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Zapdos Donk


What is MtheW? The world may never know.

Pokemon: 16
4 Zapdos (ND 41)
2 Victini (NV 14)
3 Pachirisu (CL 18)
3 Shaymin (UL 8)
2 Mewtwo EX (ND 98)
2 Zekrom (ND 50)

Trainers: 30
3 PlusPower (UL 80)
4 Cilan (ND 86)
4 Professor Oak's New Theory (HGSS 101)
4 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
2 Seeker (TR 88)
4 Pokemon Catcher (EP 95)
3 N (NV 101)
2 Junk Arm (TR 87)
2 Eviolite (NV 91)
2 Level Ball

Energy: 14
10 Electric Energy (CL 91)
4 Double Colorless Energy (HGSS 103)

I try to use pachi and shaymin to load zapdos with energy early on, and use zapdos' first attack and/or pluspowers to try and donk. I also use Mewtwo as a back up attacker and counter to other Mewtwo.
I am having troubles setting up fast and getting the pokemon i need, I usually set up at turn 3, later, or never.
All criticism, besides completely throwing out deck, because that would not possibly help the deck, is appreciated.
I do not consider Alternate attackers as ruining the deck, but it is ZAPDOS donk.
just food for thought. Thank You!

My most current list is up, and I am currently doing very well with this deck. However, I have not tested it with the zekrom yet, but we shall see. That is, after PlayTcg tournament I am in is over.
First off, I think its imperative to have 4 collectors. 4 Seeker are not needed. You could take out 1 Cilan, 2 Seeker, 1 PONT, for two collectors and 2 junk arm. I think this change will make your deck more consistent.

-1 Cilan
-2 Seeker

+2 Collector
+2 Junk arm
You could try to give the deck a better late game with tougher attackers (Zekrom EX/ Magnezone Prime) and possibly Eelektrik for alternate acceleration, though Eelekrik isn't neccessary and Zapdos might become more of a side-attacker.
I like the trainer switch ideas, i will try them on playtcg. Will think about zekrom. thank you, and i will update with results
Instead of level ball try dual ball and yes add at least one more collector no need for Maxwell out N if your running pont. I would also consider maybe a regular zekrom for later on maybe two or three
What would i get rid of for a Zekrom, then? And i am worried about not being able to get the energy i need without 4 cilan. Do you think removing one will affect the decks ability to get energy much? I am going to test the updated deck now.
Good name idea too, ill use it. Thanks
The deck is a little more consistent now, with the collector, but i still lose consistently as well. Is there anything that would specifically help me donk faster? i was thinking bring a cilan back, or seeker. However, maybe this is just a bad deck idea. I don't know. Opinions are welcome.
I believe the term is Bump, but i do not know if this is the correct time to use it. Oh well.
I was wondering, even though this hasn't been posted in Ina while, whether replacing one mewtwo ex with a zekrom ex would be a good idea as a secondary attacker. Any thoughts?
Regular zekrom would go great as an attacker since it goes so well with the whole deck. I'd keep the 2 mew two EX but it could be a secondary attacker, but I don't like it as much since it discards. Try some ssu for shaymin. Its pretty good. I'd get rid of the dual ball. Collector is enough.
The list I have on bebes search doesn't have dualball, sorry I didn't realize it was still on this list. And ssu sounds like a great idea, I will try to fit it in, thanks.
Not really sure what my actual list is, but I will update this one soon, sorry.