Discussion M Tyranitar EX

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Bats bats bla bla bla. Do the math on this guy. Evolves from grass.... hmmm if only they'd had a boon recntly...

180 HP ex becomes 170, 110+60 = 170. KO on 180 Hp for 1 damage counter :D
BUT, Golbat
  • Can be easily searched for with Level ball,
  • Has free retreat, and if need be,
  • Can easily attack for just C energy cost and inflict 10 damage across the opponent's entire board, and
  • Can potentially get more damage counters into play per turn vs. Forretress.
Yea Bats.
Hi! I´m new. I want to try it with Gourgeist (XY Base set) instead of the Zubats, maybe 3-3, with one Evosoda/Wally. Also I want to wait for the reprint of float stone so the retreat cost wont ba a problem. Any suggestions?
BUT, Golbat
  • Can be easily searched for with Level ball,
  • Has free retreat, and if need be,
  • Can easily attack for just C energy cost and inflict 10 damage across the opponent's entire board, and
  • Can potentially get more damage counters into play per turn vs. Forretress.
Yea Bats.

Oh agreed bats are fantastic, but when there's no need target a specific poke, 10 to everything with an ability is perfect. Forest of giant plants allows you to put down for Fforretres in one go, combined with scoop up/AZ the 3 retreat Lysandre bait can be dealt with. You can quite easily deal 20 damage to everything in one turn with a 2-2 line, leaving more deck space. Right tool for the job's all I'm saying.
Oh agreed bats are fantastic, but when there's no need target a specific poke, 10 to everything with an ability is perfect. Forest of giant plants allows you to put down for Fforretres in one go, combined with scoop up/AZ the 3 retreat Lysandre bait can be dealt with. You can quite easily deal 20 damage to everything in one turn with a 2-2 line, leaving more deck space. Right tool for the job's all I'm saying.
Thank you - I appreciate your explanation. And the fewer the slots the better off you are since you can fill those slots with other cards.

What "sold" me on the Bats line was when I was playing against a Seismitoad-Manectric deck running 4 Rough Seas and a Paint Roller - lol - talking about wanting to win the Stadium war... I was able to Sneaky Bite completely healed Toads for KOs with minimum required resources needed.
Thank you - I appreciate your explanation. And the fewer the slots the better off you are since you can fill those slots with other cards.

What "sold" me on the Bats line was when I was playing against a Seismitoad-Manectric deck running 4 Rough Seas and a Paint Roller - lol - talking about wanting to win the Stadium war... I was able to Sneaky Bite completely healed Toads for KOs with minimum required resources needed.
They certainly have their merits. And of course it would be a very boring format if we all had the same lists! I certainly didn't mean to be rude by saying bla bla bats but it surprises me nobody had even considered Forretress. I certainly see the advantages of bats, a bit more solid when set up, less of a liability than a 3 retreat beast! I play 2 AZ (3vs), 2 switch, 1 escape and it seems to work.

It's the math though, just one Forretress placement would mean that rough seas toad is at 170HP. Destroyer King then KO's that toad, and hopefully slowly setting up everything else up for a thrashing.

Speaking of the stadium war, I play 2 Faded town (Curse that Groudon, and Forest of giant plants is rarely worth it) and 3 paint rollers, seems to work (shadow circle often ineffective). I'm happy with all that but what I would ask you though is how thick are your tyranitar lines? And what level of tools do you run? Theta double is susceptible to two headringers if your not careful. I play 3-3 ttar prefering to sit behind 4 yveltal xy, I do run one ex too. That I'm sort of happy with but what's making my head spin is tools? At present I have 4 spirit links and 2 hard charms. Weakness policy doesn't really save you from primal groudon and exp share is clunky to use effectively. What do you run?
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Hi! I´m new. I want to try it with Gourgeist (XY Base set) instead of the Zubats, maybe 3-3, with one Evosoda/Wally. Also I want to wait for the reprint of float stone so the retreat cost wont ba a problem. Any suggestions?
It's an idea, but where it falls down is that Gourgeist needs to attack to chip away HP giving your opponent a turn to heal/counter etc. Bats (and Ffortress) can deal damage in your turn prior to your attack. Also another messy issue is the energy. Tyranitar needs a healthy wad of dark energy and a few double colorless, mixing in a psychic energy (or even rainbow) would invariably detract from the consistency or fluidity of the deck causing all the wrong cards to pop up at the wrong time :(
Hi! I´m new. I want to try it with Gourgeist (XY Base set) instead of the Zubats, maybe 3-3, with one Evosoda/Wally. Also I want to wait for the reprint of float stone so the retreat cost wont ba a problem. Any suggestions?
Interesting thought. I too run Gourgeist, but in a completely different deck. Both Pumpkaboo (XY) and Gourgeist (XY) are quite good, imo.

When you consider the actual "mechanics" of utilizing Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist as a starting and opponent's field setup (i.e., damage-wise), respectively, the deck's dynamics change quite a bit as @LinX336 mentioned above. In addition,

  • Pumpkaboo has significantly lower HP than Yveltal; so, one could fall behind in the prize count quickly and early.
  • More and different resources (e.g., Trainers) are needed to support these Psychic Pokémon; so, some overall deck synergy is decreased.
  • The deck, with the inclusion of x-x Gourgeist line becomes much slower in order to get the requisite spread damage into play before M Tyranitar EX can attack.
  • Lastly, one loses energy attachment acceleration via Yveltal's Oblivion wing attack.
Definitely test (on TCGOne.net) your concept though; you might have some solid advantages that I may not recognize at this time.

...I'm happy with all that but what I would ask you though is how thick are your tyranitar lines? And what level of tools do you run? Theta double is susceptible to two headringers if your not careful. I play 3-3 ttar prefering to sit behind 4 yveltal xy, I do run one ex too. That I'm sort of happy with but what's making my head spin is tools? At present I have 4 spirit links and 2 hard charms. Weakness policy doesn't really save you from primal groudon and exp share is clunky to use effectively. What do you run?
I currently play:

3 M Tyranitar EX
3 Tyranitar EX
3 Spirit Links - only Tools in the deck right now, but I plan to do some further testing with Hard Charms and Muscle Bands

I also run only 3 Yveltal and 1 Yveltal EX.

At the moment, I am less concerned about the Tools versus the Ray EX decks match-ups - my Poke pal I test with still crushes me. Lol.
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I have been stocking up on fortress just in case they become good in t-tar/are good in t-tar. If you do the math, with just one pineco and one fortress, one scoop up/AZ and GPF (giant plant forest) down you can deal 250 damage with mega t-tar as you deal 20 (initial damage placement) + 120 (bonus damage via destroyer king) + 110 (destroyer king's initial damage). With Fortress you don't have to worry about choosing which thing you want to violently kill, as you chose everything. Even if you deal 10 damage with fortress to a majority of your opponent's pokemon, you still deal 10 + 60 + 110 or 180 damage just from playing ONE fortress. I can easily see it replacing bats/going with bats (although that would screw up consistency). I really hope it does well asI really want to wreck my opponents at a tournament using my misprint FA Mega T-tar. (the texture is above where it's supposed to be.
I don't care what you guys think! Tyranitar and Crobat is the all-time most powerful deck there is! I win second place or even first place in the pokemon league almost everyday!
Devin, you understand that M Aggron requires flip reliance and is therefore inconsistent? And Primal Groudon sees almost no play because of Vespiquen being so prominent?

I'm not saying they're great, I'm saying they're better.

I don't care what you guys think! Tyranitar and Crobat is the all-time most powerful deck there is! I win second place or even first place in the pokemon league almost everyday!

Just because you win at your local league frequently doesn't mean the deck is "the most powerful there is". Your league most likely doesn't play the by the regular meta seen at most big tournaments. And saying you don't care what anyone thinks doesn't really add discussion, you're pretty much just shutting down discussion completely.

Mega T-Tar going into regionals had a little bit of hype, but overall failed. The idea of having both Mega Turbo AND Dark patch made Mega T-Tar seem very fast, but fact was that it was easily out classed by Turbo Yveltal variants, which dominated both AZ and Huston regionals. Mega T-Tar also had sketchy match-ups that didn't really give it any reason to be played. Yveltal destroys because of T-Tars energy cost, Donphan destroys because weakness and prize trade, Mega Ray destroys because faster and easier set up, Giratina/Seismitoad destroys because of Mega T-Tar's Mega stage, and then there's Archeops. Archeops COMPLETELY shut's down Mega T-Tar because it keeps Mega T-Tar and bates lines from evolving. Archeops was tech'd into so many things in regionals, so overall T-Tar had no and has no chance in expanded format.

So what about standard? Well. Giratina EX is a thing, Regice is a thing, Mega Mewtwo Y might become a thing, fighting variants are things, and T-Tar is way too slow without Dark Patch. And the problem with slow mega's like that is the fact if your opponent has Lysandre, you're pretty much done for before you can even set up. That's why Primal Ground is straight up better. Fighting has more support, and Primal Groudon can't be Lysandre'd because of Omega Barrier.

So pretty much overall, Mega T-Tar is trash. Compared to most other decks, it just doesn't have any reason to be played. Will it maybe get a reason to be played later on? Probably not. If you wanna have fun with the deck, go ahead, but there is absolutely no reason at all for you to be trying to make Mega T-Tar competitive in any way shape or form. It's just a bad pick. (I think my point is made)
I wouldn't go as far as to say they're better. Primal Groudon might be better due to all that Fighting support, but in today's meta it's too slow.

But you're right - Mega Tyranitar looked scary at first but fizzled very quickly. Mienshao in Standard would just rip this guy apart lol.
Guys. Guys. Stay on topic. Remember that this thread is for M Tyranitar EX discussion. I've already removed a few spammy / irrelevant posts thus far.
Pretty much agree it's hard to find a good Mr. T deck. Ya, I said it, "I call the MR. T Deck. I pity the fool that plays it and plays against it. But I do believe that for expanded it would play the worst because of Archelops.

Having said all that, I think it's fun that trainers get passionate about certain decks. I remember, last season, I played Manetric. I pretty much, either was item locked in every game, or Landorus was whacking me for a god awful amount. But I still top cut in quite a few league challenges because a lot of people weren't putting together the free retreat and Rough Seas combo. I even got a judge called on me in one game for rough seas. But now Manetric is all the rage.

I guess my point is that if you like the pokemon stick with your guns and play it. But know there are just some tough matches out there and prepare for them as best as you can. Eventually, though, the format can give you a break on a deck, or a single card can change the strength of a deck, like strong energy. That card really opened up the playing field for fighting decks.
Actually, it seems that this thread was created before the official M Tyranitar EX thread, died out, and then was recently revived. if you really want to discuss M Tyranitar EX, you should probably do that in its Metagame Discussion thread, found here.

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