Needs help on melee again

~Magma King~

Nettle Carrier
1. I need to score 400m in the homerun. Has anybody else achieved this and how?
2. 15 minute melee makes me want to throw my gamecube out the window >:[. Can somebody help me please?
Number one is pretty simple. One of the methods (and my personal favorite) is to pick Yoshi, quickly roll back to get the bat, do a small jump and use Yoshi's down aerial attack. As soon as you land, jump back up and repeat. This move hits a bunch of times and racks up damage fast, so as long as you're accurate and quick, getting 400m will be easy.

The normal 15 minute melee approach is to choose DK and stand under one of the platforms on the left or right and just keep pressing Down+B. If one of the wireframes is somehow hitting you from above, use can probably quickly wipe them out with the up tilt. Another possible method is to choose Mewtwo, stand on one of the edges of the stage, charge his neutral B move and just hold it. I haven't done this method myself personally but I heard it was supposed to be effective. Also remember that both of these methods require a bit of luck to last the entire 15 minutes, and the DK method is pretty labor intensive.

number 2 i got to 12 sec. left with dk, but if you use kirby and get the beam sword... i only killed 93 guys but i beat it.
I used the DK tactic to take down the 15min worth of multi-men!
For big hits in the Home-run area Yoshi is said before, Ganondorf can rake in the distance by using his up smash fully charged a couple of times then letting fly with the bat!
on home run if you change it the language to japanese the stage becomes a bit bigger just for some help. also i think young links up b (without jumping) is pretty good since it keeps them inside the attack. and for multi man melee just use DK's down b
Those are the two ways I tried.
1. I reached 3 minutes and lost. That was a waste of 12 minutes of my entire life, but yeah, I guess.
2. I score 360 max. I do it as much as possible, but it always ends up as 360.
An alternate method with homerun contest would be to use Ganon, fully charged up smash it twice, down aerial it as it's falling from the second up smash, and homerun it. Another method would be to use Mario, grab the bat, and start spamming his cape attack on the sandbag. The cape does about 10% each time, so you can rack up damage pretty quick. I'm gonna play a bit of homerun contest right now to find some more methods.

As for the 15 minute melee, it's going to take a lot of patience and luck. Go with the ideas already suggested, and hope for items like beam swords. You'll evetually get it.

If you want just 400 feet, select Roy, beat up the snadbag for a couple of seconds, then hold B until he releases his attack on the sandbag. It gets you your 400 feet, but Yoshi really is the best character when he use Down+A move while in the air. I've gotten 1500+ feet in this method.

For Fifteen-Minute melee, be donkey kong, press B+Down, and hold it for the rest of the fifteen minutes. Don't even stop using it. Hold it down with some tape if you have to.
For the fifteen minute melee, use Yoshi just jump up from one side to the other side of the stage. For the home-run contest, use Yoshi, 1 Grab the bat 2 jump up and immediately when you're in the air use a-down move. 3 Keep doing until there's 2 or 3 seconds left. 4 Smack that sucka outa the park. This strategy has gotten me 1200 in the home-run contest, of course you could always use fox's laser.