Help The "Is There A Card That Does This?" Thread

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The "Is There a Card That Does This?" Thread
Welcome to the "Is There a Card That Does This?" thread! This thread may be used for exactly what you expect: asking if there is a card that does something specific (such as switching an opponent's Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon). When asking a question, make sure to be as specific as possible. Specify if you want the desired effect in an attack, Ability, Item, etc., as well as in what format, and anything else that isn't clear.

Anyone is free to answer questions asked in this thread! Please note that you should not answer questions with cards not in the Standard format, unless the person specifically says they are looking for cards in a different format.
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Are there cards that increase a fighting pokemons HP or cards that can reduce damage to a fighting pokemon in standard BCR-RS format.
Any cards that let you search for deck for a special energy?

Other than Computer Search, no. I believe there's an attack on a low HP evolving Basic that was reprinted recently that has that effect, but not worth it.
There's Solrock from... Primal Clash, I think? Regardless, it searches your deck for two Special Energy for a colorless energy. Not an ability or an item, but still.
I there a card that allows for damage counters to be moved from one pokemon to another multiple times per turn?
Any cards that let you search for deck for a special energy?

Special Energy/Energy cards
Solrock PRC
Heliolisk FF
Excadrill PRC
Colress Machine (Plasma only)

Any Card:
Computer Search
Swampert PRC (technically)
Manaphy PLS
Florges FF
Delibird BCR (flip)
Metagross PLF (Plasma only)

I there a card that allows for damage counters to be moved from one pokemon to another multiple times per turn?
Dusknoir BCR
Meowistic FF

Dusknoir FF
To expand on a previous question - is there a card in Standard that let's you move damage on your own side of the field, but to any pokemon (similar to what Reuniclus used to do)?

Also in Standard: are there any cards that can interact with the order of cards in your deck (similar to Pokedex)? Preferably something that can let me move cards to the bottom (or discard, just so long as they're gone) if necessary. Battle compressor doesn't count as your deck gets shuffled afterwards.
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To expand on a previous question - is there a card in Standard that let's you move damage on your own side of the field, but to any pokemon (similar to what Reuniclus used to do)?

Also in Standard: are there any cards that can interact with the order of cards in your deck (similar to Pokedex)? Preferably something that can let me move cards to the bottom (or discard, just so long as they're gone) if necessary. Battle compressor doesn't count as your deck gets shuffled afterwards.

First Question:

Second Question:
That's it. How dodge :/
Is there a card that let's you copy attacks from your opponents Pokemon besides Mega Gengar ex? I don't think there is, but just want to make sure. Thanks!
What cards are there that allow you to discard from your opponents deck or mill their deck, in the standard format.
What cards are there that allow you to discard from your opponents deck or mill their deck, in the standard format.

Too many to list


1) Go to

2) Where is says "Format" choose Standard

3) In Status Effects, hold "Ctrl" on your keyboard and select "Force Discard" under Mess with your Opponent, and "Your Opponent Draws Card" which is the last item on the list (Holding Ctrl is required as that is the only way to select both)

4) Select "or" right underneath the Status Effects box

5) Click Submit

That'll give you a list of everything in standard format that makes your opponent draw or discard cards. I'd give you a link to that search but the site uses php queries to get the data which makes link passing impossible.

Admittedly, the list gives a lot of Pokemon that discard cards attached to Pokemon, but that's still kinda milling.

The list doesn't include cards from Primal Clash or Roaring Skies, but two cards come to mind from there, PRC Bunnelby AT, ROS Dunesparce, and ROS Ninjask.
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For Standard:
With Lysandre's Trump card getting banned soon, is there any cards that allow you to get resources back into the deck?
I know of Pal Pad for Supporters, but is there anything for Items, Stadiums and Energies?

I'm not interested in using junk search sableye as it can only be used in darkness decks, I'd like something that could work in most decks.
Currently using a fighting deck, so anything that works in fighting decks would also help.
For Standard:
With Lysandre's Trump card getting banned soon, is there any cards that allow you to get resources back into the deck?
I know of Pal Pad for Supporters, but is there anything for Items, Stadiums and Energies?

I'm not interested in using junk search sableye as it can only be used in darkness decks, I'd like something that could work in most decks.
Currently using a fighting deck, so anything that works in fighting decks would also help.
I can't think of anything that gets cards back into your deck besides Sacred Ash and that Japanese "Energy Returner" promo, so I'll just go with things that can pull things back into your hand.

Off the top of my head, Diggersby XY allows you to pull two item cards into your hand for the price of a DCE; Bunnelby PCL can get you whatever card you want, twice (Omega Barrage), into your hand for just [C]; Milotic PCL (?) allows you to get any card from your discard into your hand when you evolve it from your hand; Energy Retrieval gets 2 energy into your hand, while Superior Energy Retrieval gets 4 energy into your hand if you discard 2 cards from your hand.