and back home. We knew we'd likely be back (we promised Outrealms Naga, after all), but all of us were sick of spending time in a land outside our own. The days were so long, they felt like weeks. And all of the problems were, frankly, very weird.

Finally we found it, a large, shimmering portal enclosed within a humongous door frame. One by one, we stepped through and found ourselves in a plain in western Ylisse, not far from where Drohn originally found me that day back in the field. It still seemed weird to me, this strange merger of fantasy and people I knew from an internet forum, but the world was depending on us. We couldn't see Grima flying around in the skies causign storms anyway, but that didn't mean he wasn't still there waiting to cause trouble. We needed to stop it. It was time to perform the Awakening.

We stopped by Ylisstol to gather up gear and heal up, then proceeded to Mount Prism, a large mountain on the other side of the country.

<TT> Whoa, this place is f***ing gorgeous.
<IE> Yeah, this place is basically overflowing with Naga's power. Pretty cool, isn't it?
<Drohn> It's pretty alright, but... I'm feeling rather uneasy all of a sudden.
<Athena> Perhaps that unease has something to do with all the Risen hiding in the ruins nearby waiting to ambush us?
<Drohn> Dammit! Can't we do anything with fighting more of these stupid monsters?!
<Keeper> Hey, some of them are smart...
<IE> How the hell did they get here, anyway?! This place is sacred!
<Athena> If I were to guess, I'd say they're probably more powerful now that Grima has risen in this world... hey, risen, get it?
<IE> Not now, mother... -_-;;;​

We quickly geared up and prepared for battle. More and more enemies kept pouring in from the abandoned forts but we slew them left and right. After the tough enemies we had fought in the Outrealms, these Risen felt like a piece of cake. Perhaps our time training in there did us some good after all.

Eventually, finally, they stopped, and we were able to go into Naga's Alter to perform the Awakening. It looked strangely familiar until I realized that it was a mirror-image version of the temple where we visited with Outrealm's Naga.

<Drohn> Welp. This is it. Everyone wish me luck.
<Athena> Don't die, promise?
<Drohn> I promise.
<IE> I believe in you, father! ;~;
<Drohn> Naga, listen up! I, uh... (shit, what was the script again...) I bear proof of our sacred covenant! (yeah, that sounds right) In the name of the Exalted swo--I mean, Exalted Blood, I ask for the Divine Dragon's power! Baptize me in fire, O Naga, that I may become your true son! *wince*​

Drohn ducked and hid his face as a large flash of blue flames appeared out of nowhere and surrounded him. They swirled for a few moments and disappeared. When they were gone, Naga, the Divine Dragon appeared in front of us all. She looked quite a lot like the Outrealms Naga, but more.... majestic? I think it probably helped that this version of Naga wasn't wearing sweatpants and eating leftover Chinese.

<IE> Dad, you ok? :O
<Drohn> Yes, I'm... not on fire. That's a start.
<Drohn> *wince* Do you think you could turn it down a bit? We hear you.
<Drohn> A bit more? If it's not too much trouble.
<Naga> How's this?
<Drohn> Perfect.
<Naga> Sorry, it's been a while since I've talked to regular mortals, you'll have to excuse me. *ahem* Where was I... oh, yes. Be welcome, Awakener. Your heart as been tested and deemed worthy.
<Drohn> Oh, cool, that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
<Naga> Cleansed in my fire, your desire has proven to burn the stronger.
<Drohn> Sweet! Does that mean you'll give me the power to defeat Grima?
<Naga> lolno
<Drohn> But, but... you're out god!
<Naga> Dude, I'm not a god.
<IE> Wait, what? You're the Divine Dragon!
<Naga> Now look who's the one being loud...
<IE> ... sorry, my lady... >.>
<Naga> Anyway, yeah, humans have always called me that. But I'm no creator or anything. I don't possess the powers of making or unmaking. Grima doesn't either, fyi. Neither of us can actually destroy the other. Sucks, don't it?
<Drohn> Well, uh, you have to be able to give me some kind of power, right? I mean, I did do this whole ritual and everything.
<Naga> Oh sure... *ahem* With my Blessing, thou might draw forth Falchion's true strength. The Blade of the Exalts shall again strike like the dragon's fang! Your strength will then be my equal.
<Drohn> ... Just not enough to actually destroy Grima. >.>
<Naga> Yeah, sorry, you can't actually kill him. Best you can do is aim for another 1000 year sleep or so like your ancestor did. And you're still going to have to weaken him before it'll work, like a final blow sort of deal, you know?
<Drohn> Are you sure there's really no way to just get rid of him for good?
<Naga> Well... there kinda sorta might be a way, maybe, but it's kinda weird. The only power that could potentially kill him would be his own.
<Drohn> So, like, we'd have to convince him to commit suicide?
<Naga> Basically, yeah, and it's not like he'd ever do that, so it's just kind of a technicality. *shrug* Anyway, come here, let me finish giving you this power.
<Drohn> So, wait, how do we actually go after Grima once this is done anyway?
<Naga> There's a volcanic island off the west coast of Plegia called Origin Peak. You can find him chilling out around there. The rest is up to you. Now, you ready?
<Drohn> I'm ready, let's do this.
<Naga> Alright, pull out your sword.​

Drohn pulled out the Falchion and suddenly it was consumed in similar blue flames. Then there was a bright flash of light. When we could see again, Naga was gone, and Drohn sword was glowing with an inner power.

<Drohn> Sweet! New Sword!​

Current Team:

Drohn: Lv. 20 Great Lord
Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Rightful King

Athena: Lv. 9 Dark Flyer
Skills: Veteran, Solidarity, Ignis, Rally Spectrum, Rally Movement

Cinesra: Lv. 2 Griffon Rider
Skills: Skill+2, Prescience, Rally Skill, Bowbreaker

Professor Light: Lv. 4 Falcon Knight
Skills: Res+2, Demoiselle, Rally Resistance, Dual Support+

TwistedTurtwig: Lv. 6 Swordmaster
Skills: Locktouch, Mov+1, Lucky Seven, Acrobat, Astra

Celever: Lv. 8 Wyvern Lord
Skills: Odd Rhythm, Wyrmsbane, Quick Burn

GM DracLord: Lv. 3 Warrior
Skills: Armsthrift, Patience, Sol, Axebreaker

Professor Palutena: Lv. 3 Sorcerer
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Vengeance, Tomebreaker

PMJ: Lv. 3 Wyvern Lord
Skills: Str+2, Tantivy, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker

Keeper of Night: Lv. 20 Dread Fighter,
Skills: Hex, Anathema, Lifetaker, Resistance+10, Aggressor, (Slow Burn)

Ice Espeon: Lv. 13 Dark Flyer
Skills: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether, Ignis, Rightful King, (Rally Movement)

SylveonsAndEspurrs: Lv. 4 Sorcerer
Skills: Odd Rhythm, Slow Burn, Wyrmsbane, Paragon

Decisions, Decisions:

Master & Second Seal Possibilities:

Drohn has reached Level 20 and must use a Second Seal! He can either reclass back to a Lv. 1 Great Lord, or he can swap to any of the classes listed below.

Promoted Second Seal Use: ∞ (C16 shop)
Drohn: Can switch to Paladin, Great Knight, Bow Knight, Sniper, or first tier classes
IE: Can switch to all promoted and base female-available classes (see spoiler below for full list)

Promoted Class: Paladin, Great Knight, General, Hero, Bow Knight, Sniper, Swordmaster, Assassin, Trickster, Falcon Knight, Dark Flyer, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Dark Knight, Sorceror, Grandmaster (also Great Lord for IE only)
Base Classes: Tactician, Cavalier, Knight, Mercenary, Archer, Myrmidon, Thief, Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Rider, Troubadour, Cleric, Mage, Dark Mage (also Lord for IE only)

Please vote for your choice(s)! If a suggestion gets 2 separate votes from different sources (posts, not likes), the promotion/change will happen before the next chapter. The only exception to this rule is any unit who hits Lv. 20 in either class, in which case they must be sealed before the next chapter, no matter how many votes.

Current Suggestions:

Class Changes:
Drohn -> Sniper

Paralogues/DLC Chapters: We've got votes for Summer Scramble, FP3, and Infinite Regalia, though we'll be doing all 3 in a group later in the game before the final chapter but after we're a bit stronger. We can also still do CoY1, CoY2, and SB2 if people vote to see them. All the SpotPass Paralogues have also been tossed in and will be done before endgame, too.

I also need suggestions for the conversations for Summer Scramble! There are too many of them for me to put them all in one update, so I'm only going to include the 3 that people want to see most. These are the possibilities:

  • Drohn/Athena
  • Cinesra/TT
  • TT/Athena
  • Palutena/Athena
  • Keeper/TT

Vote for which ones you'd like to see!

DLC votes: Like promotion/reclassing, 2 votes means yes. We have 1 vote each for:

Player Notes:


So, I totally forgot that SpotPass Bonus Items were a thing. And so we just got a whole bunch of "Bonus" timeless weapons. Those will certainly come in handy when we tackle FP3 again.

I did a test run of IR, and it was pretty annoying. The enemies aren't super OP or anything like FP3, but they've all got super strong weapons, so it becomes a very luck-based level. I probably could beat it if I felt like restarting enough... but frankly it was pissing me off so I just decided to put it off until we're stronger so it's less of a pain in the ass. So, I was going to do SS next... until I realized how many bloody conversations there are, so I thought I would put off doing that level and put in a vote for which ones people would like to see. After all, we're already making an official trip back to the Outrealms before endgame anyway.

And now that we're back to regular stories, that also means back to easy mode. My main focus was on leveling IE and Athena for Galeforce, leveling Light to maybe get her out of Falcoknight, getting IE Weapon Exp. for Lances, and getting SAE Weapon Exp. for Tomes. Lucina is like ~3 hits away from A Lances and SAE is ~1 hit away from D Tomes which will give her Nosferatu access. SAE has also capped everything except Mag and Res, good girl.

If it were just main series levels, I wouldn't really care much about reclassing, but Light has been a liability rather than a help lately. She does practically no damage at all with her 10 strength, and her lower Mag is even making her healing less effective. I mean, I can make it work if I need to, but, yeah, she's disappointing. Similarly, Chrom's up for a reclass and I shudder to think that you guys might actually give me a bronzed-locked Sniper Chrom the level before endgame. :p I do like Sniper Chrom in general, but, yeah. >.>

Speaking of which, we are obviously getting close now if you can't tell from the plot. The next real chapter is the penultimate chapter, and then we unlock the SpotPass Paralogues. Hopefully we can get Galeforce and a Nosferatu-slinging SAE by then, since those levels are also fairly difficult.

Though, I am seriously considering doing a bunch of grinding and writing it up as a training montage or something. Mostly because I'm doing this run for the story (which was the whole point of me going Easy-Mode instead of Hard or Lunatic in the first place), and resetting and having to think is just going to piss me off and delay me from posting which makes nobody happy.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Please do vote on things and feel free to give me any feedback you wish. <3

I don't think I'm going to have enough time to do a full update today because I need to do a bunch of cleaning and stuff, sadly. However, I did want to make sure I had the full weekend open for a final round of class voting, so that at least can be posted today in preparation for endgame.

Please vote for FINAL CLASSES for all playable characters! This will be the ultimate class that each character will be trained in and will complete the game with. Available classes for all characters are listed here, with reasoning for this choice below for those interested:

  • Drohn: Great Lord, Paladin, Great Knight, Bow Knight, Sniper, Dread Fighter
  • Athena: Paladin, Great Knight, General, Hero, Bow Knight, Sniper, Swordmaster, Assassin, Trickster, Falcon Knight, Dark Flyer, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Dark Knight, Sorceror, Grandmaster, Bride
  • Cinesra: Bow Knight, Sniper, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Sage, Dark Knight, Dread Fighter
  • Light: Falcon Knight, Dark Flyer, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Dark Knight, Bride
  • TT: Hero, Warrior, Swordmaster, Assassin, Trickster, Dread Fighter
  • Celever: Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Safe, Dark Knight, Manakete, Bride
  • Drac: Warrior, Berserker, Hero, Bow Knight, Swordmaster, Assassin, Dread Fighter
  • Palutena: Sorcerer, Dark Knight, General, Great Knight, Sniper, Bow Knight, Bride
  • PMJ: Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Bride
  • Keeper: Sorcerer, Dark Knight, Warrior, Berserker, Trickster, Assassin, Dread Fighter
  • IE: Great Lord, Paladin, Great Knight, General, Hero, Bow Knight, Sniper, Swordmaster, Assassin, Trickster, Falcon Knight, Dark Flyer, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Dark Knight, Sorceror, Grandmaster, Bride
  • SAE: Trickster, Assassin, Valkyrie, War Cleric, Sage, Sorcerer, Dark Knight, Manakete, Bride

Why am I doing this?

A number of reasons. Once we get passed Chapter 25, the remaining chapters we have are going to be hard ones. This means that I will want to prepare for them. I want people to have the freedom to suggest any and all classes they like for each character, but I want to firm up choices so that they can be trained and prepared for those final levels. If I just go into them blind with people stuck with Bronze weapons, etc., it's going to take me a lot of tries to beat levels and generally piss me off, which only serves to delay updates. I'm not doing this run for the challenge of it; if I wanted a challenge, I'd do the Girls-Only Lunatic run I've been planning. I'm doing it for the story and to share it with you guys.

What I'm planning on doing is firming up final class choices for each and every character, so that gives me something to aim for in my training. We really want to have a Sniper Chrom? Totally fine! Though that does mean I'm going to train his ass up on bows so he's not stuck with Bronze Bows when trying to save the kids in FP3. Cinesra and Light are in a similar position right now as well, especially poor Light who is effectively weaponless since she can do nothing with her bronze lance.

This does mean I will be doing some grinding training with the characters, most likely a training montage of some sort. It may get a chapter of its own if I can think up enough material to write for it, otherwise it will appear in the beginning of a regular level chapter update.

As far as some actual data for how this will work, logistically, for those who care about such matters:

If a Character is voted for a new class: They will be trained up to 10 or 15 in their current class (15 if the Lv. 15 skill is useful for their final class; 10 if it isn't) and then reclassed into their final class. Once in their final class, priority will be spent on raising Weapon Exp. with their chosen weapons if necessary.
If a Character is voted to stick in their current class: Priority will be given to Weapon Exp. if needed, otherwise the character will likely be left alone and given minimal training. Stats aren't the issue so much as Weapon levels at this point.
If any Characters are voted for Dread Fighter (except Keeper) or Bride: Obviously I will have to play those levels to get the necessary items. Since we haven't played the Bride DLC yet, it would be written up like a normal chapter. Any further Dread Fighters, however, will simply learn their skills from Alm and those levels will not be written up the same way the grinding levels won't be.

The largest number of votes for a particular class/character combination will declare the final choices. In the event of a tie, priority will be given to the character's current class, and/or I will flip a coin if the leading choices are different from the current class. Because Chrom already has a couple votes in for his reclass, those votes will instead now count as a vote for his final class. Also, Drohn will get his final class before Chapter 25 because he is currently full; all other class changes will happen during the training montage update that will fall between C25 and the first side-level, though I might start some of the grinding over the weekend since I'll probably have some free time.
Drohn - Paladin
Athena - Grandmaster
Cinesra - Sniper
Light - Dark Flier
TT - Assassin
Celever - Manakete
Drac - Hero
Palutena - Sorcerer
PMJ - Bride
Keeper - Dread Fighter
IE - Great Lord
SAE - Manakete
Drohn - Paladin
Athena - Swordmaster
Cinesra - Sniper
Professor Light - Falcon Knight
TT - Assassin
Celever - Manakete
Drac - Beserker
Palutena - Sorcerer
PMJ - Bride
Keeper - Dread Fighter
IE - Great Lord
SAE - Sage
  • Drohn: Sniper
  • Athena: Bride
  • Cinesra: Bow Knight
  • Light: Falcon Knight
  • TT: Swordmaster
  • Celever: Bride
  • Drac: Berserker
  • Palutena: Sorcerer
  • PMJ: Wyvern Lord
  • Keeper: Trickster
  • IE: Bride
  • SAE: Bride