“Mega” Hoopa Uncovered in OR/AS Demo, Stats for Mega Evolutions
Update #3 (7:30 PM) – The level-up moves for all of the Pokemon are also in the demo. | Update #2 (7:00 PM) – Added the models / shiny models for all the new Mega Evolutions to the bottom of the story. | Update (6:15 PM) – Updated with information from the fans who uncovered it!
“Mega” Hoopa has been discovered in the coding for the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire demo thanks to our friend at Project Pokemon, who personally supplied us with the images in this story. To discuss this news, check out this thread on our forums!
I spoke to Kaphotics, one of the programmers who found the Pokemon, and it appears the demo is a stripped-down version of the game from a programming perspective. The regular Pokemon models were ripped out of the demo along with descriptions for several new moves, but some scraps of data were still left behind. As such, Mega Hoopa’s full-blown model isn’t actually in the demo’s coding – the model you see to the right is from a set of smaller, resized Pokemon models that will be used in the games for something else. Gamefreak may have forgotten to remove this set of smaller models due to an oversight or in thinking that fans would not be able to go into the demo’s coding. Alas, anyone who has the demo has data for Mega Hoopa sitting in their 3DS right now!
While it’s easy to assume the above model is of Mega Hoopa, there’s a chance it could be something else related to Hoopa instead (such as a form). The Pokemon has an 80 BST increase, which goes against the grain for Mega Evolutions. But for convenience, we’ll just refer to it as Mega Hoopa for now until we have confirmation from the games what it is.
“Mega” Hoopa will know the move “Hyperspace Fury,” a special Dark-type attack that always hits, does 100 damage, and has 5 PP. It still has Magician for its Ability. We previously revealed that regular Hoopa’s signature attack is Hyperspace Hole.
The stats for Primal Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza’s attacks were also revealed:
- 618 Origin Pulse – Water Special, 85%, 110 BP, 10 PP
- 619 Precipice Blades – Ground Physical, 85%, 120 BP, 10 PP
- 620 Dragon Ascent – Flying Physical, 100%, 120 BP, 5 PP (effect code present, but removed)
As were the stats of the Mega Evolutions programmed into the demo:
- Swampert-M Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70 Type: Water/Ground Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
- Sceptile-M Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145 Type: Grass/Dragon Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
- Sableye-M Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 Type: Dark/Ghost Catchrate: 45 Stage: 2
- Altaria-M Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80 Type: Dragon/Fairy Catchrate: 45 Stage: 2
- Gallade-M Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110 Type: Psychic/Fighting Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
- Audino-M Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50 Type: Normal/Fairy Catchrate: 255 Stage: 2
- Sharpedo-M Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105 Type: Water/Dark Catchrate: 60 Stage: 2
- Slowbro-M Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30 Type: Water/Psychic Catchrate: 75 Stage: 2
- Steelix-M Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30 Type: Steel/Ground Catchrate: 25 Stage: 2
- Pidgeot-M Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121 Type: Normal/Flying Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
- Glalie-M Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100 Type: Ice/Ice Catchrate: 75 Stage: 2
- Diancie-M Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110 Type: Rock/Fairy Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
- Metagross-M Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110 Type: Steel/Psychic Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
- Kyogre-P Stats: 100/150/90/180/160/90 Type: Water/Water Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
- Groudon-P Stats: 100/180/160/150/90/90 Type: Ground/Fire Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
- Rayquaza-M Stats: 105/180/100/180/100/115 Type: Dragon/Flying Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
- Hoopa-“M” Stats: 80/160/60/170/130/80 Type: Psychic/Dark Catchrate: 3 Stage: 3
- Camerupt-M Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20 Type: Fire/Ground Catchrate: 150 Stage: 2
- Lopunny-M Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135 Type: Normal/Fighting Catchrate: 60 Stage: 2
- Salamence-M Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120 Type: Dragon/Flying Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
- Beedrill-M Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145 Type: Bug/Poison Catchrate: 45 Stage: 3
The level-up moves for all of the Pokemon are also in the demo.
Here’s images of the models for each of the new Mega Evolution / Primal Reversion Pokemon, including their shiny forms: