Ruling What is the max amout of energy on a pokemon?

Umm...Actually...53 in Modified and 33 in Limited(Prerelease)It IS the MAX of energies you could techniclly put on there.
53? I'd say it's 58, since we're being so technical.

You have 1 active Pokemon and have taken 5 Prizes. All cards but your active basic Pokemon are energy, and they can all be attached at the same time.


One of the most fun things I've ever done is have 12-15 energy on an Exeggcute with my opponent having no idea what Exeggutor from FRLG does then evolve and destroy everything.
Incase you didn't note the question, it says "Energy" and not "Energy Cards"... Both of you above stated the maximum amount of energy cards, there are many combos/powers/bodies/special energy which exceed that. And yes, the limit only goes up to how many cards you have in your deck... so technically, like I said before, there is no limited rule on it. A pokemon can have as much as you want as long as your deck has 60 cards (normally)...