Writing Where Dragons Sleep

~Magma King~

Nettle Carrier
So I've decided to make a story. Again. Pokebeach-Cliff Hanger died tragically when I was found unable to keep track of the overflow of new mods, and how I was never satisfied with how I rushed things so much. And so, I have decided to create a more pokemon story. It tracks the events of a group of trainers in a futuristic Kanto, where a trainer's morales have turned twisted and the world relies on the nostalgia of their glorius pasts. With the rebirth of Team Rocket, a fallen figure makes haste on a frantic chase to find the team's missing heir, as little by little their worlds begin to crumble.

"Boss? I got the call. Sorry I'm so late, really"
"You're earlier than expected, my... Your name?"
"I am Rocket Administrator K2"
"No... Your name" The man in the costume took off his cap and dusted it, and gave a nervous cough. He gulped, and then in the most laughably stuttering voice, said "Uh... L-Lex... Lex, sir"
A glass slammed down onto the bedside table, water thrusting into the air before neatly plopping back down.
"Ah... As I remember. Your duties in the team have been doing well, and so well, that I bestow on you this honoured favour"
"For the team, anything”
“As I hoped. Your zest is admirable”
“Thank you sir. And please, what is this favour?”
“The most important thing the team has had to face so far...”The man coughed, clearing his throat to resume the speech, “I, Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket, am seventy-five years old. I have ruled team rocket for forty-eight years, and now I see that time is coming to an end. In my old age, I cannot keep up with my team’s affairs, and so it is time for me to retire”
“I see...”
Giovanni breathed in and placed his hand on his chest, sitting up in his bed. The pillow let out a bloated sigh.
“There is... An heir. He resides in a small home in Vermillion, as a gym assistant. I cannot contact him myself. It is too dangerous”, There was a slight pause, “I need you to find him. He shouldn’t pose much of a problem. It is a small town and the gym is rather empty. But, please...”
His hand began to shake, and Giovanni began to tremble with fear.
“You must keep as safe as possible! My son is still rather weak, and... We have somebody on our tail, th-the-
“The Magma King?”
Giovanni calmed down, and took the glass of water from his bedside table, lifting it into the air and swooping it back down to his lips, the rim of the glass just resting on them.
“Sir, I will get this done. If we face interference we shall crush him with all our power... We will not disappoint, boss. I promise”
And Giovanni grinned. And all the memories of a beautiful past rushed through his head.
“Excellent, excellent! I have trusted the right man. Team Rocket shall rise again, more powerful than ever! This, this, is the dawn of a new age, and nothing can stop it!”
And the past rushed out, and ushered in a misguided future, just a dream of the past reborn. But he didn't care. And he didn't know. History could never be reborn so smoothly.

Where dragons sleep,
I walk upon,
a sacred, ancient land.
This sleepy place,
has stayed unchanged,
by no mere mortal hand.

But now the world has changed,
our people moved along.
And now the beautiful,
mystic realm,
is all but lost and gone.

And I challenge this world,
it's destructive ways,
and upon this land I creep.
I walk upon,
This sacred land,
The land where dragons sleep.
A great start so far, almost influenced me to be writing back here, nut like I said almost. Anyway really great start, I hope I get to read more soon!

Nice start. I like the way the poem adds originality. Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot guys! I wasn't so sure about the poem at first, but it's great to see people like it.

Chapter 1 is in the works. In the meanwhile, please comment on the prologue! ^__^
Very nice Poem. Nice one, you spelt Giovanni's name right. A bit too mysterious, whatever happened to funnyness in writing. The prolouge makes a good start. People this is not a Team Rocket Fan-fic it just has Team Rocket in it!

To funnyness in writing? It'll be funnier than the last one.

And no, what do you mean another rocket fic? Firstly, it isn't about Team Rocket, and secondly, there IS no Rocket fic. :S
But thanks anyway! I love the encouragement.
Wow, MK. I like it and it seems interesting. I'll keep an eye out for it =D

Good luck writing it because you've got a lot of "competition" from other Team Rocket/Galactic fanfics out there.
Only TG. And this isn't a TR fanfic. XD

That being said, because I was in my extra special do-my-fic-instead-of-important-homework-project kind of mood, here's Chapter 1! You'd better enjoy it, because I'm gonna be in a heep of trouble tommorow. ^_^

Chapter 1- Midnight in the Mountains


A wooden stick slammed onto the rocky mountain floor. A boy, about twelve years old, knelt down next to it, collapsing. He breathed in heavily, placing his stick gently on the ground next to him. Cold sweat trickled down his forehead, as he wiped his messy brown hair out of his eyes. He noticed a rip in his tuxedo, sighed, and then sat back down.
"Kate, you OK?"
"I'm fine, Jack. Nearly up"
"Great", he said, with a sigh of relief. Jack, as he was called, was a trainer. It was an odd tradition now, especially considering the fashion had died out at least a decade ago. But there they were, enjoying the life of a travelling trainer like so many had done before. Needless to say, that didn't mean they weren't tired. Not at all. He waited a while.

A wooden stick slammed onto the rocky mountain floor.
"Phew. I do not want to be doing that again. Kate?"
"Who's Kate?"
"Waa!" Jack recoiled, shooting up and dashing backwards. "What're you doing here? Who-
"I'm doing what you're doing. I'm hiking... Although I see that's a bit too much for you now"
"Hey!" Jack shouted, annoyed, "Just who the heck do you think you are?"
"Who do I think I am?" The figure swooped his fiery cloak around his jacket, "I'm the Magma King"
"Right..." Jack eyed the figure. He was rather small, only slightly taller than Jack himself, and with his almost emotionless, dark voice, it seemed almost impossible to guess his age or identity. He wore a blood red jacket, with similarly coloured flares, and a black, fiery cloak. Tall, black hiking boots, and dirty grey riding gloves hid the rest of his body. His face was fresh and pale, his long, blonde hair draping across his forehead, just above his eyes, covered by dark shades with deep orange lenses. He wore a torn, jagged top hat on his head, with a faint emblem adorning the front. Everything about him seemed masked, and he was certainly not just a traveller.

"Listen, uh, you-
"I'm the Magma King-
"Yes I know that! Jesus, whoever you are, you can't just come up here, scare me to death and then insult me because of my, uh, my-
"Jack? Everything OK?" A girl of the same age pulled herself up to the slope, and stood up, analysing the situation. She was tall, with simple, casual clothes and a camouflage green rucksack. She had deep green eyes, and long, curly, jet black hair. She threw the rucksack onto the floor behind Jack, and then asked again, "What's going on?"
"Your friend is simply-
"Hey!" Jack swung his hand in the Magma King's direction, still facing Kate. “This guy, just walks up here, tricks me, insults me, acts like a total-
“Woah, Jack, calm down” Kate turned to the Magma King, squinting her eyes for a second, “Who are you?”
“I’m the-
“Shut up with all that bu-
“Jack!” Kate frowned, turning back to a furious Jack, “Why can’t you just stop this pointless argument and let the guy go through?”
“Oh no”, Grinned Jack, grabbing a pokéball from his belt, “It’s way too late for that. You and me. 3v3”
“We just hiked up a mountain Jack-
“Perfect!” MagmaKing cut off Kate, completely ignoring her statement, “I’m glad we can agree on this
“You won’t be after your humiliating-
“Oh joy” Sighed Kate.
“Your humiliating defeat!”
“Oh you...” Jack boiled red with fury, madder than a bull, his grip tightening on the pokéball so hard that it looked like he would crush it, “Stop the sarcy remarking and get on with it! Machamp!” With a swing of his arm, the pokéball zoomed high into the air, releasing the burly blue figure.
“Interesting choice", he pulled a pokéball from his cloak, "Very well. Rapidash, go!" The pokéball was flung in an effortless toss, releasing Rapidash, burning bright and illuminating the now dark hillside.

"I'll start then. Rapidash, sunny day!" The clouds ripped open, releasing an almost holy-like beam of light, brightening up the mountain as if it were the middle of June.
"Heh. Machamp, Submission!" Machamp insanely charged towards Rapidash, fists flailing wildly about.
“Flamethrower. Quick!” Rapidash spewed a jet of fire at Machamp, only barely slowing it down. Realising it was far too late, Rapidash clenched it’s teeth as Machamp slammed it to the floor, beating it down and slapping it about like a rag doll. Machamp stood back, panting as it watched the downed creature. There was a silence. And then there was a shout.
“Agility! Quick!” Rapidash almost instantly sprang from the floor, ready as ever. It dashed around the area, back ablaze and poise magnificent.
“Ignore it Machamp, Seismic-
“Baton Pass! Now!” Machamp skidded in it’s steps, and watched Rapidash give out an amazing roar before being recalled. “Now, Arcanine!” Now with a determined streak glazing his body, the Magma King ferociously released the Pokémon. It’s appearance was dominating, almost godlike, fur rippling in the wind and body shining magnificently. “No problem, hey Machamp?”
“Great! Seismic Toss!”
“Flame Wheel!” The two dashed towards each other, in a blinded rage. However, the hyped up Arcanine was too much for Machamp, and the flame wheel sent it flying.
“Machamp!” Gasped Jack, returning him instantly. He’d need something better. “Come on out, Starmie!” He cried, the odd Pokémon blazing into the scene. “Surf!”
“Extremespeed!” A huge mass of water formed under Starmie, gathering into a wave. Arcanine jumped up, dashing straight towards Starmie in midair. Starmie was thrown off the wave, Arcanine still holding onto it, clawing and biting. “Gagh” Mumbled Jack, in a deep state of thinking. “Rapid spin!” He called out in a swift brainwave. Starmie spun around repeatedly, Arcanine dazed and confused. “Towards the wave!”
“Arcanine! No! Let go!” Arcanine loosened it’s grip, falling down and crashing onto the mountain floor. The Magma King rushed over to Arcanine, and patted it on the back. “Well done. Return!” In the blink of an eye, he’d whipped out it’s pokéball and returned it. He had one Pokémon left. The sun went down.

There was a rumble in the distance.
“A remarkable display, trainer-
“Just call me Jack”
“Jack. I underestimated you… Let’s see if you can keep it up!” Magma King threw another pokéball, releasing his final Pokémon.
“Magmar!” It cried. It’s appearance was the most dazzling of those yet. It was surrounded by a burning orange glow, with flames occasionally spewing from it’s beak. It was obviously well trained, being much taller and fiercer than any he’d seen before. “Let’s go, sunny day!” The sky reopened in a similar fashion to before. Jack anticipated this. “Starmie, Psychic!” Magmar was thrust high into the air, and then slammed back down to the floor brutally. Magmar shot back up, flames flying around in the moonlight. “Fire Blast!” A huge ring of fire exploded from Magmar’s mouth, flying towards Starmie and exploding on contact. Starmie clenched itself, bracing the impact. “Hold on Starmie!” The Pokémon’s gem glowed, and it began to regain it’s stature. The Magma King frowned.
“Huh?” Magmar was returned to it’s pokéball swiftly, and replaced yet again with Rapidash.
“Heh, him again?”
“Indeed. Solarbeam!” Without warning, a huge ray of light sped down from the sky towards Starmie. Jack gasped as the beam hit the weakened Pokémon, leaving it motionless on the floor. “Starmie!” Jack shouted, returning it to it’s Pokéball. “All right, let’s go then. Venasaur!” The beastly Pokémon materialized on the battlefield, letting loose a wild battle cry.
“Hmmm”, said the Magma King, “let’s finish this. Flamethrower, no-
“Earthquake, Venasaur!” Just as Rapidash started, it was thrown around by the shaking floor, teetering and spewing random flames, harmlessly avoiding it’s opponent. “Finish it off!” Venasaur stomped onto the ground, sending a ripple jetting towards Rapidash. With a final cry, Rapidash was knocked down. “Very good. Return…” Magma King grinned again, twisting his hat, “Magmar!” Magmar reappeared on the field, still with a burning glow. “Right then! Flamethrower!”
“Earthquake!” Both attacks were merciless, each Pokémon being hammered by heavy blows and scorching flames. A decisive move had to be made. And both trainers had the means to do it.

“Use the quake as a launch, Magmar! Fire Punch!” Magmar stopped attacking, letting a heavy blow strike it upwards. Using the drop as an advantage, it swooped down towards Venasaur, fist blazing.
“Hyper bea-
“Wait!” Shouted Kate to Jack, “You’ll be left undefended! Just let it endure!”
“I’ll take my chances! Go!” With enormous power, a huge yellow ball of energy charged in Venasaur’s mouth. Then, in a sudden explosion, an intense yellow ray shot from the ball, holding Magmar vibrating in midair. As the energy slowed down, Magmar fell to the floor. It lay there for a while, seemingly fainted. The mountain was silent. And then, through a miracle, Magmar opened out it’s clenched fist, revealing a small flame. Magma King grinned. Jack groaned. With a jerk of courage, Magmar pushed itself up, and threw itself at the tired monster. In a blaze of fury, Venasaur gave a primordial roar, closed it’s eyes, and then sunk down onto it’s stomach. “Venasaur…” Jack trailed off, rushing to the Pokémon, and then recalling it. Jack stood up firmly.
“Well played”, said Magma King, swooping his cloak around his jacket once more, Magmar rushing to his side, “It has been too long since I played like that”
“Thanks…” Said Jack, shaking hands with his opponent. There was an awkward silence. “Uh, so”, Said Jack, “What brought you here?”
“I am on a hunt”
“A… A hunt?”
A rumble was heard in the distance.
“Team Rocket have done bad things. Now they try to rebuild. I cannot let it happen”, The MagmaKing frowned, “I cannot let them find the heir. They must fall and be punished like criminals”
“Wait”, said Jack, scratching his hair, “Isn’t that the police’s job?”
“Yes. And they are incapable. The police of this lazy place are shallow, broken creatures, afraid of the monsters they were born to fight. I, am their replacement” Jack was mumbling senselessly, unable to really reply. Sensing the tension, Kate decided to change the subject, “So, you sleeping here?”
“I was planning on finishing the trek tonight… But it seems with our battle it may be too late”
“Absolutely”, Kate turned to Jack, “Let’s get the stuff out” The two walked over to the rucksack, unpacking two pillows, two flasks and a torch. The flasks and torches were thrown to the side, and the pillows were placed on the floor behind them. Night’s gaze was now fully imposed, blanketing them with cold and silence. “G’night” Said Jack, sliding down onto his pillow.
“Night” replied Kate, lulling herself into slumber. And as sleep began to grasp them, Magma King sat up. “Midnight” He whispered, “Magmar. Come closer”

There was a rumble in the distance.
And it was drawing closer.

Who is the missing heir? Why is the Magma King so intent on finding him? What's that rumbling in the background? All will be discovered in Chapter 2-Rumble of the Rocks!
(Which may be in the next week or so :p)
Here it is. Enjoy! ^__^

Chapter 2- Rumble of the Rocks

There was a rumble. Dust started falling from cracks in the mountain rock, and the floor was shaking. The rumble was close.

“Jesus!” Jack jumped up, springing from his deep sleep. Kate yawned, and sat up too.
“The floor. It was shaking, I swear”
“Probably just-
CRACK! A split appeared in the side of the mountain, and sand poured from everywhere. The rumbling was intense.
“What the hell?!” Shouted Kate, alarmed. She looked up to the top of the mountains. There were short, bulky figures at the top of the mountain. They stood merely as shadows for a while. Then they began to roll.
“Hmm? What’s the problem?” MagmaKing walked up to the pair, still wrapped in his cloak.
“I’m not sure. Take a look” Said Jack, bringing him forward. He looked up, placing his hands above his eyes.
“Yes. I do know what the problem is”, MagmaKing looked downwards, “And we can’t do anything about it”
“Well?” Jack got annoyed, and there seemed to be nowhere else MagmaKing had got him other than that, “What is it?”
“Trouble enough”
“Oh, for the love of…” Jack slapped himself in the forehead, “Don’t worry. I’ll figure out myself”
“We need Pokémon. I only have Magmar left and he’s shattered”
“You knocked all mine out-
“So we’re doomed. Whatever that is, I doubt Magmar could hold it off”
“Is that supposed to be an-
“Never mind, it didn’t mean anything-
“Jack!” Kate shouted, and things were silent for a few moments.
“Sorry, I-”Jack cut himself off, and blushed, “Oh, right”
“We’ll be fine”, Kate flicked her hair aside, and withdrew a pokéball with each hand, “Tentacruel! Golbat! Go!” The two busted from their capsules, each eager for a battle. Golbat flapped around Kate, screeching.
“Impressive”, murmured MagmaKing, spinning his hat.
“Thanks, I-
CRUSH! Rocks tumbled from the mountainside. Everybody gasped and stood back, making a path for three figures that were rolling down the steep slope. There was a quake, and the floor wildly racked and roared with tremendous force. The noise was unbearable.
“Guys!” Shouted Jack, his voice quickly drowned out by a sound of rushing and tumbling rocks. The area was covered in sand, blinding the group as they ducked down, bracing for impact.
Guys!” Cried jack, and then an almighty dramatic clash of trembling shook the floor. A final shout was heard, and the world seemed lost for the few seconds that felt like hours. And then it stopped. Completely. The sand cleared away like a dirty mist, and was replaced with a sight even worse.

“Uh-oh” Said Jack, slowly stepping away from the growling creatures. They were organised in a slight semi-circle, the one at the front with a larger shell than the others, and a scar over one of it’s eyes.
“Golem!” One at the side prowled towards Jack, raising a claw towards his chest.
“All right, I’m quite sure they aren’t friendly”, Kate grinned, “Tentacruel! Hydro pump!” A massive, swirling blast of water zoomed into the face of the approaching Golem, thrusting it backwards and sending it tumbling down the mountain. “One down, two to go. Easy as cake”
“Golem!” The other Golem, enraged, jumped slightly into the air, and then landed, sending a huge Tremor towards Tentacruel. The Pokémon cringed in agony. “Damn! Quick, Hydro pump!”
The Golem fired more tremors one after another, Tentacruel too busy dodging them to fire. “All right, Golbat! Confuse ray!” Kate pointed at the smaller one, and Golbat sent a swirling mass of ghostly energy towards it. With one stopping it’s attacks, Tentacruel easily dodged the other.
“Good work. Giga Drain, now!” Tentacruel wrapped it’s slender, grey tentacles around the Golem, as huge green bubbles flew from Golem towards it’s now perkier opponent. The Golem barely managed to lift it’s arm, with all of it’s energy sapped by an enormous blow. Shortly after, it simply fell backwards, starting to roll back down the hillside. Kate put her hands on her hips and grinned confidently. “Looks like we just have one more. Tentacruel, Hydro-
“Wait!” Jack rushed up in front of Tentacruel, hands in the air. Golem frowned. “That Golem… I can’t just let it go away. It’s mine”, Jack rubbed his forehead, and swept his hair back, “It has to be mine”
“Hurmm”, Said MagmaKing, “Let’s see how this plays out”

“Jack, you have no Pokémon, you can’t…” Kate stopped, and Kate sighed, giving into Jack’s silent pleading already to save the bother, “Fine. Golbat’s all yours. Take it from there” Golbat, slightly annoyed, flapped off towards Jack.
“OK Golbat, I know you’re not really used to me but..” Jack gulped, Golbat groaned and Kate cringed, “You’ll have to trust me. Come on, Double team!” Golbat began to emit a hazy aura, and then fired a blurry pulse from both wings, creating a line of decoys. Golem looked annoyed.
“Golem!” In a rage, Golem charged towards them in a rage of fury, slashing and head butting each one individually. “Gives us a lot of time, eh? Attract!” Golbat pulled off a strange, captivating look to Golem, something seemingly impossible for a Golbat but working nonetheless. Golem’s jaw dropped, and a goofy stare overcame it. Jack smiled. “Confuse ray!” Once again the shadowy mass fired from Golbat’s gaping mouth, surrounding Golem. At this point the Pokémon was completely confused, dazed and annoyed, finding it hard to pull off the slightest attack. It stuttered around, almost drunk, gripping it’s head.
“Go… lem… Go”
“Great!” Jack laughed, “Toxic, quick!” Horrid, gaseous acids surrounded Golem, slipping around it’s shell and wrapping around it’s legs. Golem cringed.
“Hmmm. Guess we’ll just watch things unfold” Will watched lazily as Golem teetered and groaned, hitting itself and gazing in love and worry.
“Looks like it’s going well so far…” Kate stroked her chin, and watched eagerly. As time passed, Golem’s expression began to change. Puzzling and panicking looks were suddenly growing into a frown, deepening quickly. Golem growled, steaming with rage. It looked towards Golbat. And then it snapped.

Golem!” In a blinding fury, Golem fired huge boulders from it’s mouth, as it jumped and roared.
“Golbat! Try and dodge!” Golbat confidently dashed side to side, easily avoiding the attacks. Jack grinned, but Kate began to frown. And Golem was on a streak, the rocks never-ending.
“Golbat… ” It began to pant, tired of the flying. The Pokémon flew up to rest on the mountain peak to rest. Jack just watched.
“Uh, Jack? Aren’t you going to do anything?” Kate’s worry increased quickly, “Jack! What’re you-
“Golbat!” A crumbling boulder smashed into Golbat, knocking it out and sending it tumbling down.
“What the heck Jack, what were you planning on doing?!”
“I’m sorry, I-” Jack cut himself off. Debris of rock had tumbled onto Golem, weakening it a fair bit. “Guess it’s time now”, Jack withdrew an Ultra ball from his pocket, and grinned, “Come on!” With that, the pokéball soared through the air, and fired a large red beam of light at the crushed Pokémon. The ball plopped back down to the floor. It began to shake. And Jack covered his eyes…
“Yes!” Shouted Jack, jumping with joy. He rushed to the pokéball and picked it up, coveting it’s smooth surface.
“Very well done”, Said MagmaKing, as he walked up to Jack, “That was an impressive catch”
“I’d have to agree”, Said Kate, joining the crowd, “But…”
“But?” Said Jack, turning to Kate. There was an uneasy silence.
“That’s the last time you’ll be using my Golbat”, Kate walked to Golbat, lifting it up slightly and hugging it. “Come on back”, she smiled, returning it. She walked back to Jack and MagmaKing. Everybody looked at each other.
“Best be going”, said MagmaKing, dusting his hat, “We have a hike to be finishing”

“Listen up, men. You know what you were hired to do. You know what we’ve been hired to do now. And you know that this is serious business”, Lex cleared his throat, and smiled, “We all know that this requires… Dedication”
“For the team” Chanted the grunts, almost religiously.
“Excellent, excellent. I have trained you over the past weeks, as you know, to be the best you can be. You are huge pieces in a huge game, one that will leave Team Rocket back in good hands and in prosperity and fortune. This mission is the most important you have ever had to face. I ask you, are you ready?”
“We are ready”
“Fantastic” Laughed Lex, “Get on the bikes. Everybody follow me in a convoy, and we shall make haste to Vermillion. Remember, time is of the essence!” Lex shouted, and then walked off, mumbling to himself. “And interference is just fun
Nobody posted to chapter 2. :'(
Come onnnnn. You can't hate it that much. D:

Anyway, here's chapter 3. Enjoy!
Chapter 3- Royal Thunder

Lt.Surge, 17/11, 2012

People are hard, aren’t they?

They can be innocent and friendly, then deceitful and selfish the next minute. They’re hostile and overprotective, and warped by the idea of nations and property. What belongs to them. What right do any of us have over this world? It wasn’t made for us. We do not control the forces of nature and life.

But that can be hard to comprehend. Some of us need control. And some of us need controlling. That is why we have government. The voice of truth and justice. They are our voice, the voice of the people.

And their voice calls us. They make us do their job. That is war. And war calls me louder than most.

The people of Johto are warring with us again. They claim right to what is not theirs, and we claim right to what is also not ours. I will begin writing my story. I must prove my point. And I must do what I can to stop this. Behind the trenches can be a different life. Where you have no time to think of what you’re doing before you do it. We destroy and kill but we can’t care. We don’t have time for it. We don’t have time for the world.

I began the day training, just myself now. I couldn‘t drag Raichu into THIS. The troops respect me as a war hero and I smile and thank them. Memories 10 years old flood my mind and I remember the good times. When we pulled through. Because we always pull through.

We‘re needed at the Tohjo falls currently. Johto troops are using it as a means to sneak infantry quickly into Kanto. We‘re guarding the exits. This should be easy. All you have to do is forget that you‘re fighting people. Tell yourself they‘ll kill you if you don’t kill them. Don‘t give in to reality.
And remember to load your weapon.

Of royal thunder, here I go!

“Oof”, said Jack, wiping his forehead, “That was one heck of a hike” Jack jumped from the rocky ledge onto a grassy patch, snow whipping around his feat.
“Cold… I should’ve bought a coat or something” Kate hopped off too, landing next to Jack, wiping snow from her hair.
“Hurm”, MagmaKing approached the two, his cloak enveloping his body and his hat tipping over his eyes. “Better be going. Need to find rockets. I shall ask in the Pokémon centre”
“Guess we better be there too. I’ll need to heal up” Jack, scratched his head. “Say, can I get your uh, Pokégear number or something? We might need each other”
“Good thinking. We need to stick together” MagmaKing pulled a blocky red object from his jacket, Jack getting a similarly styled item from his. Kate wandered off a little, lifting up some snow and watching it seep through her fingers. It left a cold trickle in it’s path, and fell gently back to the ground. She rubbed her hands on her jeans, and then pondered back towards Jack. The blizzard intensified.
“You guys done?”
“Pretty much” Replied Jack, slipping the Pokégear back into his pocket. He turned to MagmaKing.
“Best be going”, he murmured, summoning Arcanine from it’s pokéball. He began to clamber up it‘s leg, managing to pull himself onto the creature‘s back. “May we meet again. Farewell” Arcanine roared, and dashed off into the snowy mist, footprints denting the snow.
“We should be off too”, said Kate, “Come on. It shouldn’t be too long until we see a Pokémon centre” Kate and Jack started to walk, into a seemingly endless fog. The floor crunched as they stepped, the only noise in the thick white emptiness. “God I feel strange”
“I mean, it’s something in the air. Everything feels so ominous and tense, like we’ve just began something… Something big.”
“Maybe it’s just us being alone again. Even though that MagmaKing was a bit, uhhh-
“Strange? Obsessed?”
“I guess. But it feels weird now. Just walking through the snow, so far from the city. We’ll get back soon”
“I’m sure of it. It’ll feel great being back, I guess. But we’ve still got a lot to do”, Jack paused, “As Trainers”

“Hey move outta the way, outta the way-
“****ing hell, what’re you doing?!”
“We’re going, so move outta the way, or you get hurt
“Hey hey hey, I don’t take crap from clowns like you. You’re way past your time, pal. Get outta Pewter and back to yer‘ drain”
“I’m sorry?” The man in the black suit hopped off his bike, approaching the clerk slowly, fists in the air. “Do you know who I am, old man?”
“Yeah I know who you are you goddamn moron-
Do you know who I am?!
“Screw you, punk!” The clerk shoved the man in the suit, and smacked him with the full force of his fist. The man in the suit recoiled, one hand clutching his face. “Oh, you-
“What’re you gonna do?”
“You, you ignorant little ****!” The man lunged forwards, pinning the clerk to the floor. In a blinding range, he thrust his fist continually into the clerk’s frail body, punching and pounding. “I’m gonna kill you, fre-
“Soldier!” Lex jumped in, grabbing the grunt by his throat. Lex scrunched his face up in annoyance. “You leave the man alone. You’ve wasted enough time already. You’re a professional, understand?”
“Huck-y-yes, sir…”
“Act like one. Get back on” Lex and the grunt climbed back onto their bikes, gleaming black with shining red emblems marking the front. “Follow!” Lex revved his bike, and then stormed ahead of the rest, zooming through the lookout post and into Viridian forest. The bikes swerved and soared, blazing with fury. Viridian loomed closer.

“Hello, welcome to the Pokémon centre! How may I help you?”
“Uh, just healing thanks” Said Jack, placing he and Kate’s pokéballs on the counter. The nurse took them, and strolled off to a large machine, humming a gentle tune as she went. Placing the pokéballs into it, they flashed white, and then returned to normal. Nurse Joy took them back to the trainers, gleaming with happiness. “Thank you for your visit”, she said. She looked around the rather empty room, and then turned back to Jack and Kate. “Say, did you hear about the Dragonite? Apparently they’re extinct now. Environmental agencies are making a huge fuss over it”
“They’re… Gone?” Whispered Kate, everything seeming so more silent and unsettling.
“Yep. The last one, living on the nearby mountains, was captured and killed by hunters a few days ago. Now it seems the only ones left are all owned by trainers”
“Woah, I…” Jack was lost in thought. Nurse Joy smiled, and then walked away to the emergency room. “Come on, uh, we’d better get going”
“Right. No time to waste” Kate murmured, “Let’s get to the PC. We riding on Aerodactyl or Pidgeot?”
“God I haven’t used Aero in a while”, Jack smiled, and approached the PC. With a few gentle taps, Aerodactyl’s pokéball plopped out of the Machine’s side panel, like a vendor. Jack grabbed it, and put it back on his belt. “Let’s go” Kate nodded, and they strolled out of the Pokémon centre back into the frozen wastelands. “Aerodactyl! Fly!” Aerodactyl burst out of it’s pokéball, and knelt down for Jack and Kate to climb on. “Guess we should get back to Pallet. At least Aero here knows how to get there”
“Sure then”
“Great! Aerodactyl, to Pallet town!”

“Viridian?! How do you know they’ll be in Viridian?!”
“I-I saw them, oh god please just leave me-
“Saw them passing through here, huh? How long ago?”
“Just about, uh, five minutes tops”
“Good, gives me plenty of time to go after them then”
“Wait, go after them? What with, you idiot?”
“Whatever’s available at the moment”, MagmaKing smiled, staring at a large, old fashioned motorcycle behind the clerk.
“No wait a minute, you wouldn’t dare do…” The clerk frowned, “Would… you?” The clerk watched as MagmaKing stood silent, his expression wrapped in thick blankets of emptiness. The clerk began to move backwards. “Don’t even think about-
“Hurgh!” With a sudden pounce, MagmaKing shot forward with an adrenaline filled passion, grabbing the bike and revving it, a mad grin smearing his perfect face.
“You wouldn’t dare do thaaa…” The clerk was certain he would, and began to panic, “Thief! Thief! Somebody stop him!” The clerk ran after the bike, arms flailing and sweat dripping from his forehead. “Stop!” He shouted, hopelessly. It didn’t matter. He was already gone. MagmaKing leaned forwards on the bars, concentrating entirely on the path ahead. With enormous speed and determination, the final rider approached Viridian. Rain began to fall in the forest. The clouds blackened. The thunder was approaching.
May be a month or so late, but I finally pulled myself together to finish chapter four. :p

Here it is! Enjoy! ^___^

Chapter 4- Siege of Viridian

“Excuse me sir, have you seen-
“Do you know a man-
“All right, this’ll be quick-
“We need to find-
“Boss this is-
“Just shut-
“Coming through, quick-
“We don’t need any more trouble from-
“You seen this man?”

“Huh”, said MagmaKing, peering at the city through a thick black lens. He shoved the binoculars into his coat pocket and tied his cloak around his neck. His phone began to buzz. “Hello?… Jack.”
“Listen, we were heading to pallet. Mid-air. What were you phoning about?”
“Need backup in Viridian. More trainers couldn’t hurt” He said, fastening his boots and then pulling gloves over his hands. The phone muffled a little.
“Huh? Backup?… What is it?” There was a pause. And then a deep breath.
“It’s rockets”
“Rockets? That can’t be. They’ve been dead for years”
“Not dead enough. They’re back and they’re looking for something. Be here soon” The phone went dead as he slipped it into his belt. MagmaKing stood. Dusting it off, he put on his large, ragged top hat. And finally, with a mad grin, he lifted a blood red mask from his pocket, and fixed it around his eyes. “Hurrh!” He grunted, jumping from the grassy perch as his cloak slumped to the floor. The motorbike was just where he left it…

“Rockets…” Said Jack, pulling a pokéball from his belt. “They can’t be there. They disbanded. When we were just kids”
“They’ve disbanded more than once”, replied Kate, observing the chaotic city, “Maybe they’re back for another shot at fortune. Maybe they’re just desperate”
“I guess… This is big stuff though. You sure you want to go through with this?”
“I’m sure, Jack”
“Let’s go then”, Jack mumbled. The grip on his pokéball was tighter than ever. The two plodded towards the city, the screams and shouts becoming louder and louder. The noise became near unbearable. “Gagh, I can’t hear myself-
“’Scuse me, kid. You seen this guy?” Jack stared in front of him. A sharp chill crept up his spine. He gulped, and then slowly turned his head to the man behind him, “Uh, n-no I-
“Whatever, shouldn’t have asked you anyway. Like a goddamn brick wall” The man drove off towards the city centre, cackling as he went. Smoke jetted into the air, clouding the air as Jack stood in silence. “C-come on”, jittered Jack, “W-we need to help them” Jack trembled, his body twitching as he looked motionlessly into the chaotic void of Viridian. Viridian gone black.
“We’ll be fine, Jack. Come on”

“Hehe, you’re not gettin’ anything from me!”
“Keep thinking that”, MagmaKing bent over the bars of his motorcycle as it stayed in hot pursuit. The rickety old machine clattered and rattled as it chased the sleek black fox of the Rocket. The bikes were heading back through the forest, as the smirking Rocket had fled the scene of Viridian. He was an easy target. There was a mechanical roar. The old bike spewed a jet of smoke from it’s exhausts as it appeared beside it’s prey. “Hah”, laughed the Rocket, “What’re you gonna do now, huh? Kill me? Hah. Face it. You’re stuck” The Rocket smirked. MagmaKing frowned. The bikes were now parallel, speeding through the forests. MagmaKing swerved his bike closer to the Rocket’s with a sudden flash of ideas.
“Hurgh!” In an intense second, MagmaKing leapt from his bike onto the rocket, grabbing him as they tumbled to the forest floor. “Gaaaaaaaagggh!” Shouted the Rocket as his back slammed onto the ground, cushioning MagmaKing as he grabbed his foe’s neck in a streak of madness.
“Tell me!” Shouted MagmaKing, shaking the petrified Rocket, “Why are you in Viridian?! What‘re you doing?!”
“M-my back it ca-
“Tell me!” MagmaKing rammed his fist into the rocket’s chest, his grip tightening on his neck.
“I-I, l-looking for s-somebody!”
“Looking for who?”
“A-a son-
“Who’s son?”
“Oh please, I don’t know! In the gym, s-some guy!” The rocket cried, flailing and gasping. MagmaKing looked at him, and then put himself onto the Rocket‘s motorbike. “Good enough. I’ll figure the rest”

“Good. You in Viridian?”
“Yeah. We’re a little lost. What should we be doing?”
“The gym. Get to the gym. I’m heading over but I figure I won’t have enough time. They want somebody in there. Find out what’s going on”
“Will do” Said Jack, tapping his phone and putting it back in his bag. “We’d better hurry up”, he added, and rushed off towards the gym, Kate following shortly afterwards. The town was small, so it didn’t take too long. As they arrived, Jack peered through the window. Rockets barged through trainers and karate masters alike. People stood against walls, constantly being checked by the rockets. Jack approached the door, and gently pushed it. The door stood still.
“Gagh”, he said, then shoving it with as much force as he could. Nevertheless, it hadn’t moved an inch. “Need more firepower”, he muttered, his hand clutched over the pokéball. He flicked his hair aside. “Venasaur, go! Hyper Beam!” He cried, chucking the pokéball onto the floor. The huge green monster roared, and then fired a massive, intense laser at the door. It exploded on contact, taking out segments of the wall along with it. The gym went quiet, all eyes on Jack as he and Kate stepped into the gym. Jack stood still. A single Rocket, with cold, piercing eyes and a manic grin calmly approached him, his footsteps echoing through the building. He stared at Jack like a hawk, and then tipped his hat. “That’s strange”, he said, “I was expecting a magma king”
“Then I’m sorry to disappoint you” Said Jack, surprisingly confident. The man smiled.
“Huh. I like your attitude. I’d always wanted to get rid of that infamous pest. But you’ll do just fine. The name’s Lex” He grinned, throwing his hat to the floor, deep purple hair falling across his neck and face. “You’d better know how to fight”

“Better than ever. Venasaur!” Shouted Jack, as the Pokémon plodded towards him, taking on an aggressive stance. Lex tossed his pokéball into the air, as it exploded into red light.
“Primeape, go!” The hyped up, energetic Pokémon darted around, fists constantly jabbing. Lex laughed. “Let’s start this thing off! Swagger!” Primeape waved it’s fists, as a crimson red gas drifted towards Venasaur. Venasaur sniffed. It’s eyes began to sting. It frowned, and then began to shake. “Vena!” It roared, now fuelled with anger.
“Huh?” Said Jack, slightly befuddled. “All right. Earthquake!” Venasaur, turned to Jack, and then turned back, beginning to sweat. In an unprovoked strike of panic and rage, it rammed itself against the gym wall. “Venasaur!” Shouted Jack. Lex chuckled again. “Ariel ace!” Lex commanded, with stern force. Primeape screamed, and charged towards Venasaur. With a quick slash, Venasaur roared in pain. Primape jumped back to his original position, bouncing side to side.
“Damn. Come on Venasaur, Earthquake!” Venasaur roared again, but this time it focused on Primeape. Lex’ smile fell. With a ferocious stomp, a violent tremor zoomed towards Primeape, blasting it into the gym roof. Primeape slammed back down afterwards, groaning in pain. It’s eyes shut. “Damn it!” Shouted Lex, returning Primape. Jack smiled.
“One down already isn’t looking good. Better step this up! Muk, go!” Muk materialised onto the field squelching and pooling, it’s mouth gaping open. “Flamethrower, now!” commanded Lex as Muk fired a searing jet of flame at Venasaur. Venasaur screamed in agony, flames lapping up it’s bulky figure.
“Hang in there Venasaur!” Cried Jack, “One more time! Earthquake!” Venasaur clenched it’s teeth. It looked towards Muk, with a panic stricken face. Lex watched eagerly, and Jack gasped. “Vena!” It shouted, one last time, ramming it’s head into the floor and knocking itself out.

“Grrr”, muttered Jack, returning Venasaur. Kate turned to Jack, as he took another pokéball from his belt. “Golem, come on out!” The newly caught, eager Golem burst out of it’s pokéball. It’s battle cry rung out through the Gym.
“Muk, Acid Armour!” Muk oozed slowly as an acidic coat covered it’s body.
“Earthquake, now!” Golem jumped into the air, and then shot back down, blasting a fissure at Muk, who wobbled and spluttered after the attack. Lex frowned. The Acid Armour had helped, but he knew it still couldn’t hold out for long. He’d have to use what he could. “Muk, flamethrower!” He commanded, as once again it used the attack. The effect was limited on Golem however, as it shrugged off the attack easily.
“Earthquake, Golem!” Jack said again, this time the blow so powerful that Muk was quickly knocked out. Lex called it back and sighed.
“Hmmm, you are tough. I didn’t expect you’d get this far”, Lex lifted his final pokéball into the air, “But I will make sure you get no further! Kingler, go!”
“Kingler!”, The colossal crab-like Pokémon slammed it’s left pincer to the floor as it was released into the field. Jack frowned.
“Kingler, Crabhammer!” Kingler scuttled up to Golem, where it once again slammed it’s huge pincer, glowing blue, this time on Golem’s shell. Golem roared in pain, as it fell to the floor. Jack gasped.
“Golem, return!” He shouted, calling it back to it’s pokéball. He only had one choice left. “Hmmm”, he said, thinking for one last moment. “Machamp, go!” Machamp eagerly burst from it’s capsule. It raised it’s fists into the air.
“Machamp, Submission!” Jack shouted, as Machamp charged into Kingler, ferociously pounding with it’s four, powerful fists. Kingler cringed in pain as it continued.
“Overpower it Kingler, Crabhammer!” Kingler smashed it’s huge pincer into Machamp’s jaw and slammed it back to the ground with enormous force. Kingler loomed over Machamp with a manic grin. Jack frowned, as Machamp scuttled away.
“The two are evenly matched”, he muttered to himself, “But Machamp’s taking a lot of recoil damage and I’m not sure if he’ll hold out much longer with that. I need this win secured so… Aha!” Jack grinned. Lex turned to him.
“Machamp! Stop! Let Kingler attack!” Machamp swung around to Jack, confused. “Trust me”
“Have something planned do we? I doubt it will save you. Kingler, Crabhammer, all your power!” Kingler charged towards Machamp. With a swing of it’s claw, Machamp blasted into the gym wall. Kingler repeated the action tossing it around like a rag doll. Lex laughed. Kingler was soon pinning it down, penetrating it with a ferocious battle cry.
“OK, that’s enough!” Jack shouted. Kate gasped in confusion. “Machamp! Counter!”

Machamp grinned and Kingler’s face fell as Machamp slowly lifted it into the air. Machamp roared, and with tremendous force, flung Kingler into the ceiling. There was a huge cracking noise. Lex watched as Kingler shot back down to the floor, eyes shut and body sprawled in a devastated mess.
“No!” He shouted, returning Kingler. “So close was the picture of victory, but so far was it’s reality. You are a powerful trainer, and in these times with so few, a powerful trainer is of course a powerful man. But keep in mind that Team Rocket are far more than just trainers”
“More? You’re a gang of hopeless, washed up criminals” Said Kate, stepping in.
“You would think so, children. You should find out soon enough though. Find out who we are now… What we are capable of… Men!” Lex turned to the various grunts in the gym. We have failed our duties so far, and the hour is late. We will flee for now. To your vehicles!” The rockets rushed out the gym, Lex calmly following them. In a few seconds, the gym was cleared. Jack returned Machamp, and then turned to Kate.
“I can’t believe that. We won?”
“For now” Replied Kate, “And you won. I want some action too next time”
“Relax, you’ll get-
TCHHH! Jack’s Pokégear rang, shaking vigorously. Jack pressed a button and lifted it to his ear.
“Hello Jack. Are you done there?”
“Uh… Yeah” Jack paused, and looked around the now silent gym.
“Y-Yeah… We’re done.”
Hahaha nice battle between Machamp and Kingler, if only Pokemon battlign was like this *sighs*
Really great chapter, you battles really go into great detail. It would be better to space out paragraphs and quotes, it gets hard to read when they are jumbled up together.

Negative Zero said:
Really great chapter, you battles really go into great detail. It would be better to space out paragraphs and quotes, it gets hard to read when they are jumbled up together.

~Holy Star

I was thinking about that. It's just hard to find suitable points to start a new paragraph.

Thanks for the comments too. Chapter 5 is in the works, with the events of Viridian over, they're off to somewhere new. :F