Hey all!
For the past number of months (since before I joined here), I've been working on my own custom TCG blanks. And after a lot of tinkering, I think i'm finally pleased enough with my progress to show it off! The blank has gone through a lot of major changes and overhauls, most recently around when the SM set came out, when I moved things around to resemble the most recent official layout, which I fell in love with.
Something that may interest you is the fact that I'm simultaneously also makintg the same cards with the blank I used for my past two CaC entries, the "Pseudo-Evo" blanks as I call them. These are classic gym-era blanks (courtesy of @Nekoban Ryo) that have had elements I like from the 20th anniversary sets merged with it, to make this Frankenstein's Monster of a blank that has elements of both the classic era and the Evolutions set.
Making the same card twice on different blanks may sound time consuming, but once I've completed one cards, it's a fairly quick and simple process to duplicate it. Though one day I may switch to only making only one of each card.
Keep in mind: Since my fakes incorporate all official types from the Pokémon video games, most 'mons have two weaknesses and resistances, to balance things out. I did not include a number to save space, so assume that (unless otherwise stated) weaknesses are x2, and restistances are -20. Resistances with a
Since the order in which I'll be making cards will be mostly random and un-planned, The cards will be numbered something like "#001A". The reason for the letter on the end is to determine the type of card. "A" means that the card is totally regular. In future, I'll probably be making things like "Dark" cards with a "D" suffix, or mega-evos with an "M" suffix, ect.
Special thanks to @Jabberwock for egging me on to make a thread.

The Illustration is from the Manga, I believe. The Artist is unknown to me, but since it's technically official art, I credited it to "Pokémon. The background is by me.

Illustration courtesy of Ishmam

Illustration courtesy of little-ampharos

Illustration by me.
Doing his best Meatwad impression
Illustration by me.

Illustration by me.
Neo-Style Babies return!
Illustration by myself.

Illustration by myself.

Illustration by Twime777

Illustration by tatanRG
Critique more than welcome!
-A lot of the retreat costs are a bit too high. The results of Feb's CaC made me pretty conscious of this.
-Charizard is quite underpowered. Being Liable to do 100 damage to itself may be kinda silly
-On my custom blanks, sometimes "lbs" is capitalised as "Lbs". You can tell which cards I made first, lol!
-The "Ability-Bar" on my custom blanks doesn't look that great, may get an overhaul in future.
-The overlay for type-immunities isn't that visible/good-looking. Will probably be remade.
-A lot of the retreat costs are a bit too high. The results of Feb's CaC made me pretty conscious of this.
-Charizard is quite underpowered. Being Liable to do 100 damage to itself may be kinda silly
-On my custom blanks, sometimes "lbs" is capitalised as "Lbs". You can tell which cards I made first, lol!
-The "Ability-Bar" on my custom blanks doesn't look that great, may get an overhaul in future.
-The overlay for type-immunities isn't that visible/good-looking. Will probably be remade.
As the title says, I'm also open to requests! Are there any 'mons you want to see me make into a card? Have a text-based fake you want me to make into an image-based one? Do let me know!
006A- Charizard Added 03/04/17
025A- Pikachu Added 03/04/17
141A- Kabutops Added 24/05/17
168A- Ariados Added 03/04/17
172A- Pichu Added 29/04/17
252A- Treecko Added 03/04/17
363A- Spheal Added 03/04/17
446A- Munchlax Added 03/04/17
547A- Whimsicott Added 24/05/17
709A- Trevenant Added 29/04/17
716A- Xerneas Added 03/04/17
792A- Lunala Added 03/04/17
006A- Charizard Added 03/04/17
025A- Pikachu Added 03/04/17
141A- Kabutops Added 24/05/17
168A- Ariados Added 03/04/17
172A- Pichu Added 29/04/17
252A- Treecko Added 03/04/17
363A- Spheal Added 03/04/17
446A- Munchlax Added 03/04/17
547A- Whimsicott Added 24/05/17
709A- Trevenant Added 29/04/17
716A- Xerneas Added 03/04/17
792A- Lunala Added 03/04/17
006A- Charizard Added 03/04/17
025A- Pikachu Added 03/04/17
168A- Ariados Added 03/04/17
252A- Treecko Added 03/04/17
363A- Spheal Added 03/04/17
446A- Munchlax Added 03/04/17
716A- Xerneas Added 03/04/17
792A- Lunala Added 03/04/17
172A- Pichu Added 29/04/17
709A- Trevenant Added 29/04/17
141A- Kabutops Added 24/05/17
547A- Whimsicott Added 24/05/17
006A- Charizard Added 03/04/17
025A- Pikachu Added 03/04/17
168A- Ariados Added 03/04/17
252A- Treecko Added 03/04/17
363A- Spheal Added 03/04/17
446A- Munchlax Added 03/04/17
716A- Xerneas Added 03/04/17
792A- Lunala Added 03/04/17
172A- Pichu Added 29/04/17
709A- Trevenant Added 29/04/17
141A- Kabutops Added 24/05/17
547A- Whimsicott Added 24/05/17
009R- Blastoise (As requested by Lunarwork) Added 29/04/17
547R- Whimsicott (As requested by Tails) Added 24/05/17
009R- Blastoise (As requested by Lunarwork) Added 29/04/17
547R- Whimsicott (As requested by Tails) Added 24/05/17
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